31 March 2006

RAKS and Funny Fact Friday!!!

A GREAT Mail Day!!!!

As I have said before - my mail is sometimes checked as I am heading out the door to work. I throw the JUNK mail away at work - their garbage not mine (hee hee) and sort the rest there.


I received this wonderful RAK from BonnieRose!!! Thank you! It's marvelous!!! Totally made my day yesterday when I got it in the mail!!!

Fun Fact Friday

ONE fact today - just one.... I am busy at work.... (when I should be home... I agreed to stay over a few hours.... I am such a dork.... {That's not the fact}

I am AFRAID of bridges... I hate seeing them on the horizon, hate driving over them and I really don't think I would be able to walk over one without hyperventilating, having a panic attack, calling 911 and being carted off on an Ativan drip.....

And a RAK from my hubby!!!! There was a Make and Take from WCS this week during CKU. (They had some AWESOME sales going on!!)

Ok now back to work!!!!

29 March 2006

What's in a name....

What is in a name????? Today's Random Challenge

Rowan is of Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "little red-head." Also the name of a flowering tree with red berries.
I think this one fits like a tee??? no???? Rowan is a Rowan totally!!!!!!!!

Natalie is pronounced NAT-a-lee. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "birthday." Refers to the birthday of Christ, or Christmas. There was a fourth-century Saint Natalia.

This would explain why Nat is obsessed with preaching the Gospel to her friends.... and others.... Her name literally was on the short list for NAMES TO NEVER use. After 26 hours of labor, four pushes, shoulder dystocia and obvious loss of sanity for a moment - the nurse asked what her name was. We were in the tub and I was flicking her feet and rubbing her chest to get her to cry... My OB was so cool... little to no intervention. The nurses wanted to whisk her away to the warmer and vigorously suction her out... do all that mean stuff... he just let me hold her, stimulate her to cry and start to nurse her.... So - back to the nurse. She said "What's her name mama?" and I said "Natalie." My husband is caught on camera looking like I lost my everyliving mind (which at that point I think I had....) We had pre-chosen Audra if it was a girl and Keegan if it was a boy..... Funny I couldn't think of any other name for Nat....

Bonnie is pronounced BAHN-ee. It is of Scottish origin, and its meaning is "fine, attractive, pretty." From the Scottish word "bonnie" and also diminutive of the French word "bonne", meaning "good." Commonly used as a fond nickname. The old nursery rhyme claims that "the child who is born on the Sabbath Day/is bonny and blithe and good and gay", which makes this an appropriate name for a Sunday's child.

Uh I think NOT! One other site said everything Sweet and Nice... NOT! LOL!!!

27 March 2006

Random Challenge

Random challenge of the day
from Burberrygirl....

If you got to have dinner with whoever you want, dead or alive - Who would it be? What would you talk about?

  • Bono - of course. What would we talk about???? Everything from music to ONE campaign.
  • Ravi Zacharis - LOVE to do this!!!! What would we talk about???? His journey to Christianity and other philosophical topics... We would have to start at like NOON and probably go til MN.
  • C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkein and Charles S. Williams - We would meet at a pub obviously.... What would we talk about??? What ever they wanted to talk about - I would just like to sit there and listen.
  • Donna Downey, Ali Edwards, Stacy Jullian, Cathy Zielske - at a crop (forget dinner - I want to Scrap with them). What would we talk about???? Scrapbooking and family....
I am sure there are more... but for the most part - this would be a good start (don't you think?)

Okay - my HA is not only keeping me up I am ready to throw in the towel and head for some serious pharmaceutical interventions. You know what they say - better living through chemisty... I was slurring my speech - so I am Migraine headed....

Off to bed with my teddy bear and heart pillow for my eyes....

Just can't get the mojo going.....

I had an evening of Scrapbooking scheduled. I had my Basic Grey out, my table cleaned up and pictures all ready......

