30 September 2007

Goal Accomplished

Today marks a milestone for me........

A little over eight (ok it's been ten now) weeks ago I started a program of running and dieting (gasp not the "d" word). It's not really a diet - it's a changing my lifestyle. For those who are interested - go here.

I had a goal to get back into my clothes that I moved here in AND finish a 5K in good time and finish it feeling GREAT.

Today I ran the Bucktown 5K and finished in good time and not winded, gasping for air or ready to die at the end of the finished line!

By the way - I have increased my water intake to a minimum of 5 Liters a day, try to exercise at least four times a week and eat six mini meals a day. This truly is a healthy lifestyle change.

To test it - I went out of town to a conference all last week and ate out three times a day. I was petrified to weigh in this week but wanted to keep myself honest. Guess what - I LOST 2.8 POUNDS while gone!!!!

I am dancing around doing my best snoopy celebration!!!

Next Goal - Turkey Trot.

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