SB Journaling Challenge 2/17
Remember the old adage, " Be angry, but sin not. "
This journaling challenge is all about our anger.
What makes you angry?
When have you gotten angry in the past & how did you deal with that anger?
Have you been able to deal with your anger constructively??
From BonnieRose.....
Anger - I don't handle well. I would like to think that I have mellowed a tad bit as I have grown a bit more mature (note I did not use the word "older"). I would also like to think each child has made me more mellow (you know that whole maternal hormonal thing.....). However, what I have noticed is less makes me angry - but what does make me angry now - sets me off big time.....
I tend to blow things off till it gets to the point that I am really Peeeeved off. For instance - say there is a screw up with an online order. Say I spend several emails, phone calls et al to rectify it. Say nothing happens for a cycle of twenty tries. I am good - til say the 21st try.... then I am done - peeeeved off - get outta my way.
I don't blow as much as I used to but when I do blow - get outta the way (I think it's the red hair). What really makes me mad - is when I do get angry - very angry - I cry. CRY as I am expressing my dissatisfaction. That just makes me more mad... cause crying is not an emotion I want to express when I am angry.
Speaking of anger......

This is my daughter - full force anger...... she was even more peeeeved when I took the picture of her angry!!!!
Things that make me angry..... off the wall things....
- Stupid people... I mean people that make stupid choices again and again (especially when it effects their kids)
- When I have had no sleep or very little because of my schedule and my girls are off the wall and not listening - Mommy temper rears it's ugly head.
- Bigotry, hatred, prejudice, poverty, hunger and child abuse all really piss me off..... (yes I said the "p" word).
- When Blogger is down and I can't post..... or I type a long email, post, whatever - and the internet goes down losing all. OR - type a letter, paper, word doc, powerpoint whatever - and the computer crashes (or the power flicks off and on).
- The price of groceries - healthy groceries. You know - the food we should be eatting, non processed food, soy milk or organic hormone free milk, antibiotic free chicken, hormone free beef, non-genetically modified veggies and fruit, real fruit juice not juicy juice... Why is it harder for the general populus to afford this food??? The food the kids SHOULD be eatting.... (don't get me on my soap box....)
- Our defunk healthcare system.....
- a bad hair day.... (just seeing if you were still reading.... LOL)
- clicky, snobbish people who exclude others based on superfiscial criteria hurting those they exclude.....
Off to finish my circle journal page......
On a side note - Got the do done yesterday.... on an impulse got a radical change.....

My girls couldn't believe it when they saw it. Rowan was like "kweeeel hot mama...." and Nat just kept staring at my hair. She finally said - "yea mom it looks good, don't go shorter - but it looks good." (the ultimate opinion from Hillary).
love the haircut!!!! highlights??? I wanna get some too.... you look great!
Loved your list!~
great list. Dana
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