26 January 2006

SB Journaling Blog Challenge 1.26.06

Since ValentinesDay is just around the corner, I thought I would offer up a meme challenge all about.. you guessed it, love- specifically, unconditional love. Here it is: Who do you love unconditionally? What does being loved unconditionally mean to you? Have you ever been loved unconditionally? By whom?

Unconditional Love! A very deep subject. I would like to think that there are people in my life that I surround in unconditional love. Unconditional love - meaning no matter what - you love them. Doesn't mean you aren't allowed to be disappointed, upset, angry or frustrated by - but you still love them deep in your heart. I believe there is unconditional love in marriage - or a marriage would never last after the vows were said. Sometimes I think that unconditional love found in marriage is a little hard to swallow - but deep down it's there. For me personally I couldn't imagine my marriage without it. We both screw up but we stay together because of it! Without a doubt being a mom (or dad) requires unconditional love. As a mom (speaking from my own personal experience), from the moment of conception unconditional love takes over. You have an overwhelming sense of love you have never experienced before. Suddenly your entire world revolves around this baby inside of you. Every wave of nausea, pound gained, stretch mark found, kick in the bladder and heart burn endured is filled with overwhelming unconditional love for your baby. Labor in and of itself could not be endured without uncondtional love. (You think I am kidding?) Every nursing frustration, sleep deprivation and irrational concern over your newborns health is driven by unconditional love. A mom would not be able to get through these moments without it. Asthe baby grows into a toddler, pre-schooler, child.... your unconditional love grows as well. It grows to meet the challenges that you face with your child. The stand off at the bedroom door over grounding your child for not behaving and missing a party, the time out in the corner as they stare you down, your favorite party dress ruined because they wore it outside to play, getting called into the principles office, palying referee between siblings.... all driven and supported by unconditional love. I LOVE BEING A MOM! I have said it a thousand and one times. But there are days that being a mom is rough. BUT - in the end - no matter what has happened in parentdom you love your child. That is unconditional love.

Unconditional love towards others - is a stretch. Humanly - it's a stretch. I think we would all like to think that we possess it towards our friends and family - but unconditional love means we do not let emotions, history, looks, reactions, relationships, and other things taint that love we feel for them.

That said - I am so very greatful for the Uncontional Love that God has for us! Without it, I for one, would be condemned. There isn't a day that goes by I don't screw up at least 10 times. God knew before I was born all my screw ups - and you know what - he still loves me!

That, my friend, is true unconditional love!


Blogger amazing grace said...


7:23 PM  

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