31 January 2006

Wednesday Random Challenge from 2 Peas

Wednesday random challenge:

List some of the topics/photos/events that's easy for you to scrap, also list some that's difficult for you to scrap.


Easy to scrap - My girls. Anything about my girls. Any picture I can scrap or journal about. Even the every day random candid photo shots - I can find a way to scrap those.....

Difficult to scrap - Pictures of myself (cause I usually don't like them) or vacation shots (this would be a good time to mention that I still have not even started on page one of my Australian album from last summer.....) My new year intention is to work this.... make it happen this year.....

Okay - lunch break over, back to work.....

Ms. Betty (our late nite cafe' person) made me two huge pancakes. I ordered one. I got to the break room, lifted the top of my plate and was shocked. There sat TWO hot pancakes waiting for me to devour them.

Ms. Betty is the BEST!

SPT - 1/31/06 My Cankles

My Cankles.....

Okay I really do not have Cankles 24/7. This was an extremely bad day for me. That I took this picture is beyond me..... It was our sixth day in India and I had pitting edema. They are so swollen they are shiny. I never got this when I was pregnant but I sure got it that day. I went to bed with ankles, woke up that morning with Cankles. I am not editing or deleting this photo.... but I want to.....

What I like about this photo - my shoes... aren't they just the cutest? : )

Blogger poll from 2 peas

From Burberrygirl....

List your top 5-20 favorite companies (scrapbooking/stamping/crafting)?


  1. KI
  2. Basic Grey
  3. Rusty Pickle
  4. Junkits
  5. Chatterbox
  6. Bo Bunny
  7. Heidi Grace
  8. Bazzil
  9. Stampin Up
  10. Zig Marker

This was a GREAT way to destress after my interview!!!!! One of the questions in my interview was "how do you destress or get rid of your frustration after work?" My answer - spend time with my family and scrapbook!

What about you guys - you are reading this - get blogging!!!!

A lil nervous here.......

My mama always said it's not important to you if you aren't nervous....

Okay maybe mama didn't say it - but someone did.... My College Freshman Speech Instructor???

So - I am off.... off to be fed to the furnace like Shadrach, Meshach and Obendigo....

(I crack myself up.......)

I am off to my interview. Two hours. One hour with the Clinical Managers and one hour with co-workers.....

I hardly slept last night (which should prove to be interesting since I have to work 3P to 3A and then back at 0700 for a meeting......)

so - here I go....... wish me luch.... say a lil prayer please...... (That I don't break down into tears, run out vowing to never return.......)

30 January 2006

Deliriously scraplifting

I got alot done this weekend because of my funky schedule (3P to 3A on Friday and then 7P to 7A on Sunday.) Plus I had a touch of the ole insomnia. I even got a jump start on my hubby's Bday card.... imagine that - it's not even February yet.....

I tried to get caught up on my scraplifts for the 2Peas Scraplift challenge. I had a blast doing this LO below.

It's a double scraplift. I used the album cover from India as my inspriation!

I love these colors - Navy Blue and Lime Green!

Okay back to work!

Random Challenge of the Day from 2Peas

My random challenge of the day (from burberrygirl)

1. List top 5-10 strength of yours as a scrapbooker.
- I am good at making mini albums of any size.
- I am good at making very unique cards for any occasion.
- I am good at cropping to get the right picture angle.
- I am good at using embellishments, paper, ribbon and other things from different sources.
- I am good at getting layouts done.
- I am good at making completing other peoples albums (whether being paid to or as a gift.)
- I am good at altering my style so my pages are more ecclectic looking.

2. List top 5-10 weakness of yours as a scrapbooker.

- I am not so good at putting my layouts in their actual album.
- I am not so good at hand journaling.
- I do not have a great sense of color coordination unless it is blatantly obvious.
- I do not have a specific "style."
- I rarely feel like the layout is "complete." (which goes along with why I rarely put them in albums.
- I either under or over do the embellishments.

This was very thought provoking. Aprope since I have an interview tomorrow and will probably need to mention my strengths and weaknesses!

Also - while on my lunch break I found this! (Thanks Burberrygirl!)

My Bloginality is INTP!!!

As an INTP, you are Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving.
This makes your primary focus on Introverted Thinking with an Extraverted Intuition.

This is defined as a NT personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Rational (Knowledge Seeking) type, and more specifically the Architect or Thinker.

As a weblogger, you might not be as concerned about popularity, but more with the ideas and theories that you strive to understand. Because routines aren't your strong point, you might be more likely to work on the concept of how to do a blog, but not be as excited to keep it up.

Odd how close to right this is.....

29 January 2006

Birthday invite.....

So I got home from a rather busy night at work - to six invitations waiting for me to make them! Rowan's Fifth Bday party is this Friday.

Everyone knows - but no one got the invite yet. It's a sleep over. So - here I sat on my bed, propping the eyes open - making the invites.

I think - for no sleep - they turned out kinda girly cute....

Rowan LOVES them! That's all that counts right???

Okay I am heading off to bed.

BTW - I used no scraps. I used some girly paper I got at the LSS on SALE (Clearance!!!)
I was inspired by the PJ Crop invites from January's Scrapbook Answers!

Sunday Blogger Challenge from 2Peas

If you were single, unattached - which celebrity would you like to
date. Pick as many as you want. I know I will -


I am not unattached so this is hard for me..... So I am thinking - if my daughter were of the dating age.... whom would I want her to date? (We must not let this post get back to my dear hubby!!!)

Bono hands down..... (nope he's attached).

Johnny Depp.... (nope he's attached as well).

Keanu Reeves..... (only if he didn't open his mouth to speak - because the minute he did that would ruin it.)

Jet Li..... (I know she would be protected.....)

Martin - lead singer from Delirious...... (is he attached????)

India Trip disc two214_edited-2, originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Can't tell - I am blocking his left hand.....
Okay enough goofing off, back to work I must go! Dinner is over (BIG frown)!!!!!
Editted (thank you Burberrygirl!) - I would formally like to add Brian Griese to the list. Brian and Nat have a history they do! Nat was in the hospital at 4 months for a rxn to her immunizations. Brian and the rest of the U of M football team were on the floor she was on visiting. They stopped by her room and Brian actually HELD her. I have the picture SOMEWHERE.... (what a picture to lose huh?) Nat - to this day - watches him play Pro Football and yells - "Go Brian, Go Brian, Go Brian - Yeah Brian!!!"

28 January 2006

Layouts Layouts Layouts....

I got alot done this week!
I was productive!
I am so happy!!!!!

I got caught up on my assignments from Donna Downey's Class at the Big Picture! I started on my India Album and got some of the girl's pictures done as well!

I still had time to workout each day this week.
The soreness is starting to edge off.... a little...

Here are my pages from Donna's Class.

This is my SS Date Planner. I do not know what I would do without it now. To think I was all about my palm pilot a year ago. This is so much cuter and practical!!!!

I loved her idea of faces throughout the year. I am excited about actually getting a photo each month of my girls to do a layout like this next year for their scrapbooks. Imagine a baby through the year - how they change.