I never made it to the table. Well that's not entirely true..... I sat down and cut a few 8x8 pages out... looked at the pics and then my daughter wanted a night of feet pampering. So all three of us were sitting around the tub with mint/rosemary mask on our feet giggling and eatting CHOCOLATE talking GIRL stuff. Rowan mostly giggled.

After that Nat wanted to have a knitting nitch date - so we curled up and knitted for about an hour or so til it was her bedtime. I then thought - A HA - scrapbooking time. I sat down at the table and I had this horrible Headache....

I packed it in for the night. I ate some Motrin and I am still nursing the HA. Agggggggggggggh. Maybe tomorrow morning....

What's worse... I am out of my Scrapbooking Mojo.... I look at all the PP I have and I am lost.... I am in Scrappers Block..... Someone please help get me out of this mode....

Okay - I am curled up in my bed, with my Mac, getting ready to sip some chamomile tea and eat more motrin....

Random Challenge

Random challenge of the day

from Burberrygirl....

Do you want to convert your real life non-scrapper friend into scrapbookers? Hmmmmm if I did, then I would have someone to codependently help me in my obsession and that would be bad. It's bad enough that my hubby loves to Scrapbook too. Our supply is like a monster.... enveloping us..... LOL!

Do you find friends that scrapbooks? If so, how? Uh, no not really. At least not as obsessed as I am. I find friends at my LSS - but they are more people I KNOW not really friends.... that I hang with that is.... Most of the people I know that I get inspiration and ideas from are on here!

Do you show your pages to someone who doesn't scrapbook? Uh, sometimes - if I have a reason (like a card, a gift, it's a wall layout... etc). I don't even tell people I knit.... and that is slightly more acceptable... in a way. They all think I am a freak... Yup that's me a FREAK! LOL!

Do you think you avoid topic about scrapbooking because your non-scrapper friend just don't get it? THEY JUST DON'T GET IT!!! (see above answer) If I have this problem think how the hubby feels - explaining his layouts and albums... actually come to think of it he gets more understanding than I d.... hmmmmmm That's just not right.

Okay back to house cleaning......

Knitting Nitch, house cleaning and scrappin

I am such a bad blogger... and scrapper....

I have been so obsessed with knitting and other things I haven't been bloggin or scrappin. As I look at my cluttered house - I haven't been very good at housekeeping either... (but that could be explained by my three children - Norm, Nat and Ro LOL).

Nat and I had a fun time knitting last night....

Okay I am off to do some house cleaning and then some scrappin!!!!

26 March 2006

Random challenge

Random challenge of the day:

"there outta be a law." Saw that on celebrity justice show. What do you think should made into laws?

from burberrygirl......

Oh - wow - what a very HOT topic.....

There outta be law against:

Using Emergency rooms as a primary care center. An occasional visit for being sick - is fine but monthly to weekly visits for primary care things should be illegal.

To walk three and four abreast down the sidewalk and refuse to move out of that line when people are approaching from the opposite direction.

People who go to fast food restaurants and stand in front of the menu (that never changes) holding up the line behind them hmmmming and hahing.... about the order.

Walking out AMA when you THINK you have been waiting too long, only to return less than 12 hours because the wait must be less......

Fast food restaurants serving less than hot hot hot fresh fries....

Smoking ANYWHERE that someone ELSE may be effected by your Second Hand smoke within 15 feet (that would pretty much mean every place but your abode.)

On a lighthearted note....

Yarn that tangles for now reason other than the fact that you looked at it.....

Socks that disappear in the laundry.....

cotton that wrinkles.....

chocolate having calories......

Okay off to knit with my girls!!!!

25 March 2006

Snap shots of Saturday

Snap Shots of Saturday.....

Well I worked from 0700 to 2300 and then actually didn't get home til MN. The hubby also worked at WCS - it was their SECOND Birthday.

The girls had a play date and then came home to do chores....
(I know - that was backyards - it should have been chores then playdate.)

The girls actually LOVE sorting the laundry.....

as if you couldn't tell.....

Laundry is an uncontrollable force in our house. If you have one dirty sock, don't leave it - cause tomorrow morning it will be ten baskets full.....


