Alive again
I seem to be dragging with getting the photos up on Flickr and I apologize. They are there - in the raw. There is no rhyme or reason to their placement. I am working on getting them in categories - but with 647 pictures I am pulling my hair out. I can't believe I took that many. Of course I am no professional - and I certainly don't have the D50 that Norm has - but some of them turned out as great candids. I am also working on putting a DVD together to send to all of you who supported me on my trip. As many of you know, God has placed India (and East Asia) on my heart and I have been praying ever since getting back as to what he wants me to do. I know I will be going back. I don't know when - but I know I am going back. I would appreciate your prayers with me on this.
NOW for pictures! (just a few)
This was the real reason for the trip. The people who are hungry for God. This was a church dedication at a small village that we went to. The people were so freindly and receptive. Words can not describe that day nor can the describe the outpouring of God's annointing in the village.
So - the delinquints went on a wild ride in a ricshaw. It was a blast. Yes all four fit in this lil buggy. You don't realize how wild they drive (compared to us) until you ride in one of these. The bus is not a great representation. Many times you could reach out and touch someone. Our driver happened to do a few donuts in the middle of traffic that was quite exhilerating to say the least!!!!!
This was our group that spent the week plus together going to places, sharing long bus rides, a train ride and other interesting sites and sounds. We all became close. You just can't experience what we did and not form some relationship.
The infamous cotton field. For those that were in our group - this has GREAT meaning. For the rest just believe me when I say - after and Indian Toliet a cotton field is a welcomd site.
And this shot - was for my girls (Natalie in particular). DELIRIOUS!!!!!! You would not believe how the people attending the conference responded to Delirious. They knew the words to the songs by heart! It was so amazing. Music truly does break all langauge barriers!
I will post more pictures and links to Flickr as I get them organized. I am actually starting to feel like my self - awake and alert. I actually kept food down this morning and not feeling so blah. Praise God!
NOW for pictures! (just a few)

I will post more pictures and links to Flickr as I get them organized. I am actually starting to feel like my self - awake and alert. I actually kept food down this morning and not feeling so blah. Praise God!
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