30 January 2006

Random Challenge of the Day from 2Peas

My random challenge of the day (from burberrygirl)

1. List top 5-10 strength of yours as a scrapbooker.
- I am good at making mini albums of any size.
- I am good at making very unique cards for any occasion.
- I am good at cropping to get the right picture angle.
- I am good at using embellishments, paper, ribbon and other things from different sources.
- I am good at getting layouts done.
- I am good at making completing other peoples albums (whether being paid to or as a gift.)
- I am good at altering my style so my pages are more ecclectic looking.

2. List top 5-10 weakness of yours as a scrapbooker.

- I am not so good at putting my layouts in their actual album.
- I am not so good at hand journaling.
- I do not have a great sense of color coordination unless it is blatantly obvious.
- I do not have a specific "style."
- I rarely feel like the layout is "complete." (which goes along with why I rarely put them in albums.
- I either under or over do the embellishments.

This was very thought provoking. Aprope since I have an interview tomorrow and will probably need to mention my strengths and weaknesses!

Also - while on my lunch break I found this! (Thanks Burberrygirl!)

My Bloginality is INTP!!!

As an INTP, you are Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving.
This makes your primary focus on Introverted Thinking with an Extraverted Intuition.

This is defined as a NT personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Rational (Knowledge Seeking) type, and more specifically the Architect or Thinker.

As a weblogger, you might not be as concerned about popularity, but more with the ideas and theories that you strive to understand. Because routines aren't your strong point, you might be more likely to work on the concept of how to do a blog, but not be as excited to keep it up.

Odd how close to right this is.....


Blogger Owen said...

Good luck on your interview. Agree with you that this challenge is thought provoking. I'll check out the site you mentioned...sounds so cool. Good luck again!

11:33 AM  
Blogger Michelle W. said...

Thanks for playing! I swear I could put your weakness all in my! LOL. I think I had enough listed though. It's great to year about what you are good at.

Thanks for playing bloginality too! lol. It's scary to think it is kinda true. How did they figure us out in 4 questions?


1:27 PM  

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