30 October 2006

In a phunk......

I must admit..... I am in a phunk. I have been in a phunk since my mom died.

I haven't been able to scrap book much. I had a bunch of lil albums started just prior to leaving for Florida and attempted a few projects but the creativity just isn't there.

I also had a pair of socks on needles that I was working on - and those still sit there.

I had a book as well - that still sits unread.

I have done other things that haven't been started or even thought of before my mom died.

I had an appointment the other day with my doctor (my first REAL appointment in Chicago.) (Who said people in the Health profession were the model of health promotion). She was saying that death of mother takes more of a toll on our bodies mentally, emotionally and physically than the death of our fathers (all though that is up there), close friends, children and spouses.

I have been majorly busy since I got back from Florida and I feel like I am just now getting my head above water. However, now with my head above water I see all the things that I haven't gotten done or NEED to get done. You know, the things that are severely neglected (which inevitably includes house cleaning when you are an adult).

I have been knitting like a mad woman - and I think it is because it it MINDLESS. I can knit for hours without really being creative. Reading requires attention. Scrapbooking requires attention to creativity and details. Heck, even housecleaning requires attention to details.

Then there is the community of knitting. Nat and Ro are knitting and this weekend we had a mom moment while Norm was working. Curled up on the couch (as it was a most fall windy chilly day) knitting for hours. We had such great conversations. My knitting group - so outside of my COI that it is refreshing to go and just be MYSELF. Knitting at work (when I am not trying to catch up on my work stuff) relieves the stress! Work has just been ICK lately. I contemplate calling in every day I have to work. (Thank goodness my work ethic is strong.... gosh darnit why does it have to be!)

SO I AM in a PHUNK. Maybe admitting it out loud is the first step to the twelve step recovery program? Doing THIS has helped. Doing THIS study has helped as well. Going to the Doctor helped ALOT (no she didn't prescribe anything gosh darn it.... there are times that I wish I believed in better living thru chemistry.) Smothering my free time in my girls has helped tremendously as well..... but the phunk still sits there (and it is not dirty laundry).

So bear with me as I pull out of this phunk. Part of this phunk involves my blog. Blogging isn't as fun anymore since I posted more for my mom's benefit (as was the scrapbooking - making lil scrapbooks of the girls to send to her.) I am assured that in no time I will be back to scrapbooking and my ole self. I am sure that would make the hubby happy.... and my LSS!

Till then - you can catch some more frequently updated ramblings et al here!

BonnieRose - thank you for all your cards and thoughts. I am such a horrible friend that I can't find time to return the love and kindness.... You have a heart of gold and the creativity of an angel!

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Are you a Christian or a Christ Follower?

I love this!

My friend and fellow knitter/blogger Lorinda, who lives in the "Burps" (as my daughter Natalie calls it), attends this really cool church (that I guess would be classified as one of the emerging coffee house churches?). For the past three weeks she has shared their video Mac - v - PC Parody's.

You MUST go here for week one. Go here for week two and HERE for week three.

(I really like week three.)

I am interested to see where they go with these.

For the rest of the story go

I want to thank Lorinda for posting these on her blog! MOST awesome thought provoking videos and sermons.

And for wonderful thought provoking blog posts go here. My Pastor is most awesome as well!! Our church is smaller - but making an impact in the Chicagoland Area in a big way. Same concept different application.


(for the record - I WOULD sign my kids up for Jesus Camp.)

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23 October 2006

The most horrible thing happened


I am so upset.


YES - my prized U2 IPOD has bit the dust. I must lay it to rest in it's pristine box that it came in with it's U2 poster and etched signatures in the back. The hard drive has died.

Wales were heard from the Best Buy Geek Squad desk today. The gentleman behind the desk thought he was going to have to call 911 for a hysterically seizing woman grasping her IPOD foaming at the mouth praying in travail that it was not true.


Now I must go out, brave the elements..... head to the apple store and buy another.

Quicker than rectal valium - the words "YOU KNOW - they still have U2 IPODS out - they are 30 GB now and have VIDEO capabilities. If you purchase one you get EXCLUSIVE VIDEOs of Bono and the boys....."

I was up off that floor, skipping the post ictal phase, and heading out the door to find a time to head to the Apple store downtown.

Imagine - two black with red ipods -both carrying the bands signatures - one laid to rest - the other full of VIDEOS of the band.........

I may seize from the excitement this thought has brought me......

Bono on my ipod 24 hours a day....

WAIT - Law and Order, LOST and Joyce as well.......

EGADS what a thought.....

I wonder if I can make it to the Apple store before work tomorrow?

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16 October 2006

Six and ZERO!

The bears WON!!!!

