28 February 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday

These are my yucky, unedited (and unpedicured) feet. I rarely have time to get one much less do one myself. The winter my feet get UGLY YUCKY! The summer months (which it looks like I need to start now) are when I get the feet pampered. I hate shoes, I hate socks. As soon as it's warm enough to go without - I am making sure the toes are pampered. However it takes ALL SUMMER to get the feet looking half way decent.....

So here are my unedited, in the raw, FEET.

Thoughts on the flip side of my night....

Your Fashion Style is Classic

You like what's stood the test of time...
Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendy
You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while
You wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors
What's Your Fashion Style?

I would have to say this is me..... boring and predictable.
No real originality in style when it relates to my wardrobe.......
Sad isn't it.......

Your Power Color Is Blue

Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

Yup - this is me. Blue blue blue.....
I look good in blue - NAVY blue.
And the above description is so me...

avoid conflict - OH YEAH!!!!

You Are a Cappuccino

You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

Strong opinions on what I like - oh yeah....
Girly girl at heart (see fashion sense above) YES.
I do seem complex to outsiders but I am very easy to please.....

Okay - I am hoping to curl up in bed and sleep for a while then get up and scrapbook with my girls. Work was HORRIBLE last night. It wasn't too busy - I just had a really sad case.
By 0700 I was so emotionally burned out and mentally done I wanted to cry.
Tonights the last night - tonights the last night - tonights the last nite...

yipee yipee yipee yipee!!!!!
Doing the dance around the bed.........

27 February 2006

Question answered

Several of you emailed me about this book..........

I LOVE this book!!!

It's great for techniques with journaling.

It's great for ideas on journaling.

It's great for learning WHAT to journal.

It's great for different directions to take your layouts.

(It seems like journaling (particularly handwritten) is coming back....)

It's a great adjunct to Heidi Swapp's book

Love your Handwriting!

Also - I had questions about where I shop in Chicago!

There is only one LSS for me here!

Windy City Scrapbooking!

If you are visiting - HIGHLY recommend it.

If you are in the burbs - it's worth the drive in.

If you live here - why haven't you been here yet!

Okay back to work.......

My Goodies

Work was so busy and I was so tired and BLAH (note the pukey green color....) this weekend I never posted what I got at my shopping spree on Saturday.
My DH was kind enough to take pictures for me.

Here is my loot! My bounty! My prizes!!
My "heading to bankruptcy (LOL) had to have no doubt about it" supply restocking!

Check out the silent setter, cool embellishments and ribbon......

I got paper for several different layouts but mainly for the mini album I am making of Rowan and my trip to American Girl Doll Place - hence the HOT pink, LIME green and black.
I am so geeked about starting that this week!!!!


This book - was screaming my name.
It is a really cool book.
A NICE adjunct to my "Heidi Swapp Love your Hand Writing" book!

Okay another busy night at work - two more to go and a meeting on Wednesday - then I am off for a while!!!!!!


Hence the scrapbooking shopping spree!!!!

Sneak Peak at what I got myself for my special day coming up!!!!
(Can't wait for it to get here..... thanks Michelle!)

Okay taking my saltines and heading to bed. I think I have Gastro....

26 February 2006

Reality TV shows!

(((Monday random challenge)))
Which reality show would you be on?
How do you think you would do in
the competition?
Fear factor(daredevil), Project
Runway (relays on talents), Apprentice (business savvy), Rock star INXS (singing
as a rocker), American Idol (pop acts), and many more?
"For me, it would definitely be a show like Project Runway.
For some reason I work well under pressure.
Actually I enjoy it quite often. It motivates me when the clock is ticking. LOL. Work/school/life. I definitely love the show!"
(you have to go to Michelle's blog to see the rest....)

OKAY - funny story about this.... So my daughters and I squished in some quality time this weekend inbetween my shifts. I watched this show with them. I never knew it existed (I don't get to watch alot of tv - really I do not. It's late nite or nothing). Project Runway apparently is my daughters' FAVORITE show. They know the judges, the designers, the outfits and the challenges. They boo the judges and cheer the judges based on their decisions. They clap when a designer unveils a great outfit. They are fanatic about this show. So I read today's challenge and Michelle's blog and I am DYING...... My girls would love you Michelle!!!!

Okay - on to the challenge. I would make up my own reality show (is that allowed Michelle). (I would love to do a reality show on being an ER nurse - but that is for another post.) I would do a reality show on Scrapbooking (whatelse? Duh!). A group of scrapbooking "people" would get together. We would have celeb scrapbooking gurus as the judges. Each week is a layout challenge starting with pictures and ending in a layout/album/wall art/etc of their whimsy. I would be one of the designer that would probably get kicked out relatively first - but to have the opportunity to be on there would be a blast. Could you imagine the ideas you would get from just one week of imersion in that culture? Of course you would have a budget for what you could spend on each challenge - and money left over would count towards you. Blowing the entire budget is bad bad bad. The first week not so bad, but subsequent weeks - you blow the budget - shame shame. If you are utilizing scraps, being inventive with embellishments and adding your own personal FLARE on the design - BONUS points!!! People who push the envelope get bonus points and people who keep it simple but definitely "stated" get bonus points. It would look alot like Project Runway - Have to have a trendy scrapbooky name though.... any ideas?????

The reason I took the challenge in this direction???? I do not get to watch alot of tv. Reality shows do not tempt me. The thought of people getting up in front of a panel of judges - being COMPARED to others and RIPPED apart makes me feel ill inside. The Trump show is about the only one I have really watched because it usually comes on before ER (right??? ER or Law and Order - one of those NBC shows). I want to just slap trump every time - and usually the person he fires because they are equally obnoxious. Project Runway seemed rather tame and the designers seemed somewhat likeable. The fact the girls loved it - made it more endearable. American Idol - YUK - Simon is annoying. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can be a daredevil but getting older makes the bones easier to break... so that one is out.....

So there you have it - it's time for a scrapbooking reality show - (need a trendy catchy name here) - and I would definitely try out to be one of the participants. That would just be so much fun!!!!!!

I can't wait to read everyone elses response......

25 February 2006

Random Challenge

Random challenge for you

We all love our family.


There's always something they do that annoys you.

What's on your list?

from Burberrygirl


I absolutely hate, despise, annoy, get urqed by snoring.

My Hubby Snores (and has the bruises to prove it)!
My Oldest Snores!
My Youngest Snores!

My youngest would snore when she would fall asleep nursing - I use to have to resist the urge of putting the boppy pillow over her face. NO I wasn't a homicidal maniac mom - it was just that annoying - that low grade zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Snoring can literally send me over the edge. I'll be the wife you hear about that commits homicide and claims temporary insanity over the snoring issue.