I see subtle changes in the girls with these pictures which really makes my heart feel full! This was SO easy to do!!! (other than combing thru pics looking for each month. I think that is why I am starting now!)

So here is my mini album. This will be for chronicling my Balancing Out in 2006. A page for each month for nine months. (It takes Nine Months to birth something right? NO - no subliminal messages here... just I figured in Nine Months there should be a change noticable... yes????)

Here is the first page of this book!

I will post more later... Men are outta the house and I am going to scrap with my girls now. Natalie is into collages (only she calls is Colleges!)

27 January 2006

Music while scrapin'

What are your favorite songs/band/album to listen while you scrap? Why?

Hmmmmmmmm - that' s a good question!

I am almost afraid to admit it - but mostly 80's Music.... (hiding behind the desk....)
I do listen to U2, some Delirious, and nedw tunes... but 80's gets me moving!!!

What about you?

26 January 2006

SB Journaling Blog Challenge 1.26.06

Since ValentinesDay is just around the corner, I thought I would offer up a meme challenge all about.. you guessed it, love- specifically, unconditional love. Here it is: Who do you love unconditionally? What does being loved unconditionally mean to you? Have you ever been loved unconditionally? By whom?

Unconditional Love! A very deep subject. I would like to think that there are people in my life that I surround in unconditional love. Unconditional love - meaning no matter what - you love them. Doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be disappointed, upset, angry or frustrated by - but you still love them deep in your heart. I believe there is unconditional love in marriage - or a marriage would never last after the vows were said. Sometimes I think that unconditional love found in marriage is a little hard to swallow - but deep down it's there. For me personally I couldn't imagine my marriage without it. We both screw up but we stay together because of it! Without a doubt being a mom (or dad) requires unconditional love. As a mom (speaking from my own personal experience), from the moment of conception unconditional love takes over. You have an overwhelming sense of love you have never experienced before. Suddenly your entire world revolves around this baby inside of you. Every wave of nausea, pound gained, stretch mark found, kick in the bladder and heart burn endured is filled with overwhelming unconditional love for your baby. Labor in and of itself could not be endured without uncondtional love. (You think I am kidding?) Every nursing frustration, sleep deprivation and irrational concern over your newborns health is driven by unconditional love. A mom would not be able to get through these moments without it. Asthe baby grows into a toddler, pre-schooler, child.... your unconditional love grows as well. It grows to meet the challenges that you face with your child. The stand off at the bedroom door over grounding your child for not behaving and missing a party, the time out in the corner as they stare you down, your favorite party dress ruined because they wore it outside to play, getting called into the principles office, palying referee between siblings.... all driven and supported by unconditional love. I LOVE BEING A MOM! I have said it a thousand and one times. But there are days that being a mom is rough. BUT - in the end - no matter what has happened in parentdom you love your child. That is unconditional love.

Unconditional love towards others - is a stretch. Humanly - it's a stretch. I think we would all like to think that we possess it towards our friends and family - but unconditional love means we do not let emotions, history, looks, reactions, relationships, and other things taint that love we feel for them.

That said - I am so very greatful for the Uncontional Love that God has for us! Without it, I for one, would be condemned. There isn't a day that goes by I don't screw up at least 10 times. God knew before I was born all my screw ups - and you know what - he still loves me!

That, my friend, is true unconditional love!

25 January 2006

Meme challenge for Blogs, 1.25.06

Here is the challenge: From Two Peas in a Bucket

(I am actually using this as inspiration for a LO for the Scraplift Challenge on Two Peas)

When you're feeling creative, what colors do you usually go for - when creating something? List your 5 most-used colors, and explain why you choose them. What feelings in you - do they evoke? What emotions/feelings do they represent to you? Share why you choose the colors you do.

1. Lime Green (shades of) - I have no idea why this color is so prominent in my life and layouts. I LOVE this color. It's so trendy yet so against the grain. You either love this color or hate it. You either look good in this color or you don't. There is no shades of gray (no pun intended) with this color. You can't occasionally use it - you have to be fully committed to this color and committed to liking it years from now. It's warm and cool, it's tangy and tart. It's a sweettart! It's a bold statement. It requires confidence to carry this color off.

2. Purple - A great compliment to Lime Green as well as a great stand alone. It reminds me of a popsicle on a hot summer afternoon - cool and sweet. Great reminder of summer fun and fanciful moments. It screams - PARTY TIME! This is a color that mingles well with others, the life of a layout. It merges with others well and arises to the occasion when needed. Very versatile.

3. Navy (dk) Blue - Also a great compliment ot Lime Green and a stand alone. It reminds me of night time, winter time, formal times and somber moments. Great for a variety of layouts but mostly the serious reflective ones. It exudes power and authority. This color does not like to mingle with other colors - always has to stand out. It's a great leader of the pack.

4. BLACK - basic, always matches, great background, perfect accent. Black is black. No list is complete without black. The majority of my wardrobe is black. Black is cool, absorbing, covering and revealing. It's trendy AND Goth. It's sublime. rarely the leader or the a part of a group. Usually stands in the background needing little introduction. You just know it's there.

5. Shabby Pink - A great compliment to all the above colors. Rarely standing alone - pink can be a girl accent (with black or navy blue), a trendy accent (paired with lime green) or whimsical (paired with Purple). It's cool, inviting, fun and comforting. It's a girl color. One of the few men will use. It's rarely placed on a layout alone - always seeking a partner to be with.

There's my list. It would be cool to see what changes in say five years? I have a feeling these are my life long colors. Even my primary kindegarten scrapbooking pages from 8 years ago have these basic colors in it. I think we gravitate towards colors that bring out our deepest personalities.

24 January 2006


I have been thinking hard about my THEME for this year. Last year it was Embrace Imperfection. Something I am still learning. None of us are perfect and Praise God he see's us for who we are and who we are in Him - imperfections, mistakes, screw ups, backsliden to onfire, accomplishments, and attributes. It is a shame we can't see ourselves (as well as others) the same way!

So this year I was thinking - BALANCE - should be the theme. My intentions are to spend more time with the fam as well as smoothing out the rough edges. What a better way than with balance. This would encompass ALL aspects of my life from eatting to sleeping, working to play and projects to personal time. I know this is going to be a struggle for me. I am seeking balance in everything - starting with the small things first - praying God helps me to work up to the big things!

Today's move towards balance was food. YES food - after my 20 year struggle with eatting disorders and fluctuating weight - I am trying to BALANCE it out. I have been on such a rollar coaster of a schedule the last few months that I either have NO appetite and eat nothing for hours (sometimes an entire day depending where I am at coming off a stretch of days at work) to a big dinner (or breakfast). I know that the proper way to handle this is to "graze" smartly all day - and I am going to make a strong effort to do this.

