I'd post photos but I am curled up somewhere on my couch in my trashed living room. I worked a four hour block at work. I call it my "get out of bed and get the butte' moving" shift. The girls got me up at 0745. They were so adorable. Natalie crawled in my bed at like 0700..... I quickly snuggled her up and prayed she went back to sleep. She did!! (Praise God) About 0745 she sat up in bed, looked out to the living room and made a bee-line out there. THEN she ran into her room and I could hear her trying to wake up Ro. Ro was protesting loudly being the red head that she is that is until Natalie said "Rowan, Santa - big man, red suit, lotsa presents... he came last night." THEN they both oh so quietly ran out to the living room and started going thru their stocking putting their fingers to thier lips telling each other to be quiet. They put everything back and preceded to look under the tree. THEN - when they couldn't take it any longer - they ran into our room and preceded to PULL me out of bed. They left daddy alone for some reason.... So outta bed we dragged..... (mind you I got home at -0300 and was up till 0400).
I had so much fun watching them open thier gifts. They had a blast. They were really good this AM too.
My favorite gift..... a scrapbook Nat made on her own. She took cardstock (as I politely asked while reading - this isn't my good cardstock is it?), drew pictures on each page and then journaled around the pictures. THEN she punched holes in the side, bound it with Ribbon and wrapped it all by herself. It was so special.
THEN - the girls got me a "Build a Bear" for Christmas. They went and picked out the Nikki III bear (they have Nikki I and II). They recorded thier own message - "We love you mommy, you're the best!!! Hugs and kisses!!!" I started to cry. This is the bear I am to take on my flight to India (as if the trip ends there - I don't know why I phrase it that way.... )
Norm got his D50 Nikon SLR that came the day my MAC IBook came. He was very shocked and surprised.
Nat's favorite gift was her Easy Bake Oven (sigh) and Rowan's favorite gift was her Baby doll and Doctor Check up table.
All in all - my favorite part of the day is being with the Fam. Work got me moving and grooving - but sitting here watching the girls play in our trashed living room - jumping from gift to gift, sharing without shrieking, happy and content -just sets the scene on this day!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope your's is as special!!!!!