27 September 2005



I made a deal to go into work today at 1500 instead of 1900! I only had like 7 hours inbetween shifts from Monday morning til Monday afternoon - BUT - it was so nice to be home at 0300 this AM. Monday morning ended with a bang and Monday Afternoon started with a bang and ended in a whirlwind...... (Getting up at 2P was a lil rough to say the least......)

Trying to unwind - paying some bills and doing some office stuff I just had to put this song on.....
I'm not a big country fan - but for some reason Toby Keith has a special place in my heart (hey Em are you listening.....) These videos are just making me crack up - oh so quietly - girls are asleep as is the hubby......

Praise God for small things AGAIN! A nurse at work switched with me so I could have ALL of Tuesday off and work her 3P to 3A shift on Wednesday. I get a break and get to work my favorite shift!!!! I'll be squeezed to leave on Thursday AM for St Louis - but oh do I need a day off!!!!!! And a day with my girls!!!!!!

Praise God!!!!!

On a side note - I was feeling REALLY dry and burnt out. I started making lil lists daily of Small praises - and man - am I feeling more refreshed!!!! God is Good!!!!

26 September 2005

What to do........

Two questions - unrelated!!!!!

First Question -this one is easy! On Thursday we are leaving to go to St. Louis for the Joyce Meyer's Women's conference. I am looking for a Scrapbook store to browse through while I am there. Any ideas?
On the same level - going to Indianapolis in Oct to a Hillsong Conference. Looking for a local scrapbook store there as well!!!!

Second Question - and this one is rather lengthy!!! I am at a cross roads in my life. Should I continue with my Nursing education on into Nurse Practitioner - making more money, having more independence and better marketability?? --- OR --- Do I pursue a degree that sparks interest in me and is a something I have always wanted to do? The second option would not make me more money, would not make me more marketable instantly but would fulfill a desire I have.
Two schools of thought. I am a great nurse. I love nursing. LOVE IT! I want to be a nurse practitioner. HOWEVER - it's another two years in school, paying out lotsa money, taking time away from the family and myself, stress, etc. BUT - I would be more independent, marketable and increase my income almost instantaniously. Currently I am just a little burnt out and feel nauseous when I think of classes for this.
The other degree - would be "fun" and "interesting." It would not provide instant income - but would be cheaper (and I think less stressful - since it's for fun) to pursue.
Inbetween the two - more education is not bad. Education is always good! It always provides avenues that were not available before. I make awesome money now as a nurse. Life is too short to not pursue our hearts desire - but if there is something you are good at...... Why can't you do both - okay five years in school for two different degrees - makes me more nauseated. At what point do you say ???? enough is enough. I will be happy where I am no matter what my heart is telling me?

Have I prayed about this? YES - to no avail. I am still as confused as I started.

Then there is the whole avoidance issue. IF I ignore it long enough - the desire to do either will vanish...... leaving me happy in my current state?

Help - I need advice!!!!!!! Thoughts?

25 September 2005

Basic Grey Album

Basic Grey Album
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Look what I got yesterday at my LSS!!!!

I am so excited - a lunch box album from Basic Grey!!!!

I got one for Rowan and one for Natalie. I am going to put misc. pictures in them.

Basic Grey Lunch Box Album
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.

It comes with dividers, chip board embellishments and plastic sheet covers.

This has definitely sparked some much needed creative energy!!!

Now for the time.............

24 September 2005

Music card

My one project I finished this week. Pathetic how little I got done with my four nights off.....

Music card
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
A thank you card for a friend who has a friend being inducted into the Grand Ole' Oprey. He loves Silver and Black

Bazzil Card Stock
Stampin Up stamps
Staz on silver
assorted silver buttons from a clearance rack at JoAnns
Water colors for splash of color

Music card inside
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Inside of card......

Velum for inside and "believe" charm.
I do have started - a coin album for Nat's first day and a mini album made - just need to embellish and put the pictures of "Ro's Brownie making" experience.

23 September 2005

Praise God for small things

Third Day
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I am just so darn busy.....

I was updating my IPOD today and always get sucked into the Itunes store. It's like the Target Phenomenom - 'I am only going to get a few things and they are all 1.99, 4.99, 9.99....' $150.00 later you walk out the door of Target. Same with Itunes - oh look what just got released 0.99 to download. Five minutes later - you're down $15.00 (okay $14.76)

BUT - with a shriek of GLEEE - Third Day has a new release and album to follow!!!!!!!!!

