15 February 2006

Acquired Taste.....

So I am up.... blogging, reading the message board on 2Peas and just basically decompressing after the today....

Law and Order Criminal Intent is on USA. I LOVE this show. I am a Law and Order Geek and it took me a while to warm up to Criminal Intent. SVU and original - ROCKS. Vincent Denofrio - ROCKS - but it took a while to get use to him on the show....

So - this nights episode is rather intense. Vincent Denofrio comes under HUGE scrutiny from a judge he is chasing on Rape and Murder charges. Apparently his partner had put in for a transfer at after the very first show airing. She later withdrew but the defense attorney brought it out anyway to discredit Goren (Vincent Denofrio's character.) Are you with me so far??? Okay - I was in tears (MUST be getting ready for that time of the month... to be crying over Law and Order) cause Goren looks so hurt. His partner tried to explain that she was honored to be his partner and had learned a great deal from him and her request for transfer was a mistake.

After the hearing - Goren walked out and met up with his partner. She is apologizing and he looks at her and says (the point of this post....)

That's okay - I am an Acquired Taste.

I LOVE that... he is an acquired taste - but that is not necessarily BAD. It's actually AWESOME. I am an acquired taste.... I LOVE it. I wanna be an Acquired taste.....

okay off to surf more blogs!!!!


Blogger Ingrid said...

I LOVE his character! What a great line, I think everyones an aqquired taste to a point.
God, I love that man. ;)

10:11 PM  
Blogger Michelle W. said...

OMG!!! That's one of my favorite show. Isn't Bobby great! I love him. (is it weird I called him by his first name on the show?) I saw that episode that you were talking about. He is a acquired taste for sure! LOL.


10:16 PM  

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