24 December 2005

Back to reality

so, I am rushing around today - before going to work. Wanted to get to the LSS for the 50% off sale on ONE item. (I was going to get the Quickcut Holiday set). Nat is in my room and says "mom, I have a problem." I ask her what the problem is and she says this ----

Well you see, I am having a hard time keeping Jesus focused in my head with the presents under the tree. I keep trying to make myself focus on Jesus but then I think about the presents, and Santa and the stockings. So - I tried singing this morning - singing about Jesus. But - still I keep going back to the presents. What should I do mom.


I told her that it happens to ALL of us and it only gets harder as we get older. Something from the world is ALWAYS trying to take our attention off from Jesus.


She felt better - but told me that she is just going to keep trying to focus on Jesus.
Out of the mouth of babes..........


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