Chronicles of Narnia Sneak Peak
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
ADDED bonus - Chronicles of Narnia sound track out soon........ So excited - can't wait to take the girls to the movie!!!!!

Praise God for an Oasis in the desert of work!!!!!! Something new to walk to work listening to!!!!!

On another note - I have three friends who were due to have their babies LAST WEEK. We have had two barometric changes and no babies. If you could keep them in their prayers.....

21 September 2005

Birds and the Bees a few seasons too early

This will make you laugh.....

Natalie (remember - she is EIGHT) came home from school yesterday. We were having a snack and talking "girl talk." A commercial on TV was about BCP (why are these on tv?) She asked me what they were for and I told her they were for "preventing babies." She said - "OH - well mom get on those right away I want you to have another baby." I look at her and say - "Nat- those prevent babies - not help you have one." Then she says - "WELL are there pills that HELP you have babies mom?" I tell her - (after a moment of thought) - "uh sort of but it's complicated."

THEN she shocks the heck out of me by stating matter of factly "COMPLICATED - mom there is nothing complicated about having babies I know." I look at her and say "oh really - do tell." She then tells me that she would rather talk to Bonnie the Nurse than Bonnie the mom.
I go and get my stethescope, put it around my neck and say "Alright - Nurse Bonnie reporting." She tells me precisely how "mommies" get pregnant - BUT ONLY with DADDIES.

(Can I just say - she gets an A+ in biology).
Color me shell shocked pink!

THEN she says - "tell Bonnie the mom - 'that's how' - and she needs to get on that okay!"

All that aside - Bonnie the mom then gave Nat (her daughter) a huge hug and thanked her for feeling comfortable enough to tell her these things.

Apparently a friend at school told everyone how babies are made. I thought I had a few years - GUESS NOT! I am slightly reassured about the ONLY MOMMIES AND DADDIES part.

20 September 2005

Our first official laceration

Our first official laceration
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Tonight - Rowan became the first of my two girls to get an "official laceration." I guess 12 years combined - one lac and no broken bones is a good record!!!!

Can I just say that where I work - is the best!!!! I went up to work because I am so tired and exhausted that I wanted to be just a "Mom" and not a nurse. They were AWESOME. Standing on the other side of the bed watching my co-workers in action made me feel so much better about bringing her in.

They gave her the royal treatment, made her laugh when the lidocaine started to burn (you can still see the lidocaine blanching around the lac, thanks to Steve's awesome technique in applying it) and loaded her up with stickers when they were done.

Praise God it wasn't worse!!! Praise God I live close to work!!! Praise God that I feel comfortable where I work to take my child!!!! Praise God I was home when it happened to immediately console her!!! Praise God for my co-workers who were AWESOME!!!!!

Self Portrait Tuesday - the forbidden tattoos

the forbidden tattoos
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Self Portrait Tuesday again! (has it been seven days?) I love these posts actually - they are a blast doing!!!! Check on SPT blog!!! There are some really cool uploads!

The forbidden Tattoos!!!! My mom will die (sorry mom). Faith and Love! I hope to get Grace and Mercy on another body part later... I'm kinda getting the itch actually....

I had really cool brush art added - but it wouldn't save each time I tried to save it. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

18 September 2005

New things..... Old things.....

Wow - what a relief it has been to have my project for work done. I had no idea how stressed about it I was. It feels good to be looking through new scrapbooking mags and a couple new books I've sneaked home - without trying to plan a page of feeling guilty I wasn't working on the ED scrapbook. I've had to work all weekend - but I definitely feel lighter!!!!

Friday - in the mail - came Cathy Zielske's (I am behind the times)
Clean and Simple Scrapbooking.
LOVE IT! My creative gears are turning - can't wait til the weekend is over and I have some days off to scrapbook!!!!!!

Coin Folder Mini Album
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Despite working - I still allowed some creative work to get done. This was a joint effort between the hubby and I. A coin folder converted into a mini album. This was the girls Church Camp outing the last weekend in August!

I was suppose to go to a workshop at my fav. Scrapin' place Saturday - but not getting home till 0930ish and falling quickly asleep - a 1300 workshop and return to work at 1900 was not happening.

The hubby - went in my place (I know you are laughing - but the man knows his way around a scrapbook store, difference between pigment ink and water based dye ink, cardstock and velum, KI and SEI, Basic Grey and Chatterbox......)

