27 June 2006

Vacation Cancelled

Vacation cancelled to the Dells due to family emergency. We just broke the news the girls and I feel ill.

Unfortunately we recieved some bad news today that caused us to cut our vacation plans short so that we could attend to family business.

I may not be able to blog for a while.

More news as when available.

24 June 2006

Snap Shots from Saturday

Snap Shots of Saturday

Today was Bike Safety Day at Lincoln Park through CMH.

The girls had a BLAST!!!!! The weather was beautiful and it wasn't tool warm or cool.... The theme was Oz - and all the games had that theme.

They had a lil play of the Wizard of Oz - on speed.

The girls met up with all their friends and ate junk food.....

They had Tattoo booths going on - kiddie style!

And they ate more junk food.....

And dressed up like Judy Garland from the Wizard of Oz!

The best thing that came out of all of this????
They got BRAND new helmets and were taught how to put them on AND make sure that they have them on correctly!

They got home and correctly demonstrated - proudly - how to properly wear their helmets!!!!

Red Rocket had chicago dogs they were handing out (the bomb - sorry Jen and Vince - Red Rocket is FAR better than the Weiner Circle.... but we will still go there too!)
and there was CPD there to register bikes!!!!

Way to go CMH!!!!!

20 June 2006

Garden time

Hey - it's a miracle!!!!!

My plants are still alive......

aren't they pretty...... The girls did a good job planting the other day didn't they.....

It's funny out today... cool and over cast. Of course - cause I had the day off!!!!!!!!

19 June 2006

Bad bike day.....

Okay - as many of you know... our family is now ALL biked up and crusing the streets of Chicago with must enthusiaism (sp). Yup - all three of us, Rowan, Nat, Mommy and Daddy.

We are a happy biking family.... then tonight at work.... the unthinkable happened.

We had three, THREE, Three - bike -v- bike OR bike -v- peds traumas.

After the third one I had to call home to make sure that all bikes were locked up and noone in the fam was biking.

Now I have fears of letting the girls ride their bikes with us..... egads.....

I tell you what.... ignorance is bliss sometimes.....

Bike on!

18 June 2006

Snapshots of Saturday

Snap Shots of Saturday

I was working but the girls and their daddy planted flowers in our backyard.

They had a blast......

I am not sure if it was the DIRT factor..... or the fun factor of creating something for me to see when I get home from work and finally wake up????

Or if they really have a passion for plants?????

Or they needed to burn off all the sugar they ate while I was at work?????? I know they eat worse when I am not around....

Main point.... we have flowers in the backyard and they girls had a blast doing it......

Today - we tackle FAMILY Bike Riding AFTER we take Daddy to get his bike for his Father's Day Gift!!!!!

17 June 2006

Coming to Chicago!!!!!

Okay - how exciting is this????

I was online making reservations for..... Joyce Meyer's conference in September (the hotel) and foudn this!!!!!!!!

Finding Purpose and Power In His Presence

Each conference offers 3 Days...5 Dynamic Sessions

Joyce Meyer Ministries and Hillsong Australia unite again for two unforgettable conferences. Hear practical, life-changing messages from Joyce Meyer and Pastor Brian Houston of Hillsong Church Australia, plus experience passionate times of worship with gifted praise and worship leader Darlene Zschech at each session.

We are anticipating the power and presence of the One True God.

Hillsong in my own backward..... no traveling.....

The girls are ECSTATIC!!!!!! as am I!!!!!!

16 June 2006

You know they are growing up.....

You know they are growing up when they return home from their last day of school for the year and utter.....

Mom - my third grade teacher is Sooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!

(insert glazed over look in eyes)

after meeting her new teacher for next year.

I guess I won't have any problem getting her up in Sept. to go off to school for the first week.

Egads they grow up quick.

BTW - I was NOT suppose to tell anyone she even uttered those words.....

So - it's are secret right??????

13 June 2006

Where in the world???? Springfield?????

So here we are in Springfield!

Where is Springfield? What is Springfield? Why is Springfield important???

I am not sure.....

Okay - if I can sit here - in Springfield and listen to constant comments again and again about "Chicago - the OTHER state" and "THOSE PEOPLE in THE OTHER STATE - Chicago" then I can question pringfield.