Random challenge

Today's random challenge is

Share some of your bad date stories. I know we all have them... If you don't then I'm sure you've heard of some of your friend's bad date stories.

from burberrygirl

Bad Dates..... there were a few (giggle giggle). As a matter of fact - there still are a few (you know, date nite with the hubby).

My recent bad date that sticks out.... it was our first date AFTER Rowan was born (She was six weeks old). So despite the fact that I was missing her - AND Natalie - we were at this really nice restaurant. We were in the Bar area having a nice glass of red wine with an appetizer. My hubby reached across the table to get something - that was not necessary to get - and over goes not only his but MY glass of wine - down my light tan sweater, light khaki pants and tan sandles. The waitress about had a stroke and I just sat there in shock. Did I mention it was red wine? So off I get carted from the waitress to the bathroom with seltzer water. It's me, a waitress, a hostess and a bar tender in the bathroom dabbing at my clothes in the mirror. Now - was the red wine coming out - NOT A CHANCE. What did the seltzer water accomplish? MAKING ME WETTER. Did I mention Ro was 6 weeks old and I was nursing? (yeah - you get the pic.) The hostess and the waitress felt horrible (I am not sure why unless it was pure sympathy) and seated at this table far far far away from everyone else cause all I wanted to do was cry. We got free appetizers and a free bottle of wine - but at that point I was down with wine (good thing I still don't feel that way).

In reality I wasn't that upset about the whole incident other than I never went back to that restaurant. I was more upset that I was away from my girl (it's a mom thing). The outfit was trashed no matter how many times my hubby pulled it out of the trash and attempted to wash it. I think he bleached them at one point (hey a whole new outfit). Still wine stains.....

Anyone else have bad date stories?

24 February 2006

Fun Fact Friday

****Fun Fact Friday*****

from Burberrygirl

Because I am such a night owl and always have been my TV and Movie tastes were shaped by late night television. When I was eight years old my parents bought me a black and white television for my room. Little did they know I would hop outta bed at 0100 to watch whatever was on. What was usually on - at that time - were old old old movies (which are even older now). You know - Jimmy Stewart, Clark Gable, Spencer Tracey, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn... I didn't know who they were at that age but I sure did fall in love with their movies. To this day I would almost rather watch a old movie than a new one released this year.

As I grew older, went off to college, got married and had children (wooooah... slow down that was way to fast forward for this early in the morning....) my late night addiction never ended. TV changed to cheesy late night television series that never made it to prime time on the networks. Today - these shows would be on WB, Fox, FX, USA, TNT.... Not that that is bad - believe me I am a card carrying member of these shows. Shows like "Forever Knight", "StarGate" (before it was picked up by SciFi), "Lost World", "Friday the 13th", "Poltergiest".... you get the picture. I'm a TV/Movie Nerd - or freak if you prefer!

Only two hours to go....

Only two more hours to go - the countdown has begun......

CUBS TICKETS GO ON SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sitting at my computer frozen - waiting for the big moment!!!!

23 February 2006

What I *LOVE* Thursday

What I *LOVE* Thursday!
From Joy over at Scrapalicio

Coffeeee, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Coffee (any shape any form), tea, steamed milk, chai latte, hot cocoa that's Starbucks (better known as the green crack house on the corner). I love my Starbucks. When I lived in Michigan Starbucks was either a chore (to get to before they closed or get to before I was late to work because I diverted my commute) or a blissful moment spent with a friend after work (at 0700) or in the middle of a shopping day. Now - living in Chicago Starbucks is easily accessable and a joy. I know the staff really well at five different starbucks near me. Depending on the time of day, mood I am in or place I am at I could get a macchiato, a Americano, a Latte, a tea or Chai Latte. The girls fav - steamed milk with a shot of vanilla. For a special treat - Cocoa is their choice. Did I mention they carry a card for Starbucks like thier mommy! That's my girls!!!

SB Journaling Challenge

Blog Challenge:

Have you had any 'a-ha' moments in your life?
In the past?
How have they affected your life?

from BonnieRose

A-ha moment? I think I have had probably a few. Off the top of my head I can't think of any recently - which would lead me to think I am way too busy of a person! I would have to say that the realization that I am "ME" and I am who God wants me to be was a huge A-Ha moment I am still trying to work on. Occasionally I fall into the whole "COMPARE" thing. I compare my talents, gifts, passions, interests and accomplishments with others and think - I fall so short. But in reality - I am who God made me. I have my own talents, gifts, passions, interests and accomplishments. I also need to live more for me. What do I want to wear today not what Glamour mag would put on me. What do I want to listen to on my Ipod - not what Itunes is pushing at the moment. What do I want to do with my life - with God's guidance - not what is expected, desired, trendy for me. These are all things - that I realize now - were not impressed upon me growing up - hence the huge self esteem issue I have. I have no self confidence and do not want to see my girls grow up that way. I want them to be self assured, confident and secure in who they are, what they are doing and how they do it. I want them happy. Something I am still working on but so far from where I was even a year ago.

**Resilience** isn't a 'some have it, some don't' quality. It' a skill we can all develop, a way to look at our experience that's energizing and empowering-the opposite of victim thinking. If you want to strengthen your resilience, grab a pen and consider the following:

1. Are you more resilient than you think? What have you said you could never get through only to find yourself surviving it-and even thriving afterward? Write/journal a few sentences in praise of your courageous, resourceful, stalwart self. Am I more resilient than I think - YES. I made it thru 27 and 36+ hours of labor with no pharmaceutical intervention for pain. I made it through 18 months of breast feeding with each child. I made it through nursing school and lived to tell about it. There were times during all these incidents I did not think that I could make it through. I know it seems rather flippant but if you have ever been in labor you know. If you have ever been nursing - exclusively nursing - where all your friends, family and the like thing a bottle won't hurt the child - and what IS the big deal with nursing anyway - facing sore nipples, mastitis, swollen boobs, all night feeds, hour long feeds, teething, feeding every two to three hours - and that is just the tip of the iceberg - you know! I wanted to throw the towel in several times while nursing, several times while in labor and my senior year of nursing school - I wanted to drop out a zillion and one times. But I persevered and made it. The last time was when we were stuck in India with the thought that we might not get out of India for seven more days. We got tickets to get out - but when we were to get on the plane they denied us and the first phone call I made to the tune of $59.00 just socked me in my stomach. I didn't think I was going to make it. I was tired, hungry, dehydrated and worried that I did not have the leadership qualities to get our group on the plane. I remember at one point telling someone this (not in our group) - and all it took was for him to say - "yes yes you can - God IS with you. But - I got through and I am stronger and more confident because of it. These are times in my life I look back and think - I did it yes - but I did it because God was there with me every step of the way enabling me to get through it. Without him I would have never made it through.