The other step I took today is balancing my time and the rest of my life. I decided I need to make a very STRONG effort at walking, running, working out - SOMETHING that takes me away from EVERYTHING I have going on in my life. I am not much for pampering. Manicures and Pedicures are stressful for me (and you don't get them every day - I need something I can do almost daily)! So - today I walked - walked with my IPOD and walked and thought about life. I prayed alot while walking and listened for God to talk to me. I felt balanced afterwards. I know this will be a daily struggle for me but I am praying God will help me to complete this task - DISCIPLINE!

I was originally thinking DISCIPLINE but realized after prayer and journaling time God wants me to focus on BALANCE!

So I am off to BALANCE my check book (eeeeek) and balance out some Scrapbooking time......


Self Portrait Tuesday

I am back on track.... I sat out all of January and most of December. To be honest - usually it was 0300 on Wednesday, sitting in bed with my MAC realizing I had missed Tuesday all together. My New Years INTENTION - TO STAY ON TRACK and spend more time with the FAM.

SPT - started the February challenge that is challenging me out of my box. EEEEEEEK. For those of you on the trip with me - or heard this story - it seems that this is a reoccuring them God wants me to experience. He wants me outta my box.

The Challenge - February Challenge "all of me" "all of me" embrace your mistakes, love the ugly bits.

Now what is even more funny - on Joy's Blog - her post last night was "Accept Beauty!"

Even more funny - I was reading Keri Smith's blog in regards to Pictures of yourself - and then it was posted on SPT> HELLO!

As if I need another hint to STAY ON TRACK!

So here it goes - a picture of me, RAW, unedited and ALL of ME - the good the bad and the ugly!

India trip142_edited-1, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

It doesn't get any more raw than this. No Makeup, lil sleep, hair pulled back because it's a REALLY bad hair day (thanks to the humidity, lack of showers, sleeping (or trying to) on a train). I hate this picture. HATE IT. But - my fam loves it. I am trying hard to see the good in it. I can point out all the flaws. The one thing I do like is the way my eyes (lacking sleep) seem to still sparkle.

23 January 2006


Okay all 657 photos have been sorted!!!!! BIG SCHEW!!!!!

You can see all 657 by clicking on the title of this post - OR
You can see the categories by title or pictures (below).

India's Need!

India trip032, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

These pictures show the obscene poverity we encountered in India as well as needs that still need to be met! Please keep India in your prayers.

Delinquints wild Ride!

India trip137, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

A few of us got together and went shopping one day. We got in a Ricshaw and took off. All four of us in one of these. It was a blast. These are pictures of the ride! Renee - bless her heart - would sit in the front and witness to the drivers. She has such the heart of an evangelist. I love being out with her. You can learn alot about approaching complete strangers and strking up a conversation that witnesses to them.

The Culture of India!!

India trip039, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

For those of you who always wanted to know what India was like - here is the link for you! These are most of the places we saw. It starts with the Taj. A Beautiful piece of work - HUGE! I think the toliets are in here.....

Asian Headquarters!

India Trip disc two310, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

JMM dedicated this building located in Jubilee Hills. It's gorgeous. In the middle is a chappell. I tried to capture how it sat in the middle (but it was nearly impossible to get it in photos (esp with my Cannon point and shoot). The entrance has the exact replica of the Ten Commandments statue that the judge was required to remove in Alabama. This is a HUGE thing - being it's JMM in India.

Behind the Scenes!

India Trip disc two177, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

All the behind the scene photos - aka didn't know exactly where they fit in the other categories! There are pictures of our morning devotions, planning sessions, bus rides, breakfast at the hostil (after the infamous train ride!) Some are actually very funny!

The Crusades!

India Trip disc two270, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

All the photos I got from the Crusade part of the conference. Mind you approximately over 450,000 each night and latest estimate over 1.2 million accepted Jesus into their heart as their savior! Praise God!

Friends made in India!

India Trip disc two373, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

All the friends made in India. These are you candid shots.


India Trip disc two214_edited-2, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

For those Delirious Fans out there - here are all the shots I got. This one in particular was for (yes you guessed it - Natalie!)

The Out Reach!

India trip159, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

These are the areas of outreach we were involved in. These photos are very dear to me. I am making an album from these to use for further outreach efforts here. I truly believe the God has placed this area on my heart - India and East Asia areas.

If you want to down load any of these pictures click on the titles or picture itself. It will take you to the link in Flickr. Then you will see all of the photos in the group. You can pick and chose as well as download by right clicking on the photo. There are other options as well including ordering photos. If you are having trouble let me know by email and I can send you a copy of a particular photo. I also have Adobe Photoshop. I minimally editted these photos (being there were 657). If you want further editing done let me know. My photos are protected by PIM and make it hard for you to edit them on your computer.

Thanks for looking and to my friends on the trip - I miss each and every one of you!!!!

Off to catch up on much need scrapbooking and time with my fam!

21 January 2006

I'm finally in!

I am finally apart of a circle journal and I am so excited!!!!

This is my cover!!!!

This is the first page, the instructions. It is on the inside cover.

This is the Intro page with journaling prompts.

This is the first page of my two page layout on MUSIC!

And here is the second page.....

Here is the official Sign in page. Everyone signs the CD and the pages they did.

Then here is the page that you put your tag in. The tag is a CD envelope and a CD inside to burn with your fav songs OR just decorate.

Here is my tag - the front part.

Here is my tag - the back part.

This was so much fun to do! I can't wait to start exchanging them. I am so excited to be apart of a circle journal!!!!

India Culture brought home!

India too, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

I almost forgot - I got this just before we left. There was a guy nice enough to come in and do requests in the hotel while we were awaiting our departing flights.

India, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

I tried to get something simple as opposed to the whole hand being I need to return to work..... Didn't want to freak too many people out. HOWEVER - I kinda like this and now in search of a place here in Chicago that can oblige...

Alive again

I seem to be dragging with getting the photos up on Flickr and I apologize. They are there - in the raw. There is no rhyme or reason to their placement. I am working on getting them in categories - but with 647 pictures I am pulling my hair out. I can't believe I took that many. Of course I am no professional - and I certainly don't have the D50 that Norm has - but some of them turned out as great candids. I am also working on putting a DVD together to send to all of you who supported me on my trip. As many of you know, God has placed India (and East Asia) on my heart and I have been praying ever since getting back as to what he wants me to do. I know I will be going back. I don't know when - but I know I am going back. I would appreciate your prayers with me on this.

NOW for pictures! (just a few)

This was the real reason for the trip. The people who are hungry for God. This was a church dedication at a small village that we went to. The people were so freindly and receptive. Words can not describe that day nor can the describe the outpouring of God's annointing in the village.

So - the delinquints went on a wild ride in a ricshaw. It was a blast. Yes all four fit in this lil buggy. You don't realize how wild they drive (compared to us) until you ride in one of these. The bus is not a great representation. Many times you could reach out and touch someone. Our driver happened to do a few donuts in the middle of traffic that was quite exhilerating to say the least!!!!!

This was our group that spent the week plus together going to places, sharing long bus rides, a train ride and other interesting sites and sounds. We all became close. You just can't experience what we did and not form some relationship.