Coin Folder Mini Album inside!
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
So - he showed up in my place to get the materials and how tos! They are use to him there! I think he is thier token male! : )

Here is the inside to the coin folder album. My hubby learned how to emboss with UTEE.
I'm likeing this lil album - I have tons of one day excursions that could so be displayed this way...... with little to no effort! They are so fun!!!!

Christmas Presents...... hmmmmmmm!

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
For Sunday Dinner (being football season is upon us, the weather is wee bit cooler and the leaves are starting to change ever so slightly) we did a chilli recipie I found on Cathy Z.'s blog - El Cid Chilli. AWESOME! Just the right dinner for tonite! Spicy and warm, full of interesting flavors, definitely not boring and a great treat before work! (Interestingly enough - I am not a huge MEAT fan.)

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
EVEN the girls ate it!!!!
A little coaxing was needed
but they ate it!

The best thing - it's still in the crock pot simmering - waiting for seconds and thirds to be laddled out over the next 24 hours or so!!!! BONUS!!!

I am now addicted to deviantART and playing with photoshop (Thanks Leah!!!) I am excited to have some nights off this week to play around with photoshop and my new brushes!!!!

I want one of these......IBOOKS...... I can't even believe I am contemplating this.... but I want one BADLY. I avoid the Apple store at all costs for fear I will compulsively get it!!!!

And, now, I have to hurry off to work....

16 September 2005

Babies coming.....

baby card
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I have two friends expecting babies TODAY. So - before I went to work I whipped up two cards. The slide part will say (after the babies are born) "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl" depending on the sex of the babies. (They may know - but I don't want to know - there are very few 'surprises' in life.)

baby card
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.

One of my pregnant friends - is at work now. I have to keep hush hush...

Stampin Up stamp - Babies Firsts
Stampin Up stamp -
Watermark for background

Spark Your Art

Nat and I just got home from her FIRST ART CLASS!!!!!!

We went to Spark Your Art Gallery near our place. I met the owner and instructor at a Crop Night at my favorite Scrapin' place a month or so ago. Tells you how hectic our lives have been that I am just now getting around to getting her in a class.

She had a blast - wouldn't be quiet the whole way home after the class.

I like Ellen's approach - She sparks their creativity and lets them create as opposed to having a set project and a set way of doing things. I looked at several art classes around here and this seemed to fit Nat the best. Check out Ellen's Blog and Art Studio.

Now - for some creativity of my own.....


I really think a vacation is needed...... At the end of the month we are going to St Louis, MO for a conference. I know that it's going to be rushing around all day for three days and falling into bed on Saturday night before having to return on Sunday. So - while I am looking forward to the trip - I am not looking forward to the energy that will be extended.

I feel like - since I have been so busy - I have been ignoring alot of what makes me "happy." I was filling out my time card last night and I noted that there was like 30 hours of OT this pay. Just filling it in made me nauseated and tired. That would explain my mood.

So - I decided to post five things that I am happy and thankful for that require nothing but wonderful gifts from God!!!! (and believe me I know there are more than five - but in the interest of time....)

1. My girls - they are what keep me going. Nat (mini me) and Ro (mini me insecurities released) are my sunshine. They say and do the funniest things. They are true gifts from God that I thank him every day for. Being adopted - I always longed for a genetic link to me - and I have two before my eyes.

2. My hubby - always there, always doing things, always filling in the gaps.

3. The weather is BEAUTIFUL out. It went from 80's to 90's to 68ish.... No humidity, nice windy. Fallish weather.... Puts me in the mood for the fall colors.

4. My job - I love my job, I love being a nurse and I love where I work. Odd though it is - it's a great place to work and it's with kids. Plus - in this day and age - to have a secure job with benefits and good pay is something to always be thankful for.

5. My health - despite the occasional migraines, annoyances of growing older - I am in excellent health and so thankful to God for that!

Okay - back to getting ready for work.......

I tag you if you are reading this - to make a list of 5 random things you are thankful for too... I know it's not an official MEME......

14 September 2005

It is DONE!

scrapbook for work
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
It's done!

The project for work is DONE!!!!

I can concentrate on my own scrapbooking now!!!!

I have to lug it into work in the bright AM and here I am still up. Just finished - I did!

My house was overtaken by this project... I now have to re-organize my scrap room!!!

scrapbook for work II
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
While it was FUN creating this album - and I definitely learned about the place I work at - I am so glad it's done.
I know that having the 15 Sept Deadline looming over my head and my hectic schedule was causing half of my stress.
I think I went like 15 pages beyond what was originally given to us - but there was just so much to include.