2.How do you deal with disappointment? Do you bounce back with enthusiasm or fall with a thud? Pick an area of your life where you're licking your wounds and think of 2 ways you could move forward again and be more resilient? I hate disappointment. HATE it. I pout, have a seizure (like my daughter), curse the world and who ever was apart of that disappointment. I curl up in bed for weeks on end eatting chocolate and watching lifetime network movies..... KIDDING. Sort of. Depending on what the disappointment is I can usually just bounce back. I have to concentrate that what ever the disappointment was to me - it is all apart of God's grand plan. There is a time and purpose for everything. Sometimes while "licking my wounds" I forget this because my flesh so badly wanted whatever was the big disappointment. I have one area of my life that is a huge disappointment. I keep just focusing on God's plan but I gotta tell you - it's getting harder and harder. It's almost like a tug-o-war between him and I. I want this particular thing so bad but it's just not coming through. I know God has a plan and I am sure he is wanting me to give up control. HOWEVER - I do not want to give up control - I want this particular thing to happen. Who do you think is going to win???? uh my bets not on me.......

EXHAUSTION and Chicken McNuggets

How do these relate..... You ask?

Well - I worked 11P to 11A. Was it busy - Yes YES it was.

I got off from work at 11A but didn't get to leave until 1145. Why you ask? Cause I had to take a cute lil guy up to PICU (I hate dumping on the next shift).

I called the hubby at 1130 and asked if he would come pick me up (as opposed to me walking home five blocks) so I could clean out my locker and bring the stuff home. Why am I cleaning out my locker he asked? (and so are you). No the night wasn't that bad - but our locker room is about to undergo a revamping and the locker needed to be cleaned out.....

When he picked me up I handed him the grocery list. I also asked if there was a McDonalds in the Chicagoland area that was a drive through. Now this would be a good time to mention that I A - hate feeding my kids McD's and B - could have easily walked to the basement of the hospital and purchased McD's there....

There (unbelievably) is a McD's not far from us on Clark. In we pull thru the Drive. I order Rowan a Chicken McNuggets meal with Lemonaide and me a fountain pop! (LOVE Fountain pop!). Home we got dropped off and hubby went to grocery store.

I am now brain dead, posting my last post prior to falling blissfully asleep in my warm bed. Rowan is fed and happy. (Thank you McD's!) Upon awakening I hope to get back up to my blog surfing speed - until then see you on the flip side!!!!!!

SB Journaling Challenge `

List 10 things that you couldn't possibly live without.

from BonnieRose

Well - off the top of my head (oh I see yet another layout coming!!!)

  1. My U2 Ipod - nope couldn't do it. Couldn't do without it even for a day. Must have my Ipod!!!!
  2. My MAC I Book - I am hooked now. I am a Mac Geek and proud of it. A card carrying member I am. I do not know what I would do without my MAC.
  3. My girls and hubby (this technically would be in the number two spot!) - they bring me so much joy and sunshine, laughter and comedy, energy and exhaustion. I do not know what life would be without them.
  4. God's Grace (this would be in the number ONE spot!) Without the Grace of God and his mercy and unconditional love I would not be here now nor would I be saved and born again.
  5. My nursing license. Yeah - believe it or not I Love My Job. I love being a nurse (a pediatric nurse). Without being a nurse I think I would be lost.
  6. Girl Scout cookies. As hoookie as it seems - they only come around once a year - and gosh darn it they are pretty darn good. Thin Mints, All Abouts, Samoas..... yummy!
  7. Books - I love to go to Borders and just look at the new books. I love the smell of new books. I love perusing Amazon for books. I LOVE when people recommend books to me. I love to read. If I could I would fill one whole room with books floor to ceiling. Books Books Books Books......
  8. Coffee/Diet Coke/Dark Chocolate/Green Tea. One common ingredient - CAFFEINE. I have no idea how my heart would beat without this one great herb. Yes I know it's addicting, yes I know it's got it's pros and cons, yes I know that it sucks the Ca+ from my bones..... BUT I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!
  9. Entertainment (concerts, movies, tv programs) - I love to get absorbed into a movie, grove to a rock concert or be immersed in a program that keeps you on the edge of your seat from week to week (LOST!!!!) Lets face it - we can partake in these wonders rather cheaply. We are truly lucky!!!!
  10. SCRAPBOOKING!!!!!! DUH - without scrapbooking my life would be devoid. Even better - without blogging I would be devoid of joy as well. They go hand in hand. Bloggin has enhanced my scrapbooking and scrapbooking has enhanced my bloggin posts. I LOVE blogging and I LOVE Scrapbooking!!!!
There is my list of ten - can't wait to read everyone elses!!!!!!

Random Challenge from 2Peas

Bunch of random questions
1. How did you get into scrapbooking? I had a baby, then put it down because LIFE happened. I had another baby, then I put it down again because LIFE happened. I moved to Chicago and there was this AWESOME LSS within walking distance - and haven't put it down since....
2. How do you define your style? Style? I have to have a style? Ecclectic - changes with my mood and what I find is so cute when I go shopping.
3. Do you like scrapbooking with other people? YES - unfortunately I do not have alot of friends that scrapbook in the Windy City Area. Those that do - getting together is a bit tough - we all have kids, families, work, you get the point.... I love going to crops - but again - who has time?
4. Do you have friends that scrapbook with you? YES - if we can ever time it right. My Hubby will scrap with me.
5. Do you ever scrapbook about yourself? YES - alot more now that I have been doing the journaling prompts here and looking at the great ideas from 2Peas.
6. Do you scraplift? YES - If yes/no, why? I do the challenges on 2Peas and if I see one in a mag I love then I try to scraplift the technique, idea, paper, layout, whatever. I makes getting caught up so much easier!!!!
7. Do you stamp in your scrapbook pages? YES YES YES - I love my stamps and I love my ink..... the more the merrier!!!!

22 February 2006


I finished (sort of) a layout prior to departing off to work after group.

I say sort of finished because I am not sure it's finished. I would like to add some more embellishments so I brought the picture on my memory card to work to ponder the thought of additions..... So on my quick break - thought I would upload and take a look.

It was inspired by the Pea Challenge Week #2 from Wifeofcrewcab's "One Day". (yeah - be it all at the last minute - I am keeping up.... yes!)

Okay back to work - the ED is busting at the seams.....

Layout done

Schew... I have been so busy and so blah I haven't scrapped in a while. I finally got rid of my Migraine this afternoon enough to do this layout.

It is part of a GG challenge on 2Peas inspired by HeyAnne titled "Swim".
I wanted to showcase Natalie's new hobby knitting. She is desparately trying to teach her mom who is all thumbs. The paper is from a monthly club that I was getting behind on and had to cancel. I actually love the paper. It's from Scenic Route. I thought it looked VERY Argyle.

Okay gotta get ready for group!

Scrapping men.....

One quick update - you gotta check out my hubby's blog.

He has been busy doing layouts and posted a few to his WWW. Scrapping, blogging and posting pictures are all new to him and I think he did a pretty good job. TFL!!!!