The infamous cotton field. For those that were in our group - this has GREAT meaning. For the rest just believe me when I say - after and Indian Toliet a cotton field is a welcomd site.

And this shot - was for my girls (Natalie in particular). DELIRIOUS!!!!!! You would not believe how the people attending the conference responded to Delirious. They knew the words to the songs by heart! It was so amazing. Music truly does break all langauge barriers!

I will post more pictures and links to Flickr as I get them organized. I am actually starting to feel like my self - awake and alert. I actually kept food down this morning and not feeling so blah. Praise God!

20 January 2006


All I have done since I got home was SLEEEEEEEEP. I feel like a zombie.

This morning is the first time I feel human in a sense.

I might actually try eatting today.... what a concept.

I am trying to get caught up on things but then lose energy and fall back asleep. I haven't felt this way since I had Rowan. I guess a few lazy days of bed time snuggled in the jammies is okay occasionally.

It just feels good to be home with the fam! My health will return shortly - I think I was just over exhausted. It's amazing how God will keep you going even when you personally think you have physically hit a wall.

ALL THINGS are possible through Him!!!

18 January 2006

Americn Soil

PRAISE GOD! I AM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never doubted I would get home. I never lost faith in God that he would make a way. I did however start to panic a few times when it looked as if the one day lay ove would last seven days.

Back to the beginning......................

So here we are at the airport in Hyderabad. We left late..... we were reassured we would make it to the next stop before our connecting plane left. I should have been concerned when we were boarding out plane at the same exact time people were departing the plane. I should have been even more concerned when people were still boarding the plane as it started to pull away from the gate. But - I was literally so tired I could barely remember my name much less keep my eyes open. We arrived in Mumbai (Bombay to the rest of the world) and literally GRABBED what luggage we could and ran. When I say ran - imagine a bunch of Jesus Freaks, no sleep, last pair of clothes, middle of the night, grabbing their MORE THAN 50 Pound bags of luggage (on rollars) RUNNING through a crowd of Indians trying to grab our luggage to help us (and get tips). We then FLUNG our luggage on a bus (not really sure who the bus driver was or where we were going) to take a bus ride to the next airport. NOW - the drama - Northwest was "supposingly" holding our flight (for at least thirty minutes). Hence why we so willingly participated in the workout (and for some a cardiac stress test). At one point I thought to myself - okay WHICH piece of luggage might I be able to drop and run????

We arrive at the second airport only to again RUN through the airport to a ticket counter (did I mention we didn't stop at security...... which would have been a problem). We ran to STOP. STOP because apparently our flight was taxing down th runway.

the phrase..... oh dear there are no more flights for seven days..... were not good. (This would be a phrase we would hear SEVERAL times again over the next twenty four hours. Can you say Ground Hogs Day (the movie). That is what I felt like I was in).

JMM and God came through. Actually that would be GOD enabled JMM to come through! We were put up in a hotel, fed, and filtered onto several different flights in order to get home. JMM worked so hard to get us flights. The travel agent told us - you don't make these flights - you are stuck in Mubai for seven days. EVERYTHING is booked.

I won't bore you with anymore details - I am tired.

PRAISE GOD - he is ever faithful, leads the way and protects us all along. My faith in him never faltered (honestly). I did however, start to become tearful thinking I would not see my babies for seven more days (plus the 21 hour plane flight.) I also was racking up credit card charges on the phone trying to aquire help when our lil group was left behind.....

What the devil steals - God will return 1000 fold!


14 January 2006

Can you say FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PRAISE GOD for yet another fantastic day!!!!!

Today we visited an orphanage outside of Hyberabad. It was so beautiful - in the sense that it's not an institution, it's not cramed full of kids, it's not sterile.... It's a beautiful lil community to live in with no more than about 20 kids. The live, eat, and go to school there. They also learn about God. Many of them already want to grow up and be pastors! (Praise God) They do not want more than the amount of kids they have in the orphanage because they want to have the concept of FAMILY! Each orphanage (42 right now - JMM would like 420 across India) is a Family. The concept lasts eternity. They will always be family - one in the body of Christ and one at the orphanage. Everyone is equal (in God's eyes!)

We also visited a Feeding program in one of the slum areas. Phenomenal! All these children roam the villages when the parents are at work. They get neither breakfast, lunch or rarely dinner. They beg and scrounge. This program from local village churches, funded by JMM, feeds these children, watches them AND teaches them about Jesus and God's love.

At both places the children put on a lil skit of praise and worship songs they knew. Many recited bible verses and explained what God had done in their life! (They were all under the age of 9 years old! SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!!!!)

AGAIN - tonight the Crusade was AWESOME! Delirious played AGAIN! NATALIE - are you sitting down - you are never going to believe this!!!!!!!! I GOT A PICTURE WITH THE LEAD SINGER OF DELIRIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I put a good word in for you as well. He says - "Natalie, Keep rocking for Jesus!!!!" AND Ms. Natalie and Rowan - on the way down to post you will never believe who I ran into....... Are you sitting down???? Jackie Deshetler! JMM Lead Singer!!!! You know that wild and spunky lady with the redish curly hair that sings for JMM! Our version of Darlene Zcshech!!!! We had a nice long talk about YOU girls, husbands, families, life and our Awesome God! I even got a picture girls..... (just so you know... I was in my PJ's.... hair pulled back and no makeup.... Yes Natalie I can't believe I didn't duck into an empty room when I say her as ghastly as I look..... (BIG SMILE!!!!!) Can you believe what an awesome trip this has been!!!! God has truly had me cross paths with so many people that have influenced me this past ten days!!!!! I am speechless. I am having a hard time journaling.......

As the trip winds down I sit and reflect on this trip and realize that I have probably experienced something that will be hard to trump. Tonight's Praise and Worship was AWESOME! I turned around (Again at the front stage) to look at the crowd behind me and there were so many young Indians dancing, singing and praising it was unbelievable. (I know I keep saying that but - it keeps getting more and more unbelievable.) Many times they would join hands with us and we would all be jumping up and down praising and ALMIGHTY and AWESOME God! AND again and AWESOME Altar call!!!!!

I have made so many friends on this trip and so many connections it's so AWESOME! God has had his annointing on this trip for EVERYONE involved on both sides of the fence. We were blessed to serve and the people of India were blessed by God's annointing raining down on them.

I WILL BE BACK! I don't want to leave on Monday - but at the same time I know that I must leave - because I need to prepare to come back. I WILL BE BACK!!!!!

I may not have alot of time tomorrow or Monday AM to post - so this will probably be my last post until I get home (Or Amsterdam airport for a layover.)

Please keep us in our prayers as we prepare to pull out of here! Please pray that the work we have done here, the seeds we have planted and the lives that we have touched continue to grow and produce fruit!!! Please continue to pray that more may come to know Christ before we leave.

Thank you for all your prayers - God has heard them. He has answered every last one of them!!! I can't wait to get home and post all my pictures and share them with you all!!!!!