The BEARS WON!!!!!!

Six and Zero!!!!!!

Monday Night Football!!!!!!

The Bears WON!!!!!!!

Go Bears Go Bears Go Bears - it's your birthday!!!!!!

(BTW - our small group was praying for them this week.....)

Excuse me while I rejoice at our recent victory.

Can you just imagine what I will do when the Cubs finally go the World Series>?????

HEY - it could happen!!!!

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10 October 2006

Cool Beeners

Are you up to taking the challenge?

My hubby and I are going to do this!

I got the awesome idea from my blogger knitting buddy Lorinda! Way to go Lorinda! She was challenged by her this journey!

08 October 2006

For Such a Time as this!!!!

How exicting!!!!

Have you seen the trailer for this movie?


I just was telling Nat and Ro about this story. We were planning on reading about it! I saw the trailer and thought - hmmmmmm the only woman I know in history that had one opportunity with a king to change a nation was ESTHER!!!!!

HOW TIMELY!!!! They don't come out on the boobtube and say it's Esther - but it's Esther!!!!

I can't wait to take the girls!!!

07 October 2006

Two weeks?

Wow it has been two weeks since I have posted. Duh... What is wrong with me.

I have been busy with school, work and classes that work sends me to. I have been busy catching up on sleep that I lack on a daily basis. I have been busy just trying to get through another day.

I do have things to post. Perhaps my lack of posting is in direct relationship to my overwhelming sense of remorse over reading other people's blog posts the past few weeks. (None of you on my blog list are in this group.)

Jesus said "I am the truth the way and the light, he who believes in me shall never die." Wait he was the prophet that did perform miracles, did reach out to those that most of us would cross the street to avoid - and is labeled in history as the single person who changed history. His writings and works can not be disputed. They aren't fiction - they are HISTORICALLY ACCURATE!

I take so much comfort in that especially since my mother just passed away. I am reassured that my mom gave her life whole heartedly to Jesus in her final months. My mom was raised in a church and was very legalistic in nature. A relationship with God was never formed until her final years. I understand that she accepted the baptism of the Holy Spirit in her final months as well. This knowledge gave me God's grace which sustained me through the funeral and weeks since.

I struggle bringing my dad back to God and pray for his salvation every day. I pray for my girls that they stay on the same road they are currently on. I mourn for my friends who have no clue and have no desire to even hear otherwise. I am inspired, encouraged and motivated by my friends that are seeking and have no clue they are seeking. Their mere questioning means their hearts and minds are open.

My dad, bless his heart, has been seeking and accepting. He has been going to church regularly (legalisticly speaking) but he has also been inquiring about the daily Psalm studies I have been sending him. Today the girls and I found a bible for him and can't wait to send it to him packed with treats and covered in our prayers that he may see what he needs to see when he starts reading.

The more encouraged I get with my dad's small baby steps the more discouraged I get over irrational, angry, ignorant, hot aired filled postings about Christians. Are people that afraid of Christians that they have to disect, nit pick and throw slander at them? Better question - is Satan so afraid of the move of God in our world currently that he is sucking souls deeper into hell to prevent God from working in new individuals?

I fear that my "unrelenting moralistic God driven children" will be persecuted beyond imagination when they finally reach voting age. I fear, that thier willingness to stand in front of God, be accepted by his Grace and realize eternal salvation will, in the future, mean their lives literally. Has the move of God gotten so strong that people are afraid there is truth behind our beliefs and that scares them? If so, I rejoice!

For now I sit in awe at the level of blind ignorance many of my friends sit in and lament their current eternal standing. How many more generations have to be raised to believe they came from nothing, will return to nothing and their life has no meaning here on earth? Suicide is through the roof, abortion is through the roof, STD's and complications/DEATH are through the roof, murder, crime and gang related rapes are through the roof! HELLO - what ever unbelief you have - IT IS NOT WORKING!!!!!!! We continue to spiral downward with this pluralistic/self actualization/athiestic viewpoint of our world. I pray more for my children and pray more for those whom lives I care for.

Jesus Camp - sign my girls up! Seriously - for those of you who sit in fear - GROW UP! Mass Media breeds ignorance. Media is skewed to promote a message, by the whomever's interest is behind the camera, to the audience it is intended for. Apparently you fell into that group of easily decieved and quickly motivated to persecute where it's not needed like robots in the third reich. And if I - a radical evangelistic christian - bug you - I MEAN TO BUG YOU! Jesus called us to be the salt and the light.

The phrase I so hated when I was where you were at (because I do not throw a judgemental glance towards you as you do me - Sadly I was there once too) I say to you because I know understand it -

I'll sincerely pray for you!