Random Challenge from 2Peas

Random Challenge

There's a lot of people out there I wouldn't mind get to know better.
Who are some of the people you wish they would start blogs of their own?

from Burberrygirl.....

Who would I like to see start a blog...... That requires thinking and my head is like throbbing out of control. I think I am getting another Migraine. Wednesday seems to be the day to get them..... I have tried everything short of curling up in my dark bedroom and sleeping.....

Okay - Migraine aside - who would I like to see start a blog?
  1. BONO - hands down, number one person I would like to see start a blog.
  2. Ravi Zacharias - maybe he has one - I wouldn't be surprised - but would love to read it.
  3. Joyce Meyer - think it would be cool to see a post each day from her - kinda up there with Donna Downey et al....
  4. All my friends - I would love to see everyone I am friends with (here and back home) start a blog so I can keep up with their daily lives instead of a forty five minute bolus conversation interupted by children on both sides where half the details and funnisms are voided out.
  5. My LSS - I would love to see a BLOG from there....
  6. Ted Dekker - Love this author - he is so gifted. I would LOVE to see a blog from him.

    Here would be a good book to get them started - recommended from BonnieRose...

    It's a pretty easy read - and interesting. If you are not into bloggin - it won't read well....

That about does it for my oxygen sacrificed brain. I am going to go nurse my migraine......

21 February 2006

SPT 2/21/06

Self Portrait Tuesday.....

Well I am not as BRAVE or CREATIVE as Joy in her posting today....
You really should check out her blog. She recently got on a DT and she so deserves it!!!!

I chose to have Rowan take a picture of me and it just so happened she captured me during one of my "lets discipline my 8 yo who happens to butt heads with me at every turn" moment.

So not an attractive photo of my temper. I think it's hillarious Rowan captured this on film....

What was I thinking with the hair cut.
Never ever go to the hair salon AFTER you get rained on like a drowned rat....

It'll grow out right?????

So here is my SPT post for this week......
Perhaps I will get the courage up to do something like what Joy did......

SB Journaling Challenge 1/21

Road trip.
If you could take a driving trip (in a reliable car!) and go anywhere in the country and take 2 of your scrapbooking friends/buddies/celebs with you--

Where would you go ??
Who would be the friends/people you would go with?
What would you see?
How long would you be gone?

Just imagine. Think "Thelma and Louise," with one extra person along for the ride!

from BonnieRose


How exciting.... I would start where I live and map out a trip across country hitting each major scrapbook store along the way until we went through all the states (except Hawaii) including Alaska! Do you know how much fun that would be. You could have an album and in it a page for each place. You would buy paper and embellishments just for that page from that store.

I would take the first two scrap booking buddies willing to hop in the car with me - of course this car would be a fully loaded HUMMER. (Have to have something big for all the supplies that would be in the back for scrapping!!)

We would be gone as long as it took to hit all the stores. An entire summer would be ideal.... can you think how much fun that will be???? What a hoot.... And then to have a scrapbook album based entirely on the trip and the stores you visited....

I know I am way to obsessed with this hobby and absolutely have no life whatsoever....

okay back to work....

Early morning ramblings

Random Challenge

If you were famous and they want to make a movie of your life. Unlimited budget of course. Who will portray you? Who will portray as the ones who play a keyrole in your own life?

What type of movie will it be? Will it be a tear-jerker? A chick flick? A romantic comedy? A afterschool special? (with meaning and stuff. LOL)

from Burberrygirl....

Do they still have after school specials????
A movie about my life would have to be a chick flick/romantic comedy. There would be lotsa cool 80's music mixed with today's hits. I would love Wynonna Ryder as the person who played me if nothing more than all her cool hair changes would pretty much describe all the changes my hair has gone through..... Hmmmm could I get Johnny Depp to play the hubby????? No resemblance whatsoever.... but thought I could try.... Probably settle for Adam Sandler.... As far as "others" in my life (significant if you watch LOST) I would use REAL people.... I would comb all over for people who look like people in my life. Haven't you ever looked around where you are at in life and matched people you currently interact with with other people in your life previously? I swear we all have a doppelganger or two dispersed about.....

While my life isn't THAT exciting - what I have seen and experienced of "others" lives would make an awesome book. Someday - don't be surprised if you don't see a book on the market.... The book would have to come first then the movie. That is what the movie would be about. The people I came in contact with and the "stuff" going on in their lives and the interactions between them.

I have to get ready soon to go to work... (blah blah blah). I really do not know what I was thinking signing up for this. I am looking forward to the prize of a week off after this seven day stretch. I want to come home and work out then work on my digital scrapbooking techniques. I need to mentally prepare for Rowan's Kindegarten interview (how does one prepare for that?) The house - is a flipping mess and needs much attention - so much so that I am thinking calling in to clean it would be justified. The problem - I call in - I then want to work on scrapbooking or read or play on the computer..... not productive.

Something that made me laugh.... found on Gillian's blog (great blog by the way) on Tom Cruise. This is PERFECT. You have got to watch this. Enough said!

Okay off to get ready for work. I think I might splurge and get a Starbucks on my way to work - just which corner should I go to get it????? hmmmmmmm oh the decisions.

20 February 2006

Random thoughts on Monday

Looking forward to what the normal world considers the "rest of the week" (and whar for me is the end of my week persay).........

I am working days tomorrow (the big 0700) and lamenting on what crazy insane thought I had when I signed up for th OT place on the schedule.

I am then off to accompany my lil Rowan to her Kindegarten Interview. Let me preface this by saying that we put our kids in PUBLIC school. Not because we don't believe in Private Schools Nat was in a private school in Michigan. The Public school near our place is AWESOME. But I am a lil hung up on this whole INTERVIEW for KINDEGARTEN. She has a spot - what WHAT I ask you is she interviewing for? I am just not into interviewing for a spot in school at age FIVE!

Then - I have a 11P to 11 A shift (yes you read it right - PM to AM.) Again - what kinda of brain fart was I having signing up for that?

Then I have a 11A to 11P shift that was prescheduled and back to 7P to 7A shift x 3....

I think I have like a week off after this.... for personal reasons.... something happens the first week in March that I keep a very close secret. Top Secret!

On Lori's blog an interesting subject was brought up on friends. I had friends in high school to college. Some friends dropped away from highschool to college - but some friends lasted thru college. College to real life - again a few dropped away but picked up a few more. Then you get married..... Many friends fade away few friends are made. Then you have kids..... What few friends you have fade away and even fewer friends are made. WE have acquaintances - but no real deep friendships. To be honest - if we had friends (we do have some friends) we wouldn't have alot of time to do things with them. So - is it the fact that we have our own lil world encapsulated in our family with an occasional glimpse with others or is it because we have become such a busy society that friendships are hard to make and/or maintain? I know personally - I lack trust in others and forming personal relationships are hard. I would be interested in other's thoughts on this....