On a humorous side note - EVERYONE on the JMM team (probably all the way up to Joyce) thinks my last name is hillarious. They enjoy calling me "Bonnie Mooooooooooobileeeeeeeeeee" (you know like the jungle book!) AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH I can be at breakfast and hear someone say it as they are walking by....... Okay are you laughing now? should be - it's almost as funny as me almost falling out of the Rickashaw today as it made a triple loopy in the center of traffic. There isn't much to those Rickashaws..... just so you know... and the traffic - doesn't stop for anyone - you fall out you become a speed bump for many many many cars!!! NOW you are laughing - I know!!!! Praise God for a WONDERFUL sense of humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I MUST retire to bed. I have gone the entire trip with about 3 to 4 hours (no more) of sleep. I eat lil for breakfast, fast at lunch due to heat and just overwhelming thoughts from our daily tasks and then dinner - I'm just not hungry.... But in reality - the food has been fabulous!!!! I could live here eatting this food... no problem!!! I am like the energizer bunny - with God as my battery power. I am walking, talking, making sense AND functioning!!!! Praise God! (See it is your prayers~!!!!!!)

Be blessed!!!!!!

13 January 2006


This was an incredible day of much needed REST and THERAPY!
(Disclaimer - this day seems so insignificant compared to all the others - but in reality this was a most wonderful day. I do believe we touched many lives today in the people that we came across..... Not to mention the Fruit of the Crusades tonight!!!)

We departed bright and early for Joyce's teaching day at the crusades. We spent the morning praising and worshiping then recieving a word on "our personal ministry." Praise and Worship was AWESOME as always. Very moving. WE serve and awesome God who never fails us! I was thinking of hanging back this morning because my feet were still pretty swollen - I had Cankles. I thought sitting for 6 hours might make it worse. I wanted to go lay on the bed with my feet in the air!!! Two other members were thinking of the same thing. We had to actually walk out to the buses to let our team leader know. At that point - we were informed that they had decided to depart the teaching at 1200 due to the heat and time constraints for the rest of the day. Praise the Lord - he just smacked me upside the head to get my poor swollen feet and cankles on the bus to the teachings. Praise and Worship was very moving and therapeutic! We managed to get in the front row - which I am sure was a "God-cidence!" Many time we found ourselves losing all inhibitions praising our Awesome God! After and hour of worshiping we recieved two timely messages. One from a pastor that is hailed as the Billy Graham/Reinhardt Bonke of India. He was Fantastic!!! Then there was Joyce! Always eloquent and straight to the point! She tells it like it is and explained to a huge mass of growing Born Again Christians in India - what their personal ministry was. It was a GREAT lesson for us as well! The concept.......
(and you know that is why God arranged it for me to have to WALK out to the bus to tell the team leader I wasn't going this AM..... DUH!)
Your personal ministry is very simple. Do as Jesus would! What did Jesus do - he restored people. HOW can we restore people? Make it your personal mission to cause 10 people a day to smile!!! If you do that - in one year you will make 3,650 people smile. Can you imagine (so simple but so profound!) Making them smile? How important is that? It will make them feel good about themselves. That life you touch - by prompting that smile - might just spark that conversation that might just lead a brother or sister to Christ! HELLO!!!!
We need to spend more time BEING THE CHURCH instead of GOING to CHURCH!
Say it Joyce!!!!
We also had the opportunity to meet many people from all over India that are pastors and here to learn how to build thier church, evangelize AND teach! Praise the Lord - they are so hungry!!!!!

AFTER that - we went SHOPPING (for real.) It was so much fun to go shopping as a group on the streets of Hyberabad!!! (I felt like I was in a high school field trip with our team leaders as our chaperones making sure we stayed out of trouble. In this case it meant - making sure we didn't pay too much for an item. In India you can bargin down just about ANYTHING!!) We ate a bit of the Indian Snacky Junk food! (shhhhh don't tell my girls)

THEN - we returned to the hotel with our purchases. For me it required the assistance of the bellhop to the room!! (Shhhhhh don't tell my hubby....) I had so much fun! (WE as a group had fun! EVEN THE MEN!) It was very therapeutic. This has been a very emotionally draining, physically demanding and HEAVY week! The frivilous shopping excursion was just what we needed! I do believe God rewarded us as well. There were DEALS everywhere. With the staff accompanying us and having our guides we were able to get some bargins as well as discounts for being apart of JMM!

After a wonderful dinner on the lawn - BEAUTIFUL weather - we departed for the crusades!

(are you sitting down Natalie?????)

DELIRIOUS was the praise and worship band at the beginning. I was a bit anal with our group and threatened all of them within an inch of DEATH if they were late for the bus. We were leaving at 6PM SHARP!
(and in reality there were four other people on the bus that were in complete agreement with me - but let me be the mouth of the movement!!!!)
We arrive, had front row seats - to see Delirious.
(Not close enough for this Princess of God!!!)
I, along with other members of our group, were able to get RIGHT UP FRONT, SMACK DAB at the stage - STANDING IN FRONT OF DELIRIOUS - Praising and Worshiping!!!!
(no one was complaining about the early departure time at that point......)
So many times I would turn around and see several thousand Indians behind me, arms outstretched to the sky, tears streaming down their face, praising an AWESOME God! It was such a beautiful site. Even more beautiful were the gaurds and staff at the stage standing in the same stance, jumping up and down, dancing and sing praises to our AWESOME God!

Now Nat (And Rowan) - the part you are going to love me for..... I HAVE ABOUT 50 + PICTURES OF DELIRIOUS UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL!!!!!!!
I also have pictures of me with JMM Band!!!
(You remember the conference we went to.... yup - mom got pictures with them!!!! JUST FOR YOU - MY Babes!!!)

Joyce taught brillantly and eloquently tonight! AGAIN - MANY MANY MANY people gave thier lives to Christ. Words can not describe the crowd, what we saw and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the parade grounds...... I couldn't even begin to capture it with my camera no matter how many shots I took, from any angle, height or depth. The Parade Ground was PACKED! Almost to capacity. There were several people hanging on the fences around the parade grounds due to the packed capacity of the place. They are sure that the place will be completely filled tomorrow nite with over flow in the street!

PLEASE continue to pray for the crusades and that we do see 1 million + come to know Christ this week! Keep in mind - Hyberabad alone has a population of over 14 million! So much more must be done here!!!!

I've felt the pain
I've seen the Need
I've Heard the Call


On a side note - my camera batteries that I pray over (seriously I do - I ask God to keep the batteries charged until I can get replacements!) every morning are STILL going!!!! I took over 60 flash photos tonight and never once turned off the camera!!!!

Praise God - the camera batteries lasted!!!!

I now have Double AA batteries. Energizers - four of them for $1.00!

Praise God for SMALL miracles and BIG miracles!

Okay - tomorrow BIG day - going to the orphanage!!!!! Got to get sleep.... I am running on an average of 3 hours a night right now.... with no naps inbetween!!!!!!!!

You know it's God keeping me going!

(And no - I am not drinking Coffee or diet coke. That's a luxury here......)