Saturday Fun Fact

Random Fun Fact

As I sit here with only three hours of sleep and facing about 12 more hours of work after four already.... downing my SECOND coffee and one more on the way (courtsey of my girls who were sleeping when I left and want to wish mommy a good morning)....

I AM IMMUNE to CAFFEINE. Any way, shape or form. I am immune.

I have been known to fall asleep while drinking coffee.....
I have been known to fall asleep after a triple shot grande latte....
I have been known to fall asleep after a GREAT nights rest and a morning cup of coffee....

I am completely IMMUNE!!!!!

But I LOVE IT! I truly drink it for the taste.... the fresh brewed taste!!!!!

24 March 2006

Last night........

  • Last night the girls were treated to their first concert. We went to see Casting Crowns, Nicole Nordeman and Josh Bates. We had a blast!!!!
    As evidenced by.....

These are the girls after we got home at MN. The concert got overat 2300. They stood in line to get autographs and meet the singers. Nat stood in the line to see Nicole Nordeman.

Rowan stood in the line to see Castin Crowns. I love the way they signed the shirts with their personal bible verse reference.

Then of course Mom couldn't resist getting autographs. I just LOVE this shirt. I am wearing it to work right now. This is ME! The color and the design. This shirt they signed by their stick figure. Most Awesome!

These bands are great. There is a HUGE testimony that goes with it. The whole idea is to SPARK discussion amongst your friends. Nat LOVES the idea and I can so see her using it.

  • L - Life Changing event. We all have them, getting married, graduating, having a baby, landing a job.... For me it was a terminal infection.
  • I - Infection I was diagnosed with a terminal infection. I had an infection in my heart.
  • F - Famous. A Famous person gave me their heart. This person is talked about on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, in alot of Hollywood movies....
  • T - Transplant - he gave me His heart and now I am saved.

Of course the infection was "Sin" the famous person was Christ and the transplant was accepting Christ into your heart. Isn't that a neat way to bring up the gospel?????

After Tony Nolan did his testimony with the ID bands he did an Alter Call. Nat raised her hand high and then even went to the front (which wasn't hard -we were in the front row -she did have to go to the isle.) BY HERSELF - to get a card to fill out so she could be on the LifeSong email/snail mail list. She wanted to be apart of the mailing for the support with her walk as a "new christian." I had tears in my eyes. I was so proud of her. She is growing up. I guess Water Baptism is just around the corner.

Here is Nicole Nordeman. Nat LOVES her. She wants to grow up to sing like her. Not a BAD role model at all!!!!

Mark Hall, lead singer. He gave a testimony on his struggle with Dyslexia and ADD. I saw Nat perk up. It really spoke to her.

Again Nicole Nordeman. Rowan said "Mom, she is so pretty and not Skany like those other singers out there." Leave it to Ro to be blunt stating the obvious.

This is Josh Bates. I have never really heard him but his music was good. He openned. A Lil too country for me.

Again Mark Hall and Casting Crowns. I love this group. I hope that we have more opporunities to go see Venues like this with the girls. It is SO good for them (and us!)

Chocolate and Fun Fact Friday

Join us if you blog:

from Bonnierose

What is your fave chocolate bar? Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate, Any Belgium Dark Chocolate, Godiva Dark Chocolate....
Do you have more than one? any Dark Chocolate that is of good quality....
How long have you loved it? Only as an adult... HATED Dark Chocolate as a child... isn't that odd????
Who gave you your first one? I don't remember... that's a good question.......

Cmon, I know everyone has gotta have one - what about you??????

Fun Fact Friday.....

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Fun fact Friday... what lil quirks am I willing to give up to you this week?????

