27 December 2005

Can 't sleep....

Just got home from work EXHAUSTED but can't sleep. I will live to be 100 + 1 day and never figure out how one can be exhausted AND insominac at the same time. So I sit here on my MAC (I LOVE my MAC) trying to get more tired so I will fall asleep. My hubby is in our bed snoring - so that room is off limits for me. That is like fingernails on a chalk board to me (which ironically never bothered me like it bothers others - but you even slightly snore....AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH drives me over the edge!!!!!!)

I guess I am probably thinking - in NINE days I am leaving for India. I have alot on my mind about that actually.

I need to give it up to God. I am excited about going I am just worried about the girls. They are excited about me going except my mommy radar notices that there is this shadow of despair surrounding Nat. She is such a sensitive girl. I am just praying that all will be well with them while I am gone and they read my blog while I am gone....

NOW - my insomnia might possibly be caused by??????? my visit to the Green Crack House on the corner at 0545????

Nah - I am caffeine immune at this point in my life.......

Okay I am trying bed again...... Pray the see saw has stopped.....

BTW - it's not just my hubby - Nat and Ro snore as well - and I go crazy........


Blogger Gina said...

I had insomnia as a child. I am hearing you. It's no fun. I'm kicking myself for not getting a MAC. Definately next time.

8:28 PM  

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