Keep in mind - you are not getting all the funny side notes like me at the ATM, Me on the Elevator, EVERYONE (including JM herself) making fun of my name 'Mobley' pronounced MOOOOO - BLEEEEEEE you know like the jungle book, and so many more...... that's for another time...... like when you come to visit me in person and look thru my scrapbook!

12 January 2006

Words can not describe.....

Today we visited a hospital that JMM built in the last year in a remote part of Hyberabad. The Hospital itself was ruins less than a year ago. They are still building and finishing - but it is a functioning hospital. This is the one that I would come back and work at for a week a year God willing!

Words can not describe today...........
I haven't been able to journal since we left (amazing since today has been rather low key). There was this lil boy that followed me around and finally let me hold his hand as he led me around the hospital. Makesh is 5 years old and looks all of 3. He is HIV + but on the triple cocktail here. He looks well. He is an orphan because HIV/AIDS patients are shunned in India. Makesh also introduced me to his friends one of which looks like a 6 month old but is 18 months old. His mom is dying and won't give up nursing so his viral load continues to climb. Makesh led me through the women's ward, the children's ward and the men's ward. Then, we went to his home - the AIDS ward. Because of customs they must be housed ina separate building. I honestly have not seen this stage of the disease in the States in YEARS. These people were skin and bones, unable to hold themselves up, unable to eat, unable to speak but hanging on. Many were born again Christians and were sobbing as we were touching them, praying for them, talking with them, helping them.

They are starting construction on a children's home across the street from the hospital. As you can imagine it will hold children orphaned by AIDS. Many of the people who show up at the hospital with HIV/AIDS are young married couples who never had a clue. Many have already had children - who unbeknownst to them - are also HIV +. Education has not reached this part of the world. Education and prevention. Education and testing. Education and medical support.... Nope none of it is here. The real count of HIV/AIDS vicitims here is not known due to the lack of testing, education and prevention.

The hospital is amazing and to be honest with you I am unable to write any more. Words can not describe today.

After an emotional day at the hospital what does one do to decompress???

WE WENT SHOPPING! (As flippant as it sounds - it wasn't). Deb (my new friend from N.C.) and I ventured out into Hyberabad by ourselves, armed with our strong personalities and determined to find some Indian clothes to wear for the rest of the trip. Long story short - I found MY BANK here in INDIA and got some money. Deb (and I) went into a DIVE of a travel agency for her to exchange her $$$$ and we were out on the town. We didn't have long - but getting out, walking, decompressing - did wonders for our state of mind (Not to mention our Cankles and pitting edema from the heat, humidity and statsis). We were all charged up for the crusades that started tonight!

THE CRUSADES! Now there is a bright note.

It was unbelievable how many people showed up tonight (the first night - a Thursday) to hear Joyce talk about Jesus and what Jesus can do for them! She so elegantly and simply stated the Gospel. After an hour of preaching on Jesus, the one God, the Only God, the most Awesome God - the one who they can only find salvation from - she did an alter call. MANY - I mean MANY (Imagine two foot ball fields full of people sitting on the ground listening to Joyce...... That's how big this stadium is that we are in) made the choice to give their lives to Jesus. They were then greeted by local pastors, a book and followup help. THIS WAS ONLY the first night!!! ONLY THE FIRST NIGHT!!!!! The sight of watching them after she was done preaching - dancing and singing praise and worship songs with hands in the air was unbelievable.

I said at the beginning that words can not describe what today was like - but I can tell you this.... (LISTEN UP NAT AND RO! and Norm).....

WE'RE ARE SO COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a small side note.... GUESS what movie will be starting here soon??????

C. S. Lewis LION WITCH and WARDROBE!!!!!!!!! How aprope!!!!!!!!

That's all I can type tonite - I am exhausted!!!!!!!

11 January 2006

A little dusty and dirty....

PRAISE GOD! What a day!!!!

We are back!!!! A lil dusty and dirty - but changed forever!!!

(I had typed this all out at once and the computer crashed... I am praying that does not happen again!!!)

So - after dinner at the Tombs (Beautiful outside dinner) we took a 7 hour train ride (what an adventure - words can not describe) to just outside of Gunter. While waiting for the buses after the train ride - a fellow traveler (and new sister prayer warrior) Deb and I, had the opportunity to witness to a Hindu Indian. We were standing on the platform and a gentleman walked up and asked us where we were from. I said the States. He asked where - and we mentioned our states. He then asked why so many people. We started to tell him about JMM. There was another gentleman off to the side listening intently. He finally came close enough that we could carry on a conversation with him as well. Deb asked the first man if he was muslim (I was ready to start running) and he said "no - I am Christian." The other gentleman offered that he was Hindu and wanted to know about this "Christian guy!" So we witnessed to him. (Were you sitting down Norm when you read that?)

We then took a bus for an hour to a Hostel to freshen up (as best we could). Then we took another two hour bus ride to a lil village that was getting no support after the Tsunami last year. The land that we drove past to the village showed unbelievable destruction from that huge wall of water. Things are still not built up. As we pulled up to the village children and families ran out to greet us. As we were getting off the buses we were overwhelmed with Thank you's, hand shakes, and tears of joy.

We dispersed amongst the 200+ houses that JMM built. I broke off with my two new best friends, Renee' and Deb! We were to bless houses and families as we came to them. The families were all PROUDLY standing by their houses. The first house we came to the mom would not stop crying (tears of joy). The father was so proud to show off his son, two daughters and wife. We prayed over them and their house. THEN we cut the ribbon to their front door. The house was no bigger than my living room with a wall to section off an area for a kitchen - BUT THEY WERE SO HAPPY! There was electricity!!! They had a walled hole for a bathroom on the side and a hole that was padded. AMAZING!

One other house that was emotionally moving was the Pastor's house. When we approached his area he ran over and asked us to come and bless his house. What a blessing for us to have us bless his house. We met his entire family, prayed over everyone in his family and celebrated his house. At the end he wanted to pray blessings over us in both his language and ours. The entire family was singing out prayers. It was so moving!!!

Another house we came to the family started kissing our feet after we blessed thier house. So touching. The only word that we could really communicate with them was "alleulia!" (PRAISE GOD!) So from the houses you could hear everyone yelling "Alleulia!" for what Jesus had restored in the village!

Afterwards, we dedicated over 200 bicycles (their main transportation to the village about ten miles away), 100 sewing machines (to supply them with an income, way of life, to be self sufficient), and four motorized richochets (to help support themselves by getting things to the market.) There was also a dedication of a church, school and clinic. AMAZING! Simply amazing.

After the dedications - we had people line up to have us pray for them for many different reasons. Many wanted "annointing from God." The pastor had asked us to pray for his son - that he may also have an annointing to serve God.

There are no words to describe what we went through the past two days!!! I was so emotionally full and drained at the same time when we got back on the bus! I couldn't journal. I was in awe! God's Glory has just poured out on this village!

The bus ride back was very LONG - but just enough to decompress, think, nap, refresh. We stopped for a mini lunch - but I was just not hungry.