  • I hate getting Pedicures done. I deparately need on especially with Spring on it's way (sometime I as I sit here and knit between posts and look out the window at the snow..... It's pretty - but it's snowing...) I have to either take a valium or drink a glass of wine prior to the pedicure. I am still tense and stressed. I know the ladies at the corner Nail Salon are talking about me when they do my toes... they giggle alot back and forth then they look up and say - "relax..."
  • I HATE manicures.... as well. So I don't get them. It's the time and the fact I have to sit so still for so long... (yes that is long for me...)
  • I HATE getting my hair done (unless it's a quick cut). The time you fill with conversation while they are trimming and coloring and highlighting and lo-lighting.... and the processing time..... Makes me itchy. This last time I took my knitting and I was actually subdued and lulled into happiness.....
  • I hate sitting... I guess that is the bottom line. I always have to be doing something. I think that is why I LOVE the ER and I LOVE being a nurse. I rarely get to sit around. when it's the wee hours of the morn and we are slow (which hasn't happened lately) I get itchy and want to book home early.... then I remember my scrapbooking and (now) knitting debt and sit there persevering... LOL
I have a new blog site.... dedicated just to knitting and my journey on learning the art (craft).

Stop by sometime. Nat will have her projects on there as well. Rowan is knitting on her KnIfTy KnItTeR as well - and I will post about her journey too. I wanted to separate my Sbing and Knitting....

Okay - off to get ready for tonight. We are taking the girls to see Casting Crowns and Nicole Nordeman tonight. Ro LOVES CC and Nat LOVES NN!

I hope you have a GREAT week with your girls!!!!! Leah - I hope you guys have safe and QUICK travel in picking up Gracen! Stop in and check out these two gals blogs! Very inspirational - BOTH of them!

Getting old......

As a Christmas gift for my hubby I got him Queen tickets. I LOVE Queen. In my humble opinion - they are the greatest Rock band around. However, should U2 surpass Queen in years of touring then maybe I'll give them the nod. They are the runner up though.

I was slightly apprehensive about going to the concert since Freddie Mercury is no longer with them. He was the most awesome singer, song writer, vocalist, musician, theatrical performer of our time.... And he was born in India (lil known fact).

I was a lil weary of Paul Rodgers filling in. The concert took off and I was still unimpressed. Brian May is still an AWESOME guitarist and Roger Taylor is still an AWESOME drummer.

Paul Rodgers sung some Bad Company songs that he excelled at of course... but his first few Queen songs were lacking something. Maybe it was the acustics...
Maybe it was the operitic, harmonious requirement he lacked.... He got the blues part....

Towards the end of the show after the tribute to Freddie Mercury things did a turn around... Paul Rodgers enveloped the songs, the personna and the concert rocked. It was most unbelievable how the concert turned around and actually impressed me. Oh how I wished that I could have seen Queen with Freddie Mercury live in concert. All I have are DVD's of past concerts. I still mourn his death. His life was cut short so tragedically. I remember going through an Alpha Program at our church after Rowan was born and hearing the teacher talk about "Famous People's" thoughts on God. He mentioned Freddie Mercury "who in his final hours dedicated his life to God....." To this day I still pray he was saved... Oddly enough (not to sound all religious again) I told Norm during the concert God gave me a verse 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”[f] 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” I know it was from God because 1.I do not know NKJV and 2. any time I can quote a verse I have not read in NKJV - I know it had to be God inspired....

All in all - date night was fun. We went to Harey Carey's for appetizers with some friends then home after the concert. I was in bed as soon as I got home. I am getting old..... There was a time I would be up til 0300 with friends after a concert.... Egads..... Those were the days of our life.... (pun intended)

23 March 2006

Random Challenge


Beautiful Books
from BonnieRose.

1. What is the most beautiful book you own? I was kind of worried about this challenge forcing me into a mental block because I have so many books..... BUT..... At the risk of sounding all religous and things... my Women of Faith Bible.

