Random Challenge for 2/16 from 2Peas
Random challenge for Thursday
Never say never.
That never worked for me.
I know there's just some things I won't do period. Let's list some of our "never in a million year would you catch me doing" things. Scrapbooking related or just anything.
from Burberrygirl
Things I would never do???????
- Join a militant group against the US. I am proud to be American and every time I go through customs I am even more greatful for where I live. There are options and procedures in place if I am disgrunteled with politics. I only say this because I spent 14 long years in Michigan - and if you remember in the news - the Michigan Militia is a very popular organization especially in the Ann Arbor/Dexter area. (Big Press there....) Never heard of it till then....... and I am still amazed that these groups exist....
- NEVER EVER EVER would I bring my child in at 0300 in the morning to the ED with a Fever to touch. I just wouldn't do it at 0300, o600, 0900, 1200 or 1500. I wouldn't do it in a pinch, I wouldn't do it sleep deprived, I wouldn't do it out of desparation I wouldn't do it cause the stores are closed an I have not tylenol - I just wouldn't do it.
- I would never ever EVER move back to Florida. Just didn't like it growing up and don't like it now. Sorry mom and dad.... just doesn't appeal to me. I need seasons... I need snow... I need midwest city life....
- I would NEVER ever EVER get a Brazilian wax... it just looks like it would hurt too much......
- I would never EVER ever go back to work at an adult hospital. Sorry all you adults... It's just not for me. I am happy with the occasional adults that wandering in to our ED - but that's about it. I am all about kids......
- Finally - last but not least - I would never ever ever stop loving my family and or lose my faith in God.
My poor babies (eventhough we had umbrellas) were soaked (including me.) We looked like drowned rats. Praise God I have a hair cut appointment prior to going to work. I won't have to worry about fixing this mop.....
I hear that WI (just above us - don't know about the entire state ) has issued winter warnings because they are getting ICE. Eeeeeeek. I would rather have snow - but no ice - so rain is fine......
My baby girl (Nat) is curled up on the couch knitting. She has me set up on my own knitting project......

Okay off to get my hair cut and then to work....... Ahhhh the first of five days (nights)....... God get me through this......
Oh goodness.. I hope that you are all right . I have never been in a tornado. or been on Tornado watch. Scary.
I would also never get a brazillion wax.. Never, Never, Never. eeek
have a great day
Hope you are OK...hey, is your daughter's name Natalie? Mine is. I went almost Brazilian :) but that's as far as I could ever go - yikes!
thanks for the compliment on Ben's card ;o)
lol @ brazilian waz...never!
Brazilian wax sounds painful! I wouldn't imagine having that done period!
It's cool you two knit. I used to do it. It just got too expansive so I end up scrapbooking! Ha!
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