I should mention this part - I haven't seen a diet coke in ages.... I have had no headaches, no D/T's, no cravings NOTHING! Praise God. With that said - I finally found a diet coke at the coffee shop for 96 Ruppees. Such a small price to pay for a luxury! I have been consuming MASSIVE amounts of water despite the holes in the floor for bathrooms!!!

The food is AMAZING! They are making us such AWESOME Indian cuisine - it's unbeeeeelievable. I am afraid not to eat - because I will not get this back in the states. The Curry...... The garlic.... the Fennel...... The teas....... I am not even craving coffee. (However, Starbucks has not a clue when it comes to tea AND coffee compared to here......).

It's very early in the AM here - 0200 - BUT the city is still full and bustling. We hear it starts to die down about 0330.

I have to sign off now - I need to be up at 0700 to depart for the hospital for the day! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! There is an opportunity for me to return to this hospital for one week a year!!!!! I am so here! It's a Methodist Hospital planted by JMM treating primarily HIV/AIDS patients but also local village people who need medical attention. I wish I could upload pictures to show you guys the wonderful people that have touched my heart and the hearts of my fellow travelers. I promise when I get home to post!!!

I am trying to protect my batteries in my camera - they will not charge. (Please pray they continue to last. I have had Awesome God power on those things right now. I pray over the camera every morning!)

PLEASE continue to pray for our group. We are women and at times it shows. Plus, many people are being pushed well beyond their comfort zones that they are about to crack. A few have.... PLEASE pray that God continues to keep us open, full of unconditional love, grace and mercy. The crusades start tomorrow - PLEASE pray that over a million are led to Christ!

Good Night Rowan and Natalie - soon I will be home with pictures and many bedtime stories to tell you!!!! EVERYONE here has seen your pictures - and thinks you guys are adorable. Natalie - I am sorry, but everyone agrees you look like Julia Roberts. Rowan - everyone also agrees you have a spitfire red head temper glowing from your pictures. All GOOD! Hugs and kisses! Night and love to the hubby as well!

10 January 2006

God's Outpouring!

What can I say - we are about to board a train to the Tsunami Work area to minister in a village JMM has been re-building. If it is anything like today's excursion - I am going to be emotionally DRAINED.

Today we went to a village about 50+ Kilometers away. We helped dedicate a church and the well that JMM has finished putting in. The welcome we got was UNBELIEVABLE. The children running around holding our hands, hungry for hugs.... We were able to take part in the service. One of the members of my group is a pastor in Texas and gave the sermon. Another helped to cut the ribbon and yet another to unveil the plaque and give a short speech. I (stepping WAY OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE HERE!!!!) prayed the service closed. (were you sitting down Psator John and Norm when you read that?) It was unbelievable how touching this day has been. I have cried, hugged, laughed and played. I have shared God's love and Grace. We were allowed to pray for people if we wanted to. We all kind of randomly started praying for people. Then - as the prayer continued - groups of people lined up with certain people. I had the Mother/children lining up. Another member had teens and yet another had women who felt a calling for ministry. It was like they knew what our gifts were or what was onour heart.

I depart soon on the train - and have to close this post..... PLEASE pray for our team. We will start the crusades soon - and Joyce has a vision of over 1 Million saved at the crusades. Please pray for us while we are in the villages ministring. Please pray for our interactions among ourselves. We are all born again, baptized in the blood of Christ and on fire for God BUT we are still a group of (majority) women - and still have those fleshy issues.

I miss you guys! Love and Hugs Nat and Ro..... Natalie your prayer locket is with me always. Rowan and Natalie (And Norm) - your cards are in my bible and your pictures are close to my heart.

More later......

09 January 2006


I have fifteen minutes not five minutes!

So - we are in Hyberabad. It's so beuatiful but Westernistic (is that a word) here! I miss everyone but I really think God put me on this trip for a reason.

There is a huge line for the internet connection so I can't post pictures right now. I hope as the week goes along I can.

We are going to a church dedication today and get to meet some of the church pastors that have planted churches in India with the help of JMM. These pastors are from India - so they were saved and born again here - thanks to JMM and planted churches. Very exciting. Tonight we are having a dinner at the Tombs before we depart for our village excursion in the Tsunami area. I am very excited about that mission opportunity. Then it's the hospital and orphanages.

It is a unique group of people that have come together on this trip. Over 200 not counting the JMM crew. There are some people from the UK and some from Canada along with probably every state in the Union accounted for. A few of us have grouped together and hope to have a Henna Party along with fellowship and prayer time on Wednesday evening when we get back from the Tsunami area. We all joke about how we will have to get a yahoo group together OR have 250 emails when we go home.

The people here have billboards all over promoting the crusade this weekend. Everyone here (of course our circle of influence is slanted), the hotel workers, visitors - all talk about how they LOVE Joyce and how she brings the gospel to them. It is so refreshing to see people eager for God's Word!

Hope to send pictures home soon! My fifteen minutes is almost up.... Hope all is well back home!

08 January 2006

Ahhhhhh sleep

Good morning!!!! It's 0600 in Delhi! It's amazing what a lil sleep will do for you!
I am packed, dressed and ready to go. Those of you who know me know that I do not like getting up in the morning. So the fact that I am up at 0430, dressed and ready to go by 0530 and then this morning packed??? Is only by the Grace of God. I have been praying for compliance!

Just a quick post til I leave for Hyberdad. We have orientation after we arrive and devotional time. I am really looking forward to that. I hear things change drastically in Hyberdad and very exicted to get the chance to see for myself.

More from Hyberdad later!

Love and miss you Ro and Nat!

07 January 2006

The Great Taj!


So - we were up at the crack fo dawn (somewhere - not here) to eat and off to Agra. We got to our rooms this morning at 0130 and I was in bed ready to fall asleep at 0245. You do the math.... going on little sleep here!

We went to see the Taj Mahal (now known as the Taj). We had a wonderful cuisine of Indian food all day - and I think my pores are seeping curry. We just got back from our long trip to indulge in even more Indian food.

I drank enough water here - to float away! At dinner they came around with drinks and I spied this glass of "orange" fizzy stuff. I inquired to what it was and told it was "Mir Anda." So I ask - what is "Mir Anda?" and the response was "Coke." (Did I mention it was ORANGE). So I say "Fanta?" and the waiter says "ah, yes - we call it Mir Anda." So with my CURRY dinner I had my first FANTA in India. YES ANNA FANTA IS POPULAR HERE TO! (No pictures of that yet).

I have a funny FUNNY bathroom story to share with you......

So we are at the Taj and the bladder is SCREAMING. (It was a four hour bus ride and I am trying to rehydrate my desicated body from flying). We were directed to the bathrooms - which by the way was a 45 minute wait in line. We waited in line to pay 2 ruppes for toliet papers, a hole in the ground (a tiled hole) and no place to wash your hands. This story is not doing justice to how funny it was - but it was hilarious. Imagine if you will a line full of American women, intermingled with Indian Women. We are running around and around trying to figure out HOW we are going to wipe. Then we were told that we use our Left hand to wipe. You never eat with your left hand in India. Never shake a person's left hand. Furthermore - toliets in India are HOLES in the ground. Tiled holes (with a flushing system) in the ground. To get a Western Toliet you wait in a 2 hour 45 minute line. Now - imagine if you will all these women trying to figure out the balance for the hole..... Now add a 45 minute wait......