Now off to bed - to get up in a few hours!!!! (yes me the night owl - going to bed before 0300 - I AM EXHAUSTED)

13 September 2005

SPT - Hands

SPT - hands click on picture to see the series
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Today my daughter came home from school upset. After several minutes (several minutes) of talking, holding hands and telling her it didn't matter what she told me I wasn't going to be mad or upset - I finally found out what was going on.

Girl stuff..... (isn't it always)

Self Portrait Tuesday's monthly challenge was "body parts." I noticed alot of people on SPT blog's (check it out - awesome SPT photos) were doing hands.

When Nat and I were having heart to hearts I thought - 'I should photograph our hands.' I hope to journal this so that she can pull it out later on when "girl stuff" turns into "teenage girl stuff" so that we can still have these heart to hearts.....

Be sure to check out the other SPT photos at the SPT blogspot!

12 September 2005

LOOOOONG weekend

Evil Drug
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I am pressed for time finishing a project - but I had to take a break, satisfy my blogging addiction and post....

So this little stinker of a pill to your right (the computer's convienent Left) is called CIPRO. CIPRO has knocked me on my preverbial butte' this weekend. In addition to it being extremely busy at work - I think (no I know) I had (getting personal here watch out) a UTI (of which I have only had to deal with TWICE in my life). So I got a script for CIPRO. I spent the entire weekend wretching when I should have been sleeping for my next shift.

My New Date book has ARRIVED
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
HOWEVER - the weekend wasn't a total loss.... I had started a date book for myself on Friday. My hubby dropped it off at Kinkos on Sunday and I just got it back!!!!!

Since I was taking the Cipro in the AM when I got off work (just before bed) - the side effects didn't really hit till I was in deep REM at noon.

So - when I stumbled home in the AM - I worked what I could on finishing the detailsso that I could get it bound.

My New Date Book
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I was very inspired by Downey Donna (see I am going to leave it to prove that I am so dyslexic with her name.....). You have to get her book Decorative Journals... Actually you have to own all three of her books!

I love this phrase she coined and I love the date book idea.....

Okay - so I know that it starts on Sept 1 (technically - 29 August). There's a reason....... I NEED IT NOW!

Okay - confession time.... This is actually a step back in time for me. I had (HAVE) a palm Zire. I love LOVE my palm. It has many clinical programs on it that help me at work and beyond. I have a copy of Clinical Peds on it for cryin out loud. I use it for my date book, addresses, picture storage - EVERYTHING.

Well - it crashed. Not a problem. To restore just HOTSYNC. Well - I could hotsync if I could remember my PASSWORD. Dyslexically (is that a word) - I screwed up my password and I have no idea what to do since it is now LOCKED.

On a similar note - I did the same thing to my MC last night at work - when I was trying to get money out for food when we ordered out. I apparently (not apparently - I did according to the security office that called me this AM to verify 'questionable activity on my acct.') inverted the numbers to my PIN code.

I know I am stressed when I start making huge inversions like this. I really need a vacation. I am thinking a scrapbooking bed and breakfast..... cruise...... any ideas????

09 September 2005

Wee hours of my morning....

Altered Clipboard001_edited-1
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I had some off unit time last night to work on the ED scrap book.
I did !!
Actually I logged off the blog and worked just about non-stop till I had to go to work at 2230.
My hubby went to an Altered Scrapbook Class - he made this for me!!!!!

Imagine my pleasant surprise when he walked in and handed it to me.....

Altered Clipboard002_edited-1
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.

I love it.

I thought it was his. Then - when I turned it over I saw the word "BLOG" I asked him why he would put that on there (since he rarely reads any much less mine - and he doesn't have one of his own)???
That's when he told me that he made it for me.

In the details he has many things that I like/LOVE. It took alot of thinking on his part and I am quite touched!

I had to share before I head off to bed with my sore tootsies and drooping eyelids........

BTW - Leah - note that I have learned not only HOW to change my header (thank you!!) but I have also added color and variation to my font..... (Thank you again!)

08 September 2005

Random Thoughts.....

I feel like I am running on empty and information overloaded right now. I never went to bed after I posted yesterday - I finally fell asleep exhausted at 2300. The girls and I had a full packed day. It was great doing things with them and for them without having to rush off to work at the end. I wanted to post about it this AM before I sat down in front of that "work project" I keep avoiding not for lack of enthusism but for lack of ideas.

Need more!!!
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
First of all - Rowan and I decided to make Smore Brownies - THANKS to my Friend from work Becca (thank you Becca) for bringing them into work on Monday and giving me the recipie!!!