2. In what way is it beautiful? Is it the illustrations, the binding, a combination of these, or something else? When I rededicated my life back to God (after Ro was born) I had this unquechable desire to read and understand the bible. I couldn't quite get a bible to FEEL right in my hands. I wanted something I could curl up with and absorb. I finally found this GREAT paper back Women of Faith bible. It's tattered and torn, but contains many notes from my studies, just plain reading and meditaton thoughts and several commentaries that I find refreshing about plain ole ordinary women in the bible. It is something that I hope to pass on to my girls. It will give them GREAT insight into my spiritual walk, struggles, praises, prayers and victories.... It is my life as a christian to them when I am gone.... Something for them to carry on the tradition with to their children... curling up with the bible....

3. How often do you look at it, browse through it, read it? I try every day to curl up with it... That is what makes it so beautiful (other than the obvious - The Word of God)...... it fits me...

Thanks BonnieRose for reminding my what my favorite book was!!!!!

Magnetized by a layout or two

My hubby enticed me into scrapbooking tonight by bringing home this really cool paper.....


What's so cool about it you ask.... it's magnetic. They are 6x6 magnetic paper for layouts..... WCS sent him home with two to make for layouts to display in the store.

Here are the layouts I came up with tonight. (I promised him I would go to the store tomorrow and buy more so that he could make some himself... I could not resist the opportunity to make a layout on this..... come on.... I think he knew that too LOL)


And this one......


I am definitely getting more of this paper.... It will make GREAT gifts.

Tonight we watched.....


All I can say is WOW!!! (yup I am a poor sap who has NEVER seen this movie.... sad to say). It was rather long and we just got done watching it a lil while ago. Needless to say I got quite a bit of knitting done sitting on the couch with the hubby.... but now I must MUST go to bed. I have to be up tomorrow (eeeeek today) early for a knitting class (YIPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE) and a full packed day with my girls. Ro in the AM, Nat in the afternoon and then DATE night with the hubby.....

So - off to bed I will go..... Sorry about the funky pictures... Blogger was acting up and I had to go thru Flickr...... Of course determined me only tried five times to upload pictures on the L and R - only to finally concede it wasn't working and go to Flikr... (argggggggggh)

22 March 2006

Afternoon with Nat

Today - after I woke up from a much needed catch up sleep......

all refreshed and relaxed.....

Nat and I had an afternoon together. I am proud to say that Natalie has graduated from her KnIfTy KnItTeR to REAL knitting needles. Size 15 - bamboo - to be exact.

She picked the yarn (I think) because it is named after her sister. Rowan Yarn. It's really quite pretty.

After school we went to Arcadia Knitting and picked up a few skeins of yarn. First time there and they were having a HUGE huge HUGE sale. We also learned that Debbie Stoller will be there on the 23 April - what an exciting thing to learn. What a God-ci-dince to be in the store when they were discussing that.


We also darted over to JoAnn Fabrics to get these great finds plus a cute lil storage basket for my Loot.....


My hubby gently reminded me tonite that YARN takes up more room than PAPER. (duh - like I didn't know that.....)


Check out what is in this mag that caught my eye......


Can't wait to read that article!!!!

Now - I am going to sit down and watch a flix with the hubby and KNIT (after I do two layouts.... I have paper waiting too...)

Random Challenge

List the things you dream about doing during the last few years of your life.
from Bonnierose

This is a very introspective subject.
Take your time.
If you live to a ripe old age, what do you dream of??
That you would be doing during your final years??
Taking into acct, that your health etc would be just fine!

In my last few years of living I hope I am enjoying some Grandchildren.... I hope I am traveling alot (here and abroad) taking the grandkids with. I hope I am VERY active in ministries through my church AND mission organizations. I hope that I still love knitting and scrappin (Lord only knows I have enough materials to last me into my golden years - LOL!!!) and I can spend time doing it with my girls and their children. I hope to still enjoy the same books I do now, to pass on to my children. I also hope to enjoy the same books I am sharing with my children now - with my grandchildren. I hope to explore new books and music....

I HOPE TO SLEEP MORE!!!!! - More regularly too - sleep that is!!!!

That is what I hope to do in my final years!