I was rather surprised at what little there is in Springfield. There is the Lincoln Musuem (in which they are VERY proud of - rightfully so). But that is about it. Downtown reminds me of St. Louis - some potential but falls short. The sidewalks are closing up at 1600 during the week and 1700 during the weekend. St Louis at least has the Cardinals and the Rams - but still the sidewalks roll up at 1700.

BEAUTIFUL small town Springfield is.... but not Chicago - THE OTHER STATE! LOL! Not getting the joke.

Had a blast tonight at the dinner at the Lincoln Library - took some pictures that I am not sure will get me arrested or not. Apparently (eventhough there are no signs stating NO PICTURES) you are not allowed to take pictures of this library. OOOPSE.

The conference is AWESOME. Love Bioterrorism and Disaster preparedness. Made may professional connections.... All in all - worth the trip even though I miss my girls.....

So here are the pictures that may get me in BIG BIG trouble......

In Springfield I have not idea what that means.... In the OTHER STATE - Chicago - may mean jail.....

These are REAL dresses from first ladies.... I took them for my daughter - so into fashion.....

REAL pieces of the times.... worn and used by the former first ladies!!!!

More dresses NATALIE!!!! Momma went to jail for these.......
The cigar looking box is MAKE UP!!!!!!!! Can you believe that? Mary Kay - move over - they had it already going on!!!!!

Most of the dresses were BEAUTIFUL! The exhibit of first ladies was awesome. We hear so much about the presidents we raraly hear about the first ladies. This really is a MUST see!!!!

AND in ALL honesty - Springfield is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! Absolutely gorgeous. Small town, small community. Not the OTHER State..... I think it is too easy to get wrapped up in the Chicago viewpoint of the world.

The Lincoln Library is Gorgeous! Really Springfield has that going on......

Till tomorrow everyone.... MADONNA PICTURES!!!!!!!

11 June 2006

Going away........

I have gone away....

on a trip......

for a few days........

I miss my girls........

I got my knitting......

Actually the knitting took up alot of my suitcase.... I think I forgot to bring clothes.....

10 June 2006

Snap Shots of Saturday

It was

World Wide Knit in Public Day!!!!!!!!

Nat and I celebrated by getting on the Train.....(brownline EL then to the Metra Elhourn to Elmhurst.......

to meet up with a friend for lunch and to go to a knit shop.

Nat has never been on a train and she had a blast!!!!!

This was what she wanted to do and with me going out of town on Sunday for four days I wanted to have a Nat and Mom day!!!!!!

There was the Elmfest going on

and Nat partook in some Rock Climbing.

They grow up SO quickly.

We took the train back home.....

Bye Elmhurst.....

I think alot of them shows me how she viewed the train ride.....

And Nat took pictures....
She had a blast looking out the window, pointing out things that you and I probably take for granted when we are commuting on the train.....

We are already planning more trips on the Metra (and one on the Amtrak to MI to see grammy and grampy). I never got to ride a train as a child.....

I guess you could say I am (once again) living vicariously through my girls!!!

I tried to upload the cool ones.....

She took many - and they were fascinating to observe from her view of the world.

It was cool out (definitely not summer feeling) but nice. It didn't rain!!!! Praise God!!!!!

Within about 30 short minutes we were back into Chicago.....

And getting ready to do some downtown shopping and a trip on the brownline home.

We were EXHASUTED when we got home for several REASONS - but mostly because we had a BLAST together!!!

Thanks Becca for inviting us out!!!!!!

All so Nat could knit in public and have a momma day................. What a GREAT Saturday.

Rowan? Rowan spent the day with Dad after spending two whole days at my work wooing my coworkers.... and woo she did. Everytime I would check on her - she had a new toy, treat or something to play with..... Ahhhhhhh to be young again!

09 June 2006

A Proud Mother and

This week Nat's class had adwards and parties galore.....

They had a readers presentation that Natalie was very excited to be apart of....

I know the kids are looking that happy - but they were concentrating!!!!!

This was a big deal for us because Natalie would not, could not, did not read allowed at the beginning of the year.

When she was diagnosed with dyslexia this year we (as parents) took a huge sigh of relief (that someone was finally listening to us) and that we knew what to do.

She also recieved an award for MOST improved student.....