Makin the smores brownies
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Rowan had a blast. I am not sure if it was all the SUGAR that laid before her or if it was the process of smashing everything that went on top - or - that she was in charge of making "the brownies" for Wednesday Night Group at our place!

Makin the smores
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I'm not sure if I had more fun watching her or helping her?

Click on any of the Smore's Pictures to see the entire process.

Smore brownies done!
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
The finished product!!! And yes - they are as deadly as they look - ooooey, goooey and chewy! A perfect pms snack!!!

- I told you this was RANDOM

Toothpaste mess!!!!
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I fail to understand, no matter how many times I show them HOW to squeeze the tube and replace the caps - this occurs! Does anyone with kids understand this????

Nats folder one
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.

I was inspired by Donna Downey's Decorative Journals book to create three personalized folders for my daughter going to second grade. I wanted the folders to make her smile, inspire her to do her best and know that I was behind her 100% no matter what!

Nats folder two
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
While it took me forever to get the creative juicies flowing - I had fun doing it. This one has KI Birhtday paper and the random alphabit at the top has a real word search in it! I also used a Junkit's buckle.

Nats folder three
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
All three use KI's newest paper, KI's corresponding ribbon and various Stampin Up stamps. I just got my "Tag Bundle" in the mail for Quickutz. I used it to make the tags on the side. Nat's not sure what subject she is going to put in which folder - so that hasn't been filled in yet. I LOVE this tag bundle!!!

And on a personal note - A little known fact - but I suffer from dyslexia. (I know - not what you want to hear from a peds nurse who has to make alot of calculations.) I worked hard in elementary school to overcome it. When I get really tired it usually shows up. For example - when I booked the plane tickets to Australia I gave the guy my credit card number. I inverted ALL the numbers. He had the RIGHT numbers - the four groups of four - were all out of order. He kept saying the acct didn't exist and I kept saying it did. Worse - I kept reading the numbers off the SAME WAY! Finally - after three phone calls to my credit card company insuring myself the acct existed eventhough I had the card in my hand - I had him read the numbers back to me (I have no idea why?) That's when I realized that the numbers were all messed up.
Recently - tired or completely rested - I keep noticing when I type Donna Downey's name I ALWAYS (and I did it here too) type Downey Donna.

Okay - enough with the Random! I am off to play with Rowan and get my work done!

07 September 2005

Rescue Relief

My last post mentioned that I have lived at work the last few weeks - and will the next few weeks. It's a combination of "short staff" (which every nurse is aware of - this in part to vacations) and the hospital getting ready for it's "Magnet Visit" next week in which I still have finish the scrapbook for (stress!!!).
Since Last Friday night we have been on edge because there was an 'apparent' plane arriving with 'refugees' from Katrina. The rumor went from one plane to several planes. We would get calls almost each shift. So - people were asked to either cover the ED or be prepared to go on a team to triage. A very big part of me wished I was able to actually go to LA or Ms. to help out. I have been rather ambivalent about the entire disaster. I love LA and have been to New Orleans SEVERAL times when I lived in FL. I am well aware of what the living conditions were like prior to Katrina and can only imagine the destruction left behind. I would like to believe the news media is not sensationalizing - But???

I love what
Joy and Terihad to say. They articulated far better than I could have in my sleep deprived state.

So - last night - I came up close and personal with some of the people from Katrina. They called a team out at 2330. I volunteered since I was already at work and the only thing I would be sacrificing today was a pre-registered conference on "Child-Maltreatment." (However - it was an awesome conference). Another Nurse, our trauma coordinator, ED director and another Attending were escorted to this Church on the Southside of Chicago - House of Hope.

A plane load of Katrina Refugees arrived at Ohare and were bused to the church for registration with Public Aide, refreshments, a chance to grab some clean clothes, a table full of toiletries to pick from, baby items, and medical care if needed. After Registration and welcoming to Chicago/IL - they were to be bused to two other shelters in the city with 'counselors' to help them thru the relocation process. There were several families there. This was very heart warming - full families (mothers/fathers and children). There were several adults triaged who probably haven't even had minimal healthcare in ages. Some were transported to hospitals for further eval. The people - all in all - were extremely polite, grateful and receptive. I can only imagine what these people have gone through. Given the media's portrayal I was a little concerned at what these refugee's would be like.

All in all - this said - My ambivalence is less apparent. I still have mixed feelings - but I am glad I got this opportunity - and do wish that there was some way I could go down south and help out.