21 March 2006

SPT 3/21/06 - Reflections from work

Self Portrait Tuesday

Reflections from Work

I just got home after a 15 hour shift at the end of a stretch filled with 6 twelve hour shifts with two shifts that had less than 8 hours inbetween. Note to self - never do more than one shift that has less than 8 hours inbetween AND never do a shift that is less than 8 hours at the end of a long stretch. EVEN MORE importantly - don't let that last shift be longer than 12 hours. I quickly got home, washed up, looked in the mirror and took some snapshots of my reflection. Work has been BUSY BUSY busy... acuity more than numbers.... which I think sometimes is worse..... So - since I had lil time on Tuesday to exist outside of work (home at 0400, up at 1030 to get back to work) this is my SPT post - Reflections from work.

I now have 3 days off - and intend to scrap, knit, sleep, and spend time withe the fam!

To see more SPT - click here and here.....

20 March 2006

Procrastination.... Making me wait....

This one is all about PROCRASTINATION

What do you wait for the very last minute, to do??? EVERYTHING!!!!!!

Do you do this often? ALL THE TIME!!!!!

Can you figure out why? No other than I am more productive if I am down to the wire. Other times I think it is because I would rather not be bothered (bills, necessary evils like grocery shopping, shopping for household items, working out.....)

Have you always been this way? As far back as I can remember YES!

Does it drive other members of your family/friends crazy? OH YEA....... especially my hubby. I see these same traits in Natalie. Rowan - not so. The other thing I notice about us both is the instant gratification thing. We want it now!!!! We will procrastinate everything else - but if we want something - we want it NOW, not tomorrow, not next week, sometimes not an hour from now - we want it NOW! The exact opposite huh????

NOW - I have to stop procrastinating about work.... The flood gates have openned in the ED and we are SWAMPED.... I took a five minute mental break from triage.... I gotta go back... there are parents stalking my window......

19 March 2006


Today's challenge is all about COLLECTIONS.

What do you collect?

I collect Books. I can never have too many books! Can anyone have too many books? Do I display them? YES! All over my house. They sit on window sills in my living room, on shelves in my scraproom and living room. They are in various areas of the house upright, horizontal and diagonal.

Occasionally I go through the house and thin my collection out... but for the most part - they are mine for life.

My girls have their own book collection going... and I NEED to thin them out....

The other thing I collect is anything I am passionate about.....

Scrapbooking - I can't have enough paper.... I see it, I like it, I buy it.
Stamping - gotta have all the stamps... just gotta. Then there are the different inks.....

Now I am addicted to knitting........ I don't even want to think about it.....

I don't really collect "items" persay.... I try to simplfy my life.... like having a book collection, scrapbooking room that is over flowing and now a knitting basket AND bag filled.....

I need therapy!

I need to go home actually.... just two more hours.. I'll be in bed.... reading myself to sleep.....

Big Sigh.......

RAK from Hubby!

I just recieved the most awesome RAK from the hubby!!!!!!!!

This is a huge shocker because he is not into random spontaneous anythings.....

Look what he got me.... he even read my mind!

I took it with to work last night.

I know I just started reading but it's a hoot! HOOT!!! I love it. There is even GREAT info for a beginning knitter like me.....

Thanks honey!!!!!! I have to go to bed now.... no more knitting, reading, scrapbooking or bloggin.... I have to be back at work at 1500.....

18 March 2006

Sunday Challenge


Scrapbooking and Music.
What kind of music do you listen to while scrapbooking?
What genre?
What are your faves?

Does music soothe you as u sb, or is it a distraction??

Share in your blogs the music YOU CHOOSE to listen to while you scrap!

from BonnieRose


Music geeks me up. I scrap more, am in the mojo more, am more creative and productive with the music on.

I love U2, Coldplay, 80's (eighty's really get me grooving.....), Casting Crowns, Hillsong, Delirious..... anything that is plugged into my Ipod and them comes out my speakers - gets me grooving....

Alot of time the layouts reflect my music. 80's will definitely bring out the RETRO girl in me. My later tunes and christian genre will bring out my lime green mello layouts.