Here she is reading her award - what you can't see is the HUGE grin she has on her face..... She melted my heart....

She also got an award for writing a story and turning it in for Young Authors earlier in the year..... Can you tell how proud she is here?????

How about here?

I am a very proud momma.....


07 June 2006

Tiger's and White Sox's O Mi

There comes a time in one's life when you do root for the other team... the Sox's. That time was today!!!!!

Or was it the excuse to take part in THESE wonderful delightful fat grease laden dinner items????

We went to the Red Rocket tonight after I got off from work. It was a girl's night out! We had hot dogs, chilli cheese fries and sat back watching the baseball game.

THEN Natalie had to call Grammy (and step outside because she claimed she couldn't hear????) and tell her she was watching the game. See - Grammy is a die hard Tiger's fan.

We had a blast...... Every once in a while a hot dog with the fries.... chilli and cheese.... and a baseball game.... is a good thing!

05 June 2006

Look what was waiting for me.....

Can I just say
being a mom is the most awesome thing in the world!!!!!

So I return home from work - to find this note waiting for me.... Is it not the most cutest thing you have ever seen? Be still my lil heart......

I sneak off into the kitchen to find this.....

Okay - it was a WHOLE pie. I cut into it and ate (well still eating) the piece of yummy homemade Rhubarb pie with rhubarb from the farmers market.

Can I just say
being a mom is the most awesome thing in the world!!!!!

04 June 2006

Snap Shots of Saturday

Snap Shots of Saturday

There are none.....

Yes I know.... I am quite depressed by this situation. Actually I am not sure if I am upset, disappointed, depressed or livid.

Today (or rather yesterday since it is 0200 in the AM) I had to be at work at 1100. Now - that isn't a bad thing because then I am home at 2300. It's a day shift for those that can't do days. A day-lite if you will..... So - the hubby has the kids. The first order of business was - the FARMERS market.
YES - it is that time of the year again and the farmer's markets are blooming with both plants AND veggies/fruit.

After the Farmer's Market it was off to sign up for city camps. The girls got to go some preview camps and sign up for the ones they were interested in. Rowan and Nat signed up for two weeks of camp each.

THEN - it was time for the BEACH party.... Rowan and Nat both got invited to a friends Beach Party. They had a BLAST!!!! They played in the sun, the turf and the sand. I heard there was a ton of food and games to be had!!!!

After the party they stopped by work to bring me a most delicious Jamba Juice (mango my fav) and to tell me about all the fun they had!!!

Now - when I went to upload pictures after I got home tonight FROM work - I asked the hubby where they were. He gave me a BLANK stare and then informed me, after ducking behind a door - that he forgot to take the camera with him today and take snap shots.

Okay - this is when you realize you are addicted to scrapbooking and blogging. I wasn't sure if I should kick him outta the house for the night OR just hit him. NOT TAKE PICTURES on a SATURDAY!!!! How could you!!!!!

So - this Saturday you must be appeased by journaling only.

NEXT Saturday the girls and I have a "Girls outting" planned to Elmhurst so I will have pictures. We are taking a train out to Elmhurst to goto a knitting shop AND have lunch with a friend. I am actually quite excited. NEXT WEEK - Pictures!

Till next week.....

02 June 2006

Funky Fact Friday

Funky Fact Friday

I am not a person that can get up when the alarm goes off. I never have and probably never will be able to. I think that is why I have always worked nights.

After ten years of marriage my hubby still doesn't get it. If I need to be on my way at 0700 I need at least 45 minutes to get ready (I can shave this in interest of sleep) and at least 45 minutes of prep time after the alarm goes off in order to get out of bed.

Yes you guessed it - the alarm goes off at 0530. I hit snooze a few times till it's at least 0615 - sometimes a lil later depending on when I fell asleep and how well I slept.

Sadly - my oldest daughter is the same way. Yet another item of knowledge my hubby refuses to accept. He still tries to haul her out of bed and have her ready in ten minutes. she is almost worse than me. She must sit and stare for at least 20 minutes after she is up. It is like she is in a trance... there are the rare occasions that she is up out of bed before our alarm goes off - but those are rare occasions in deed. If I am up before my alarm goes off - I am mad and attempt to grab even a few more seconds of prescious sleep......