29 December 2005


I DID IT! I cleaned by Scrap Room last night!!!! Something made me do it. Actually I was looking for my bone folder (I think) and was frustrated with my extremely unorganized and cluttered Scrap Room. It's funny because I can NOT stand clutter. There I stood infront of a CLUTTERED Scrap Room - a woman on a mission. My Hubby (bless his heart) helpped. He filed all the papers in their perspective file folders. I purged many papers I will never use, scraps I will never figure what to do with and stickers that I have no desire to use. My girls made out - they have been scrapping all morning. I have a pile of their projects on my bed as I type!

I even re-organized my shelves. They now have dymo stickers where things go. Now - when I or my DH use something we know right where they go when we are done. My card stock is all separated and easy to get to. I have a STACK of mags to go through - happy reading to me. I can actually see the top of my scrap cart now. WOW. My Scrapin table is neat as well. NO piles of paper scraps falling off the edges.

Actually - what I found were - lotsa projects I need to do. I am set for at least a few months. Will that stop me from going to my LSS????????????????????


On a side note - I never found my bone folder.......


Blogger amazing grace said...

what a great feeling! I have been working on my scrap room too! It's such a cycle...b/c you clean so you can create--but when you create you make a mess and then you have to clean again...you know/??

but, I LOVE having everything organized.

4:42 PM  

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