SB Journaling 2/16/06 from 2Peas
Here's today's challenge:
A little insightful, a little thought-provoking.
I like the ones that make you dig deep.
What is something that you have not yet done
that you believe you can accomplish during your lifetime?
There are a few things that I would like to think that I could accomplish in my lifetime..... Simple things - that just take extra time, attention, detail or encouragement...... (the last of I can get plenty of from my family.)
- I would LOVE to learn to knit. I am all thumbs and a few toes when it comes to knitting. My daughter is in an afterschool class learning to knit. She has made a scarf and is now working on a hat for a baby..... (she won't tell me who's baby..... this is where I insert she is praying in Travail for a lil brother - or "twins - one of each that would be so cool." as she says....)
- I would LOVE to go back to school and get a Graphic Design degree. I am a lil intimidated to go back to school for this because it is SO different from what I do know - nursing. Plus, somewhere in the back of my mind the balcony people are being drowned out by the phrase "really do you think you could make a living from Graphic Design considering the point you are at in nursing?" It ssems like a frivalous desire so it keeps getting shoved to the bottom of my to do list.
- I would LOVE to go to Africa on a Mission Trip. (This may be more feasible than I am letting myself believe.) I still want to go back to India and Southeast Asia - but Africa is on my heart as well - it just seems less obtainable than India.....
- I would LOVE to have another child.... a boy. I am not sure what I would do with a lil boy (LOL) - but it would be a nice compliment to my two beautiful girls.

This would be a COOL layout don't you think... BonnieRose is awesome for these challenges...
wonderful wishes. I too, would love to learn to knit, and it's funny u mention the whole GRAPHIC DESIGN thing.. I have been thinking about that too... learning more about color and design would so help my sbing.. I think.. I'm like you, have thought of that.. and yes, mission trip to Africa.. how fun.. my goal one day is to accompany my daughter Bethany to Uganda to meet her sponsor child fr Compassion.
Thks for sharing!
those are very cool! My dh got a degree with photography/graphic design. He said he wouldn't recommend it. LOL. If you intend to turn that into a job that is.
Knitting is so neat! I love doing it. Just don't have the patience to do it now.
I lived in South Africa for two years. It a beautiful place to visit.
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