Last night........
- Last night the girls were treated to their first concert. We went to see Casting Crowns, Nicole Nordeman and Josh Bates. We had a blast!!!!
As evidenced by.....

- L - Life Changing event. We all have them, getting married, graduating, having a baby, landing a job.... For me it was a terminal infection.
- I - Infection I was diagnosed with a terminal infection. I had an infection in my heart.
- F - Famous. A Famous person gave me their heart. This person is talked about on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, in alot of Hollywood movies....
- T - Transplant - he gave me His heart and now I am saved.
Of course the infection was "Sin" the famous person was Christ and the transplant was accepting Christ into your heart. Isn't that a neat way to bring up the gospel?????
After Tony Nolan did his testimony with the ID bands he did an Alter Call. Nat raised her hand high and then even went to the front (which wasn't hard -we were in the front row -she did have to go to the isle.) BY HERSELF - to get a card to fill out so she could be on the LifeSong email/snail mail list. She wanted to be apart of the mailing for the support with her walk as a "new christian." I had tears in my eyes. I was so proud of her. She is growing up. I guess Water Baptism is just around the corner.Here is Nicole Nordeman. Nat LOVES her. She wants to grow up to sing like her. Not a BAD role model at all!!!!
Mark Hall, lead singer. He gave a testimony on his struggle with Dyslexia and ADD. I saw Nat perk up. It really spoke to her.
Again Nicole Nordeman. Rowan said "Mom, she is so pretty and not Skany like those other singers out there." Leave it to Ro to be blunt stating the obvious.
This is Josh Bates. I have never really heard him but his music was good. He openned. A Lil too country for me.
Again Mark Hall and Casting Crowns. I love this group. I hope that we have more opporunities to go see Venues like this with the girls. It is SO good for them (and us!)
I was just at their concert here in Michigan. Their music is so awesome. The concert was a great time of worship. I'm glad you were able to take your girls. I went to see Casting Crowns, but came away really liking Nichole Nordeman also. I had heard some of her stuff before, but was great to see her in concert.
I just wanted to say hello, This is Tony Nolan. I surf blogs to hear stories about what God did during the concert. I read yours and my heart was so thrilled! May the Lord Jesus bless you real good just because He loves you.
I'm sooo jealous.... that is a concert i would have love to see.... so how are you...please email me..i'm in El Salvador right now and have 2more weeks to go.....e
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