Snap Shot Saturday
As usual I worked last night. I was EXHAUSTED when I got home and crawled in bed. I finished up a LO that needed to go to the LSS today (with the hubby) and feel fast asleep. The girls were home with me while dad worked. They picked up a stash of Artsy Crafty things at Joann's yesterday and kept themselves happy while I crashed on the couch. (just roll mommy over occassionaly and make sure she is breathing...)
Quiet and creative they are....... So sweet how Nat is totally into fashion, drawing and oddly enough knitting (which she is doing now on the end of my bed. A teacher at school asked her to work on swatches for a baby blanket to be raffled in the auction next weekend.)
They went to Target yesterday to get "snack foods." Did you know that Target now has an Organic line of snack food? Yes they do... lucky for both the girls and I!!!! Of course they pick the one box of non-organic crackers... but goldfish is okay... I guess. How did they get all those extra colors?????

What am I doing right at this moment.... Inspired by AE article in CK this month... (I finally got to read a mag when it comes!!!)
1. Just crawled out of bed to get water to drink and crackers. I am always nauseated after working nights and getting up in the afternoon.
2. Hugged the girls and thanked them for being so good this afternoon.
3. Cracked open the laptop and checked email, blogs and blogged on my own site.
4. Will soon get the energy to be up and "running" after the hubby gets home to watch the girls....
5. Back to work for another 12 hours..... (can you say YIPEEEEE!)
What is happening right now AND what is happenning every weekend I work... sad isn't it.... LOL!!!
Luckily - I got a burst of COLOR to my hair. Hi-lights, Lo-lights and inbetween lights...

Today is the first day I can wash it.... boy I can't wait. I have a hard time NOT washing my hair.....

What am I doing right at this moment.... Inspired by AE article in CK this month... (I finally got to read a mag when it comes!!!)
1. Just crawled out of bed to get water to drink and crackers. I am always nauseated after working nights and getting up in the afternoon.
2. Hugged the girls and thanked them for being so good this afternoon.
3. Cracked open the laptop and checked email, blogs and blogged on my own site.
4. Will soon get the energy to be up and "running" after the hubby gets home to watch the girls....
5. Back to work for another 12 hours..... (can you say YIPEEEEE!)
What is happening right now AND what is happenning every weekend I work... sad isn't it.... LOL!!!
Luckily - I got a burst of COLOR to my hair. Hi-lights, Lo-lights and inbetween lights...

Today is the first day I can wash it.... boy I can't wait. I have a hard time NOT washing my hair.....
God made very special people to be Nurses. You are one. ;)
Awesome photos! Love the crafty girls and your HAIR!! Woo Hoo!!
Have an awesome weekend!
Love your hair & you photos! Great {Snapshots}
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