I've noticed, also, that I can listen to music and knit forever as well. The place where I am taking the lessons has her Ipod hooked up for sound and I totally lose track of time and knit away....

I am not much of a chatter. So - knit night, scrap night - music must be on. I am very introverted. I like to focus on what I am doing. It's the same no matter what I am doing.... work, running, reading, sleeping (please don't bother me when I am sleeping), knitting, scrapping.... I am focused... Music helps balance me and keep me focused.

The other thing that I have noticed is that I become inspired by the music. I come up with layouts on my run, I come up with journaling ideas on my run... While I am knitting listening to music... I come up with ideas.... I am a music junkie.... as I am walking across the street I see a car coming do I dart out of the way or make sure my Ipod is safe... make sure the Ipod is safe!!!

Okay I have to migrate back over the ED..... pray for me....

Good News in small doses!!!

This afternoon Good News came in spurts......

Lilgirls, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

My Lil Girls are going to be in a Wedding in July! I am so excited and proud as a Mom! They are so geeked. Natalie and Rowan are sitting pretty, practicing walking in dresses and heels and acting all "feminine" (which is not a stretch for Nat but a stretch for Rowan).

The second good news...


My hubby and I have tickets to the Queen Concert and were planning a date night. Our Babysitters were all booked. Our neighbor - a very sweet young lady - is going to baby sit! YIPEEEEEE!! She told us just before I went to work. She hung with the girls for a bit, looking at their scrapbooks and their knitting. They seem to get along well. The girls are easy to get along with and easy to please.

The Great News revolves around my girls - and that's just fine with me!!!!

Gotta go to work now......

Norm's Make and Take

Norm did a Make and Take.....

Stop the presses!!!!

Seriously. BonnieRose sent me this GREAT RAK a few weeks ago. In it was a mini album. I went on to make a few more and give them as mini gifts. Norm watched what I was doing and duplicated it. He then took it in to our LSS and showed the owner. Norm then was offered the position of Make and Take last Saturday!!!!

He was so happy - to be teaching something.....
Who would have thought Norm - teaching a Make and Take.....

Thank you BonnieRose!!!!

Snap Shot Saturday

As usual I worked last night. I was EXHAUSTED when I got home and crawled in bed. I finished up a LO that needed to go to the LSS today (with the hubby) and feel fast asleep. The girls were home with me while dad worked. They picked up a stash of Artsy Crafty things at Joann's yesterday and kept themselves happy while I crashed on the couch. (just roll mommy over occassionaly and make sure she is breathing...)

Quiet and creative they are....... So sweet how Nat is totally into fashion, drawing and oddly enough knitting (which she is doing now on the end of my bed. A teacher at school asked her to work on swatches for a baby blanket to be raffled in the auction next weekend.)

They went to Target yesterday to get "snack foods." Did you know that Target now has an Organic line of snack food? Yes they do... lucky for both the girls and I!!!! Of course they pick the one box of non-organic crackers... but goldfish is okay... I guess. How did they get all those extra colors?????

What am I doing right at this moment.... Inspired by AE article in CK this month... (I finally got to read a mag when it comes!!!)

1. Just crawled out of bed to get water to drink and crackers. I am always nauseated after working nights and getting up in the afternoon.

2. Hugged the girls and thanked them for being so good this afternoon.

3. Cracked open the laptop and checked email, blogs and blogged on my own site.

4. Will soon get the energy to be up and "running" after the hubby gets home to watch the girls....

5. Back to work for another 12 hours..... (can you say YIPEEEEE!)

What is happening right now AND what is happenning every weekend I work... sad isn't it.... LOL!!!

Luckily - I got a burst of COLOR to my hair. Hi-lights, Lo-lights and inbetween lights...

Today is the first day I can wash it.... boy I can't wait. I have a hard time NOT washing my hair.....