Okay - I have to set my daughters up in their baths. They have more bath products than I have makeup..... I live vicariously through them. I would love to take a relaxing bath - but I NEVER have the time to relax.

SB Journaling Challenge 2/20


It's Monday (my Saturday)!
Use 12 thoughts in bullet/point form and only one picture to describe this past weekend.
Post the pic and your thoughts on your blog.
Let's all take a peek into ea others' lives this past weekend, see what everyone was up to!!!!

from BonnieRose

SPT 11/15 Tools of the Trade, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

My weekend in a Baker's Dozen.... (doesn't that mean 13?)

  • Finished up a five day stretch of work this morning at 0730
  • Taught ENPC, worked on team two, triaged, floated and floated, Urgent Cared it for the last shift....
  • Sleep Deprived and Over Slept....
  • Fevers, fevers, and more very very very high fevers....
  • IV, UV, we all need IV's....
  • Cough, cough, cough, sounds like RSV to me.....
  • Coffee, coffee, and more (yummy) coffee....
  • Water, Water, Water - oh mi gosh I am so dry when I work back to back twelves....
  • It's noon and I am carrying my bladder to the bathroom from drinking so much water....
  • Toss and turn, toss and turn from too much caffeine during the shift....
  • Falling asleep curled up with my girls after I get home at 0730.
  • Waking up to my girls smiling face waiting to spend time with me before I go to work.....
  • Blowing my work out regimine because of this five day stretch and husbands previous committments......
Today is a new day.... and new five (ooopse make that seven) day stretch waiting tomorrow

Can't wait to read everyone elses great weekend Baker's Dozen!!!!

Random Challenge from 2Peas

Today's random challenge

List some words you would never use (or will use again)
in your scrapbook pages.

Words I would never use in a scrapbook page.......

  • Swear words (especially the "F" word) Just not polite....
  • Things that stereotype people like pink for girls and blue for boys, all sports for boys and all dolly stuff for girls. A girl can be a great hitter and a boy can be a sensitive son.
  • Those stupid travel phrases.... I would rather journal what happened on the trip than use canned generic words.

That's all I can think of at this time of the morning - it's my LAST of five in a row... I get a day off!!!!! yoohoo!!!!!!

19 February 2006

Therapeutic Laugh

Okay - so while I normally have a crazy screwed up off the wall back and forth never know if I am waking up or going to sleep at 0700 schedule - for some reason this five day stretch is killing me. I don't know if it's because I am heading into an equally distressing schedule this week or not....

I was surfing some blogs when I woke up this afternoon because it was a mindless thing to do. I am so BLAH I couldn't even sit at my scrapbooking table. Fortunately though - my hubby as at his FIRST Crop party (he would kill me if he know I was advertising this to everyone.)

I came across Embarassing Moment #453,002,345 from Scrapisms. It is so worth the read especially if you are a NEW mom! I can so relate to this story....

Actually - I have gotten to surf some really hillarious blogs in the last week or so by participating in the challenges that BurberryGirl and BonnieRose have set up. I am still amazed at how the blog web is weaved from one blogger to another. Thanks to BonnieRose that is no longer a issue as I am half way through this book she recommended on her blog a few weeks ago. It's pretty interesting.... I would recommend it - but I had to order it online. NO WHERE to be found in all of Chicago.... (believe me I looked).

Another interesting random fact... every since I got back from India I have tried to trade Dunkin Donut coffee (which but the way is pretty darn good - and always fresh) for the Green Crack House on ten different corners around me (I know there is not even a close trade on that one). I have been putting the money I would normally spend on the Starbucks trip in a lil piggy bank (okay it's a ziplock bag already). So for instance - Starbuck trip is $4.88 but I went to DD and got a French Vanilla coffee for $1.68. So $3.22 would go in the plastic bag. I am saving this for a whole month. There are particular reasons why I would do this... number one reason would be to funnel that excessive spending into my monthly tithe to an organization in India. What I have found - the bag is filling up with money - BUT I am drinking three and four coffee's from DD a day because they are so much cheaper..... Is this computing to anyone else??????? I am spending more than if I just went to the local green crack house on the corner?????

Okay - I have to get ready for work... coralle my wild children (there is no school tomorrow......egads) and head out to meet the hubby (who did I mention - is at a crop of his own??????) after I head over to DD to get that cup of java to jump start me at work........

Random Challenge 2/19 from 2Peas

Alrighty, today's random challenge is "What would you do?"

from Burberrygirl.....

  • What would you do if you won a million dollars? Hmmmmm A Million Dollars... give a tenth of it to my church, put a tenth of it in savings, still work but work part time, spend more time with the Fam and then hopefully do more short term mission trips.
  • What would you do if you have no children? (for those who doesn't, just think reverse) Geeesh I have no idea..... Have a fridge stocked full of food even the day after buying groceries, eat out more (maybe), travel more (definitely) but other than that I have no idea what I would do with my life without my girls.....
  • What would you do if you are the president of the United States? I would NEVER ever run - do you see how old they get from the beginning of their term to the end????? hello.... don't do wrinkles or grey well!
  • What would you do if you skip a meal? nothing - I do not eat three meals a day ever... that is half my problem. I need to GRAZE more.
  • What would you do if you are in your ideal weight? (let's face it, who ever is?) Still think I was fat.....
  • What would you do if you could meet anyone you want and who would that be? To meet anyone I wanted it would be........ Ravi Zacharias. I have heard him speak but have not actually sat down and met him. I would love to sit down and talk to him (especially after my trip to India).
  • What would you do if you are famous? Use my fame and influence to highlight world mission issues (particularly in East Asia) and raise funds, fund mission trips, make changes and get others to help as well.
  • What would you do if you are a "scrapbooking celebrity"? I am to my kids.... (LOL) I would have perfectly organized scrapbooks right? All my photos scrapped right? Perfect pictures and perfect layouts right? I would have an endless supply of scrapbooking supplies the latest and greatest right? I would have kids that were perfect angels so that I could scrap book right? I would travel from SB stores all over teaching classes and meeting new people who obsess about this hobby as well right? (BOOM - OUCH) that as me falling out of my chair at work that I fell asleep in.... oh what a wonderful dream that was.....
  • What would you do if you could change anything in the world? I would change world poverty - it wouldn't be an issue anymore.
  • What would you do if you don't scrapbook? WHAT - not scrapbook? I have no idea - roam the earth without purpose, become devoid of pleasure, never take another candid picture of my child AGAIN cause there would be no reason to, never order dorky school pics and last but not least - give my office/SB room over to my hubby......... WHAT A NIGHTMARE - say it isn't going to happen.... PLEASE say it isn't going to happen......

18 February 2006

SB Journaling Challenge 2/18

Blog Challenge: Your Most Embarassing Moment.