Okay - it's going to make a GREAT Scrapbook moment in my journal.......

We were able to minister to some people, fellowship with other believers and get to know each other on our team. As I sit at the computer screen trying to post this - I can barely keep my eyes open. (excuse the typos.) Tomorrow we will be up at the crack of dawn (somewhere - not here) packed and ready to get on the flight to Hyberdad. That's when we hunker down and get to work. It's amazing.... the love they have for God and the freedom of expression they allow. They are Sooooo hungry to hear more about God, learn more, see more, worship and pray with fellow believers. What's even more amazing is how little they have for resources (compared to us) but I feel like many of them are more spiritually developed and connected than I. We are so spoiled here in the US with our Christian support and resources. We really do take it for granted.

So I had heard there was alot of poverty here - there is. There is a stark difference between those who have and those who have not. There is no middle class. The children are wonderful! Such beuatiful children! Nat and Ro - you would have loved coming here!!!

Please pray my trip is a safe an quick one.

Natalie and Rowan - I am still known as the mom with the two beautiful girls at the airport. Lucy is still the favorite guest on this trip. When I checked in last nite Mat Bell remembered me from the conference. They said (you'll get a kick out of this Nat) that everytime they see my name they say "Mooooobileeee" you know like "Mogile" jungle book!

Okay - obviously I am tired.

I will post more once in Hyberdad!

Miss you all! Having a fab time! Taking lotsa pictures (which I will upload once in Hyberdad!) and journaling lots!

06 January 2006

Amsterdam Lay Over

Let me start by saying - I AM HAVING A FABULOUS TIME!

Nat and Ro I miss dearly! (Hubby too!)

I am on a layover in Amsterdam - have a lil while to post and check email.

The flight here was fine. The landing was a bit rough but God has to be protecting a flight full of 200 people on a mission to India - you think?

I picked up a few Holland Trinkets to bring back. Praise God the US Dollar is a bit stronger than a few months ago. It's not that much more to buy here.

WE will be leaving for our 12 HOUR flight to New Delhi at 1000. I am actually AWAKE and energized and I have gone on nothing but caffeine, adrenaline and God's Grace all week. I was asleep before the plane took off from O'hare and woke up 30 minutes into flight. Praise God again!!! I am meeting new people, making friends, and learning LOTS! Nat and Ro - you will be happy to know that you guys made quite the impression waiting in line with me at the airport. I am no known as the mom with the beautiful girls who came to see me off at the airport. EVERYONE LOVES LUCY! I am having to tell them to pat thier eyes after they hear your wonderful message!!!

Will post more from Delhi!!!!!

MISS YOU GIRLS!!!! Just remember -


Move it Move it Move it!!!!

05 January 2006

Altered tin

DSC_0001_edited-1, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Okay call me obsessive - but I made this altered tin for my trip. Inside contains my family!!!

DSC_0002_edited-1, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

I plan on journaling in it on the plane! It's a TWENTY THREE HOUR FLIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Scraplift Challenge 1/5/06


DSC_0001_edited-1, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Nat, Ro and I got these shoes on CLEARANCE at Target. I had the hubby take a group shot this morning.

DSC_0002_edited-1, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Call me wierd but I scrapped this - put a copy on the inside of my journal I am taking AND put it in a mini tip scrapbook I made today to take with me. I just LOVE this picture of us!!!

I think I am on a Scrappin binge because I am leaving for two weeks - VERY shortly!

Note Cards for the girls!

I made note cards for the girls to open (one a day) while I am gone. To see all the cards click on the picture.

Note Cards

Yeah I know - I am a sap. The first card comes with the Madagascar DVD and a note to curl up with their build a bears and know that I was curled up with mine. Then one note has a McDonalds Card in it for dinner on me... (I must be losing it - I never like them to eat there.) The last card has clocks on it - signifying that I am ALMOST home with them!

Things that will make me smile....

Things that will make me smile on my trip.....

  • So this morning as I was coming home from my meeting, Ipod buds in the ear trying to navigate the wrong key (but why did it fit) in my front door - Rowan bed head, pajamas and puffy eyes openning the door to greet me. (She was the only one up!)

  • Rowan and Natalie crowding on the couch with me to curl up and fall asleep. (yup - the couch is not the wide - so one of them is on top of me and one beside me. Usually the big child is on top of me - making escape impossible!)

  • The 0400 pitter patter of lil feet into the room to climb in bed with me because of a bad dream (usually Natalie picking on her!)

  • Curling up in bed with Nat, my laptop (to work) and GIRL talk as she starts to fade off to sleep. (It's amazing what they will tell you in this vulnerable state....)

  • Rowan's infectious laughter and Natalie's operetic (is that a word) singing in the shower...
  • The security of my Hubby.......

Here's a shocker....

So I get up for a meeting this morning (which was nice because it got my lazy but outta bed and going) and return home to work on a paper that I need to turn in before I leave.... and SHOCKING news from the Yahoo News Board.....

Lindsay Lohan's Two Shocking Confessions
Lindsay Lohan has revealed to Vanity Fair magazine that she has taken drugs and that she lost so much weight so fast by becoming bulimic (which apparently no one told LiLo - doesn't really help you lose wt there is usually an anorexic component or OCD exercising.) She blames both on her emotionally destructive father, the stress of working in Hollywood and her heartbreak when she and "That '70s Show" actor Wilmer Valderrama split up.



I'm sorry - was that sarcastic? It's just - this entire thing was broadcasted across the nation. Like the Olsen twins (and other media personalities) - we saw this unfold in the Media. What makes me mad is the irresponsible media/publishers/hollywood - whatever. They market her to TEENS (and pre-teens) as if nothing is WRONG. I am a little sensitive about this since my daughter is already influenced by Hillary Duff (who's not looking so well herself lately), Lindsey Lohan and others in that circle. She has been for at least a year if not more. (She's EIGHT!) I am by no means criticizing LiLo - I feel for her. The pressures of Hollywood were caving in on her - I AM SURE. I am mad at the people around her that LET it happen. THEN - people wonder about the state of our next generation. HELLO!!!!!! I pray every day for my daughters and still worry......

There's hope LiLo - look at Drew Berrymore.......

Does anyone else feel this way???


Tamika - brought up a GREAT point and one I am actually proud of. Raven Simone!!!! My daughter LOVES this show and Raven is NOT bone thin - but she is the most real teen actress I have seen in a long time!!!!! You go Raven!!!!!! She has a Teen cosmetic line coming out (no I do not read teen mags - but I should - all those evenings curled up in my bed, the laptop and Nat) and her design choice is "sheer natural makeup to bring out YOUR beauty!" Thank you Tamika!!!!!!!