17 March 2006

Spring Challenge


Spring Fever!!!! 8 Questions about SPRING!
1. have you gone on spring break before? if so, where, and if not, why? I have gone to the Bahamas, Cozumel, New Orleans and Fort Lauderdale. (In my young dumb and stupid partying days.... LOL)

2. do you take a spring vacation? Not now - I prefer to spend the holidays home with the fam. To go somewhere with them during a major travel season is a huge hassel. Off season trips are for me - fewer crowds!!!

3. if you had (or have) a spring vacation, what would be your first choice to do? skiing in vermont? a week in the keys? Somewhere with a beach, water and fun!!!

4. in your home/apartment, do you do spring cleaning? I need too.... just don't have the energy. I started on the bedrooms and bathrooms then I pittered out.

5. in your area, what is your weather generally like in mid-march? Rainy, wet, bleak and cold..... occasional snow that doesn't stick around....
Windy - did I mention it's windy!!!

6. spring is one of my favourite seasons ... do you share my sentiment, or do you prefer another season? I LOVE SPRING and FALL. Spring is the beginning of a brand new cycle. It's the rebirth of life. There are many days when it's beautiful and lovely. It's the season of Easter, St Patricks day, Ides of March, April Fools Day, Spring Ahead....

7. do you do anything differently in spring than you do any other time of the year? (plant flowers/garden, take off the snow tires, etc.) I'll have to get back to you on that one.....

8. what are your plans for this weekend? Uh - work... sleep, run, sleep... Work.... maybe some knitting and scrapbooking......

Funky Fact Friday

Funky Fact Friday.....
I need some time off from work. I am so behind....
That is part of my Funky Fact Friday post.

Lil known fact #1. I buy supplies to make things that are on my list (like the 6 baby albums that are waiting for me on my table.) but then I become overwhelmed. I have the paper bags folded for each album, but there sits the Basic Gray Paper in the bag waiting for me to bust it open......

Lil known fact #2. I LOVE Mary Kay cosmetics. I have been using it since I was a teenager. For my Bday a friend (who sells it) sent me some skin care stuff )and here it sits in it's box, unopenned and put away).

Lil known fact #3. I let my mail pile up. I do. Which is why the box is still not openned. I gather the mail on the way to work or on the way home at 0700. It get's placed in a pile. Obvious junk gets tossed immediately. Then - when I have a free moment - I open the mail. I know I know I know - that is so horrible. I am working on making mail a priority. Really I am. (I am sure there are bills in that pile too. That's why I do online bill paying.... so much easier.)

Lil known fact #4. I LOVE interestingly different things. I am a sucker for them. I needed to purchase crochet hooks to finish my scarf. You know, work the yarn back through that I tied together (the two skeins), add on the fringe (which I haven't done because the yarn is not in yet) and other things I am sure. So instead of getting the die hard metal Susan Bates Crochet hooks I got these adorable Bamboo crochet hooks. Each has a saying in Chineese that is translated into English. Are they not just the most adorable thing.

In that pile of mail - I recieved this LOVELY RAK from Bellagrace! Is it not the best!!!! I also recieved a birthday card from my friend EM (sorry Em that I haven't emailed you. I suck.... I just got your email and card.)

Lil known fact #5: As much as I HATE openning mail - I hate sending it too. See my pile of mail to go out.

Here is the layout I got done today - in the circle journal I have to turn in tomorrow. The theme was "PINK." I don't like PINK. I did my page on "Lime Green." Then I realized, as I was purchasing papers and embellishments for the Lime Green page I could not get away from Pink. So there is some pink in there - which will be in my jouranling found on the middle small page. The owner knows and is ecstatic I am doing an "anti pink" page.

Here is the tag that goes with my circle journal layout. I have to put a picture where the rectangle space is. The ribbon came from a $$$ spot at Target item. Can you tell I LOVE LIME GREEN - great for St. Patricks day no?

Okay - I have to go do my run. The hubby is going to take the girls to Joann Fabrics for Artsy Crafty stuff while I run. Schew.... that gives me some time before work.

The Cabbage and Cornbeef is still stewing in the Crock Pot. That is one of the easiest meals to make......