Do you have one? When did it happen?
What were the circumstances?
Journal your heart out and make a fun 'embarassingly funny' layout all about

from BonnieRose

Most embarassingly moment.... there have been several (LOL)!!! I have to chose the most? It depends on the context you know....

Scanning my memory banks the most embarrassing moment (which this nurse and I were just talking about prior to this challenge) was after I had my second child. Now key words would be - first I am a Nurse, second I use to work OB as an OB tech and, third - IT WAS MY SECOND child..... The things they don't tell you about childbirth and beyond.....

After the birth of my second child, I was in the hospital for an extra day (social admission really) because I had a 36+ hour labor and my midwife wanted to make sure that I was "refreshed" before going home (are you ever really refreshed until the first year?). In the morning of the day I was to go home the nurse wanted to know if I wanted to take a shower she would set me up. I wheeled the lil bassinette in the bathroom so I could have Ro next to me (which was about the only time that child saw the bassinette - she usually slept in the bed with me.) The Nurse kindly offered to watch her so I could RELAX in the shower. So - here I am in the shower, (mind you I just nursed prior to getting up) and I felt like I was in labor again.... Long story short (you women who have had children and nursed know what I mean so I won't gore you with the details) I pulled the emergency call button freaking out - the nurses come running and here I am naked (as I should be in the shower) pointing at the alien (you women know what I am talking about) that is in my shower..... (did I mention this was my SECOND child and I AM A NURSE)

I had to be reassured that I was fine, that was all normal especially since I slept in bed all night and cohabitated with my girl - nursing on demand things pool....

That would have to be my most embarrassing moment I can think of on the fly.....

Really it was..... Color me red!!!!!
(no pun intended....)

Random Challenge from 2Peas

A quick random challenge for today
Share some of your guilty pleasures...

Guilty pleasures...... I have very little cause once you become a mom guilty pleasures from before make you feel even more guilty after.....

  • STARBUCKS or any other (is there any other) coffee, in the coffee shop, sitting next to the fire, reading a book, surfing the wireless net, or just chilling... just me me me.....
  • Dark Chocolate - my own lil stash hidden away from my girls (who love it as well....)
  • Charmed (I'm sure...) no the show.... I LOVE that show. Don't ask me why, I know I shouldn't watch it - but for some reason I can't not watch it..... TNT baby....
  • Sleeping in.... this is something I can do because I work nights. Sleeping in is an indulgence because my hubby does get my daughter off to school (our hormonal levels together would create a huge blow up if I tried to do it....)
  • Books! You can never have too many books and if a new title comes out or a recommended title is thrown my way - it's in my cart at Amazon or picked up at Borders after I work out....
  • My Mac IBook ! It was an indulgence of mine at Christmas. My Christmas present to me. I am the only one allowed to touch it!!!!! (tee hee)
  • My hair do's. Triple color when I do.... It's the only think I can really alter and make myself NOT feel like a maternal boob.......

That's about it - can't wait to read everyone elses Guilty Induldgences.....

17 February 2006

SB Journaling Challenge 2/17

Remember the old adage, " Be angry, but sin not. "

This journaling challenge is all about our anger.

What makes you angry?
When have you gotten angry in the past & how did you deal with that anger?
Have you been able to deal with your anger constructively??

From BonnieRose.....

Anger - I don't handle well. I would like to think that I have mellowed a tad bit as I have grown a bit more mature (note I did not use the word "older"). I would also like to think each child has made me more mellow (you know that whole maternal hormonal thing.....). However, what I have noticed is less makes me angry - but what does make me angry now - sets me off big time.....

I tend to blow things off till it gets to the point that I am really Peeeeved off. For instance - say there is a screw up with an online order. Say I spend several emails, phone calls et al to rectify it. Say nothing happens for a cycle of twenty tries. I am good - til say the 21st try.... then I am done - peeeeved off - get outta my way.

I don't blow as much as I used to but when I do blow - get outta the way (I think it's the red hair). What really makes me mad - is when I do get angry - very angry - I cry. CRY as I am expressing my dissatisfaction. That just makes me more mad... cause crying is not an emotion I want to express when I am angry.

Speaking of anger......

This is my daughter - full force anger...... she was even more peeeeved when I took the picture of her angry!!!!
Things that make me angry..... off the wall things....
  • Stupid people... I mean people that make stupid choices again and again (especially when it effects their kids)
  • When I have had no sleep or very little because of my schedule and my girls are off the wall and not listening - Mommy temper rears it's ugly head.
  • Bigotry, hatred, prejudice, poverty, hunger and child abuse all really piss me off..... (yes I said the "p" word).
  • When Blogger is down and I can't post..... or I type a long email, post, whatever - and the internet goes down losing all. OR - type a letter, paper, word doc, powerpoint whatever - and the computer crashes (or the power flicks off and on).
  • The price of groceries - healthy groceries. You know - the food we should be eatting, non processed food, soy milk or organic hormone free milk, antibiotic free chicken, hormone free beef, non-genetically modified veggies and fruit, real fruit juice not juicy juice... Why is it harder for the general populus to afford this food??? The food the kids SHOULD be eatting.... (don't get me on my soap box....)
  • Our defunk healthcare system.....
  • a bad hair day.... (just seeing if you were still reading.... LOL)
  • clicky, snobbish people who exclude others based on superfiscial criteria hurting those they exclude.....
See things that really shouldn't get me angry - get me angry..... I don't commute anymore - but stupid drivers use to make me VERY angry - I would have been a GREAT candidate for Road Rage had I continued to commute.

Off to finish my circle journal page......

On a side note - Got the do done yesterday.... on an impulse got a radical change.....

My girls couldn't believe it when they saw it. Rowan was like "kweeeel hot mama...." and Nat just kept staring at my hair. She finally said - "yea mom it looks good, don't go shorter - but it looks good." (the ultimate opinion from Hillary).

Random Challenge from 2Peas

Random challenge for Friday
List some fun facts about yourself.

Random facts about me..... Can't give it all away if I am going to list random facts every Friday you know.... I am not that interesting of a person...

  • I have a tatoo... I love my tatoo. If you talk to my daughters they will tell you it is on my butte' BUT IT'S NOT. It's on my lumbosacral area. It's Asian symbols for Faith and Love.
  • I grew up in Daytona Beach and spent College Spring Break Season of my Senior year skipping 4,5,6 period because I was on the beach playing volleyball. (My HS was on the beachside....)
  • I am deathly afraid of needles. I went through 27 and 36 hours of labor naturally to avoid an IV. I tell kids that I poke for IV's that they have to hold me down to put IV's in me.

Okay that is my random facts for today..... can't wait to read everyone elses....

