25 February 2006

Random challenge

Today's random challenge is

Share some of your bad date stories. I know we all have them... If you don't then I'm sure you've heard of some of your friend's bad date stories.

from burberrygirl

Bad Dates..... there were a few (giggle giggle). As a matter of fact - there still are a few (you know, date nite with the hubby).

My recent bad date that sticks out.... it was our first date AFTER Rowan was born (She was six weeks old). So despite the fact that I was missing her - AND Natalie - we were at this really nice restaurant. We were in the Bar area having a nice glass of red wine with an appetizer. My hubby reached across the table to get something - that was not necessary to get - and over goes not only his but MY glass of wine - down my light tan sweater, light khaki pants and tan sandles. The waitress about had a stroke and I just sat there in shock. Did I mention it was red wine? So off I get carted from the waitress to the bathroom with seltzer water. It's me, a waitress, a hostess and a bar tender in the bathroom dabbing at my clothes in the mirror. Now - was the red wine coming out - NOT A CHANCE. What did the seltzer water accomplish? MAKING ME WETTER. Did I mention Ro was 6 weeks old and I was nursing? (yeah - you get the pic.) The hostess and the waitress felt horrible (I am not sure why unless it was pure sympathy) and seated at this table far far far away from everyone else cause all I wanted to do was cry. We got free appetizers and a free bottle of wine - but at that point I was down with wine (good thing I still don't feel that way).

In reality I wasn't that upset about the whole incident other than I never went back to that restaurant. I was more upset that I was away from my girl (it's a mom thing). The outfit was trashed no matter how many times my hubby pulled it out of the trash and attempted to wash it. I think he bleached them at one point (hey a whole new outfit). Still wine stains.....

Anyone else have bad date stories?


Blogger justem said...

I love hearing these bad date stories!! I am trying to think of a good one to share!!

10:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You poor baby! I probably would've died right there. Its a good thing we can look back on these things and laugh.... DAna

12:51 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

OOPS!!! Do you have red wine often after that??? lol!

8:16 PM  
Blogger Michelle W. said...

LOL. It seems like red wines love light color cloth and table cloth for sure... That's why my husband drinks in the kitchen (he's the neat freak!)


9:08 PM  

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