26 March 2006

Random challenge

Random challenge of the day:

"there outta be a law." Saw that on celebrity justice show. What do you think should made into laws?

from burberrygirl......

Oh - wow - what a very HOT topic.....

There outta be law against:

Using Emergency rooms as a primary care center. An occasional visit for being sick - is fine but monthly to weekly visits for primary care things should be illegal.

To walk three and four abreast down the sidewalk and refuse to move out of that line when people are approaching from the opposite direction.

People who go to fast food restaurants and stand in front of the menu (that never changes) holding up the line behind them hmmmming and hahing.... about the order.

Walking out AMA when you THINK you have been waiting too long, only to return less than 12 hours because the wait must be less......

Fast food restaurants serving less than hot hot hot fresh fries....

Smoking ANYWHERE that someone ELSE may be effected by your Second Hand smoke within 15 feet (that would pretty much mean every place but your abode.)

On a lighthearted note....

Yarn that tangles for now reason other than the fact that you looked at it.....

Socks that disappear in the laundry.....

cotton that wrinkles.....

chocolate having calories......

Okay off to knit with my girls!!!!


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