DISCLAIMER edit..... YES YES YES - I am deathly afraid of needles. It's a major ordeal to get an IV in me (really it is). The Tattoo - I didn't breathe through. The poor guy doing it would do a bit (I would hear wheeeeeeeeee) and then he would say - "Breathe... deep breaths" and then I would hear Wheee wheee wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. He would then say "breathe..... deep breaths please." So - the tattoo was an ordeal and I want to go back and get "grace and Mercy" in asian on my r shoulder. That was 18 months ago.... still no tattoo. (Big Shameful Grin).

16 February 2006

I "HEART" Thursday 2/16/06

Joy started this GREAT group on Thursday's called "What I love" Thursday.

This week I "HEART" my MAC.

APPLE G4Book, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Isn't it the cutest??????

I LOVE my MAC!!!
When I get to work and use the PC's I wanna cry. There are occasions that I need to use my family PC at home and I wanna cry. I have been converted to a MAC. I ust to think that MACs wer cheap, crashed all the time, unreliable and not easy to use.
Now - I don't know what I would do without it.

Random Challenge for 2/16 from 2Peas

Random challenge for Thursday

Never say never.
That never worked for me.

I know there's just some things I won't do period. Let's list some of our "never in a million year would you catch me doing" things. Scrapbooking related or just anything.

from Burberrygirl

Hmmmmm - that's a good one.... I have already said I would never say to my kids "Don't you roll your eyes at me...." I have - several times....

Things I would never do???????

  • Join a militant group against the US. I am proud to be American and every time I go through customs I am even more greatful for where I live. There are options and procedures in place if I am disgrunteled with politics. I only say this because I spent 14 long years in Michigan - and if you remember in the news - the Michigan Militia is a very popular organization especially in the Ann Arbor/Dexter area. (Big Press there....) Never heard of it till then....... and I am still amazed that these groups exist....
  • NEVER EVER EVER would I bring my child in at 0300 in the morning to the ED with a Fever to touch. I just wouldn't do it at 0300, o600, 0900, 1200 or 1500. I wouldn't do it in a pinch, I wouldn't do it sleep deprived, I wouldn't do it out of desparation I wouldn't do it cause the stores are closed an I have not tylenol - I just wouldn't do it.
  • I would never ever EVER move back to Florida. Just didn't like it growing up and don't like it now. Sorry mom and dad.... just doesn't appeal to me. I need seasons... I need snow... I need midwest city life....
  • I would NEVER ever EVER get a Brazilian wax... it just looks like it would hurt too much......
  • I would never EVER ever go back to work at an adult hospital. Sorry all you adults... It's just not for me. I am happy with the occasional adults that wandering in to our ED - but that's about it. I am all about kids......
  • Finally - last but not least - I would never ever ever stop loving my family and or lose my faith in God.
So it's so funny out right now.... we have TORNADO watches and WARNINGs going on. It has rained ALL day. I just played hookey all day. I curled up with a book and chilled out. I have to work the next 5 days (nights) and figured I needed the ME time. (LOL). I went to pick up Nat from school at 1500 and it was raining - just raining. When we came back from school it was POURING. Did I say it was POURING - it was POURING!!!!!
My poor babies (eventhough we had umbrellas) were soaked (including me.) We looked like drowned rats. Praise God I have a hair cut appointment prior to going to work. I won't have to worry about fixing this mop.....
I hear that WI (just above us - don't know about the entire state ) has issued winter warnings because they are getting ICE. Eeeeeeek. I would rather have snow - but no ice - so rain is fine......

My baby girl (Nat) is curled up on the couch knitting. She has me set up on my own knitting project......

Okay off to get my hair cut and then to work....... Ahhhh the first of five days (nights)....... God get me through this......

SB Journaling 2/16/06 from 2Peas

Here's today's challenge:
A little insightful, a little thought-provoking.
I like the ones that make you dig deep.

What is something that you have not yet done
that you believe you can accomplish during your lifetime?

There are a few things that I would like to think that I could accomplish in my lifetime..... Simple things - that just take extra time, attention, detail or encouragement...... (the last of I can get plenty of from my family.)

  • I would LOVE to learn to knit. I am all thumbs and a few toes when it comes to knitting. My daughter is in an afterschool class learning to knit. She has made a scarf and is now working on a hat for a baby..... (she won't tell me who's baby..... this is where I insert she is praying in Travail for a lil brother - or "twins - one of each that would be so cool." as she says....)
  • I would LOVE to go back to school and get a Graphic Design degree. I am a lil intimidated to go back to school for this because it is SO different from what I do know - nursing. Plus, somewhere in the back of my mind the balcony people are being drowned out by the phrase "really do you think you could make a living from Graphic Design considering the point you are at in nursing?" It ssems like a frivalous desire so it keeps getting shoved to the bottom of my to do list.
  • I would LOVE to go to Africa on a Mission Trip. (This may be more feasible than I am letting myself believe.) I still want to go back to India and Southeast Asia - but Africa is on my heart as well - it just seems less obtainable than India.....
  • I would LOVE to have another child.... a boy. I am not sure what I would do with a lil boy (LOL) - but it would be a nice compliment to my two beautiful girls.
That's very simple obtainable desires.....

This would be a COOL layout don't you think... BonnieRose is awesome for these challenges...

15 February 2006


Can I just say - I am sitting up watching tonights LOST (on video...I know) and

WOW!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!

Love this show...... just love it......

Acquired Taste.....

So I am up.... blogging, reading the message board on 2Peas and just basically decompressing after the today....

Law and Order Criminal Intent is on USA. I LOVE this show. I am a Law and Order Geek and it took me a while to warm up to Criminal Intent. SVU and original - ROCKS. Vincent Denofrio - ROCKS - but it took a while to get use to him on the show....

So - this nights episode is rather intense. Vincent Denofrio comes under HUGE scrutiny from a judge he is chasing on Rape and Murder charges. Apparently his partner had put in for a transfer at after the very first show airing. She later withdrew but the defense attorney brought it out anyway to discredit Goren (Vincent Denofrio's character.) Are you with me so far??? Okay - I was in tears (MUST be getting ready for that time of the month... to be crying over Law and Order) cause Goren looks so hurt. His partner tried to explain that she was honored to be his partner and had learned a great deal from him and her request for transfer was a mistake.

After the hearing - Goren walked out and met up with his partner. She is apologizing and he looks at her and says (the point of this post....)

That's okay - I am an Acquired Taste.

I LOVE that... he is an acquired taste - but that is not necessarily BAD. It's actually AWESOME. I am an acquired taste.... I LOVE it. I wanna be an Acquired taste.....

okay off to surf more blogs!!!!

SB Journaling Blog Challenge 2.15.06

List your immediate family members and share what you admire most in them, young and old.

These people can be in your immediate family if you are married and have a family of your own, or these people could be part of the bigger family YOU are a part of.

Journal about what makes each family member special. The things you admire most in them.

from BonnieRose......

First of all I admire my husband..... he is strong, sensitive, calm, even tempered, slow to react but quick to mend. He is as steadfast as they come. He puts up with me doesn't he.... (big shy grin....) He is a GREAT father figure to my girls. A great male figure for them to look up to. If they grew up to look for men like my hubby - they wouldn't do too bad for spouses....

I admire my oldest daughter. She is beautiful, courageous but sensitive. She is eloquent with a great fashion sense. When I have to get dressed up to go somewhere important (interview, teaching a class, in a class, at an awards ceremony...) we have this discussion. It starts out by me saying "well Hillary (as in Duff), the deal is I am being interviewed. It's in the morning and I want to convey POWER but Balance." Then she responds by openning up my closet and pulling out clothing options she thinks will convey that message. (She got this from Cheaper by the Dozen - but BUT - she is AWESOME at it.) She has such a HUGE heart for others. She has a servants mentality. she loves to accompany dad to Food and Friends and help out in the Clothes Closet. She has conveyed to me - in our snuggle moments - that she wants to be a missionary someday - and I believe she will be.

I admire my youngest daughter (I have two kids... so this statement is funny....) She is a free spirit. Nothing phases her. In the face of fear, anger, upset and turmoil she just laughs. She finds the good in everything. She is fiesty and stubborn but willing to give in for the greater good. she is full out 100% sold out for God and doesn't care who knows it. I wish I had her spirit.....

My inlaw are awesome. They raised four boys - including my husband (that alone should grant them sainthood). They are so full of love and understanding. Their love is unconditional. They are AWESOME grandparents. They never forget a birthday, anniversary, minor holiday, hallmark holiday or random ordinary day with my girls. They make my girls feel very special and have a relationship with them I wish I had had with my grandparents.

Those are the people I admire most and strive to be more like. I tend to live vicariously through my girls and draw strength from my hubby.... without them I would be lost!!!!

Thanks BonnieRose for this challenge! This will be an awesome page in my album!

Random Challenge 2/15 from 2Peas

Random challenge for Wednesday

Let's face it, no parents are perfect,
they all do things we swear never doing it to our own kids.
What's some on your no-no list?

from burberrygirl

So here is he thing.... I try and try and try to not turn into my mom but it is nearly impossible. I think the phrase - "don't you role your eyes at me..." came out the other day....

But there are a few things that I do NOT (pray daily here) want to emulate.....

  1. I pray I never say "oh gosh darn yet one more school function, concert, play, theatrical thingy, game, whatever...." My parents had a way of making me feel guilty for being involved in after school activities especially if it required my mom picking me up....
  2. Not forcing my kids to eat if they are not hungry... their stomach is suppose to not be bigger than their fist....
  3. I pray to teach my kids about equality and Christ's love.... loving a person for who they are in Christ... not their skin color, culture, background, socioeconomic status, etc....
  4. I pray I teach my children about being a christian as opposed to legalistic rituals....
  5. I pray I am always open for them to come to me about any issues and I will listen non-judgementally while they open up to me and not only keep an open mind, think before I speak and pray for guidance when giving advice....
  6. I pray that we share snuggling moments for as long as they need to.... hugs and snugs were not handed out when I was growing up.
  7. I pray I always first act with trust in letting my daughters spread their wings and pray for their safety. My parents never trusted me and always thought the worst - when I gave them no reason to feel this way.
  8. I pray that I support whatever direction they take in life wether it's college, trade school, SAHM, starting their own business to peace corp work....
  9. I pray that I maintain my health with living healthy, making smart choices and seeking medical attention when necessary so that I am there for them years from now. My parents are very non-compliant patients, never made healthy choices in their diet, exercise or lifestyle and consequently were not able to be there for me in my teen years and beyond.
  10. I pray that I am able to provided a loving environment, realistic marriage example and strong self image so that their marriages are strong and they have a strong sense of self. My parents were and still are in an uphappy marriage and again - love, hugs and snugs were not plentiful in my household growing up. Consequently I struggle with this now. I think sometimes I smoother my kids but they don't seem to mind - they eat it up!
I know that my parents did the best that they could when they were raising me and never intended for any of these things to occur. Many things are my perception I am sure - but I am over zealous in making sure these things do not happen in my parenting habits.

Thanks Michelle for this challenge!!!!

14 February 2006

Valentines Day

What a sweet heart my DH is.
He made me a homemade card and got me some goodies from Bath and Body Works......

I think that he did a pretty good job...... I love the front - so cute..... I need to hide my idea books from him... he is getting better each card he makes (Big GRIN)

Because I am CONSTANTLY washing my hands at work and probably (not probably I am not) drying them completely... my hands are CONSTANTLY chapped, dry and cracked.

Hence the really nice Hand stuff from B&BW! I am so excited. This is something that (I should) I don't indulge in on my own dime.....

Here is a Layout I did tonight after we got home from dinner. We went to Las Fuentes for dinner. It's this cute lil Mexican Restaurant just aournd the corner from where we live. My oldest LOVES eatting there so we induldged her.

I hope everyone else had a nice Valentines Day as well!!!!

SPT 2/14/06

Self Portrait Tuesday 2/14/06
Happy Valentines Day

Again me in the raw, unedited and real.

Rowan took this picture of me AFTER I worked out. I share this photo because I never get "Dressed Up" to go to the gym. Heck - I am lucky if my socks match or my sports bra matches my running pants. There are a thousand and one gyms in Chicago. This is humorous in the fact that the ones that try to get ahead do so by playing the "Chic Trendy" card.
I unfortunately (or fortunately) go to boring ole Bally's where all they care about is you paying your fee's each month.
(I am convinced they are annoyed by life time members that have an $8.00 a month fee too.... )
But that's another story....

Back to the subject of SPT. This is how I look when I am done working out. No make-up, no fancy hair do, no $50.00 workout shirt (just an old stained sweatshirt that is oh so cozy) and sweat kissed cheeks. This is my entry for this week.....

I am quite sure I would never be allowed to enter the other "TRENDY" clubs around here... Just not dressed up or glamorous enough.....

Hubby's Mini Album

I finished it -just in time......

This is the Mini Album I made for my hubby for Valentines Day. The pages were either inspired by the January Jump Start Scrap challenge or DW 2006. I also was inspired to make the album Donna Downey-esque from the Big Picture class she is teaching. (Week Three!) The Velvet idea came from a Stamping Magazine I picked up at my LSS a few months ago.

I wanted the Velvet to turn out a little better was kinda disappointed with it.

I tried to collect cool candids recently taken to put in the album....

I used the BoBunny line of Valentine paper - LOVE IT!

And various embellishments as well as diamond glaze and stickles.....
The Velvet actually held the book together well - it makes a cute lil album. Just gotta get the stampin on Velvet more precise....

Obviously more pictures ofthe girls than me... HATE pictures of myself......