At the same time - (Sorry Em) - I am so thankful I am a peds nurse.

Okay - I have either got to get some more sleep - OR work on the scrapbook for the Magnet Visit.....

06 September 2005

SPT - The shoes

The Shoes
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Given it seems like I have been living at work the last two weeks - and two weeks coming I thought it fitting to have my SPT be something related to my work and me. I got these really nifty shoes last week and LOVE them. I got them at the DANSKO outlet.
I use to sport these outrageously yellow ostrich danskos but traded them in for these sharp little numbers. I love them.... Match my firey red headed temper they do!

The first day of Second Grade

first day of 2nd grade
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
My baby girl has grown up.... This was her first day at Second Grade. Second year at this school. She was up and out of bed with little to no help, dressed and ready before I could brush my teeth.
She did ask me if she could walk to school by herself - UH NO! But still wanted a good bye kiss at the playground in front of EVERYONE. So she's still my baby girl....

second grade 2
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Just like school never let out for the summer....

second grade 4
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
The first day of school - new books, new folders, new pencils, new back pack, new lunch box, new uniforms and underwear.... (this is where my daughter says - MOM - stop okay....)
It's a mom's perogative to go ga ga over the first days of school - it's a scrapbooking moment you know!

second grade
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Heading on in......

second grade 3
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Here she is with her friend Katrina - bringing up the rear to the classroom! This year they are on the second floor. I kinda feel sorry for them - the teacher looks like one of those outta your worst nightmare dreams of school. I am sure though, that she is a lovely, inspiring, awesome teacher. SERIOUSLY - the School Nat goes too is beyond compare.

03 September 2005

Most Amazing Thing Happened......

I was on my way into work and I stopped to get the mail. I grabbed the mail real quick and threw it in my back pack. I got to work - pulled out the mail to see if there was anything of importance - there is this "card" type envelope. I threw the rest of the mail back into my back pack and stuck the card in my pocket. I just openned the card - and was pleasantly surprised what was in it!

tag from Leah
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.

(thank you so much) sent me a very special homemade tag!!!! It so brightened my day. I was so not wanting to go into work tonight.

tag from Leah
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Orienting to Charge has manifested to not sleeping, not eatting (or lack of an appetite), Headaches and really upset stomach. I was like - really not wanting to go into work tonite. Openning this tag made my day, I had this HUGE smile on my face!

I just had to share this wonderful amazing thing that happened to me today!!!!!! Thank you SO much Leah!!!!!

BTW - you may have noticed some reconstruction to my blog banner - this too is in thanks to Leah!!! I am playing around with photoshop more and not afraid to alter my pictures. I LOVE PHOTOSHOP! I have little time to do it but on these mornings when I get home from work with insomnia (and my nights off) - it's a GREAT thought altering project! I know it's rough looking - but give me time I'll be changing my banner all the time now....

02 September 2005

Quick Get Well Card

Quick Get Well Card
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Real Quick - On my way out the door to work. I stayed up with the girls this AM till noon and finished this card for a friend at work that isn't feeling well.

I used: Bazill Cardstock
Friend Stampin Up
Gladsome Greetings Stampin Up
Diamond Glaze for shine on butterflies
Scrapworks Waxy Thread

The front says "Rest and..." and the inside says "Get Well!"

Taking it in for everyone to sign tonite!

01 September 2005

Disaster Prayers

I just got to work (Work - I just had four lil girls at my place - didn't I already work?) and got this email from one of the mission students that stayed here at our church over the summer. (see Katie and Desiree') Both of them were down in Mississippi area when Hurricane Katrina hit. True to their character - they have risen to the occasion reaching out to those in need and planning a trip to help out in the heart of the disaster! Love these girls so much and just ask that you keep them in your prayers! Below is her email I just got!!! You can follow their blogs as well - see names on the right!!!

hello dear chicago family! i am terribly sorry that it has taken so long to respond to you. i am just now able to get online and check emails and what-not. the past few weeks have been incredibly crazy... after i got back from visiting my family in tx school slammed down on me...then i knew the storm was coming, but no one could have ever anticipated all this. i am a couple hundred miles from the coast and we were without power, my church is housing fleeing refugees from new orleans adn the coast, gas here is $3.09-$3.15. traveling is out of the question. i havent heard from several friends that i know went to school down on the coast. i saw some pictures of hattiesburg, where katie goes to school, it's not pretty. i wish i could get a hold of her. our cell phones still are not working. i hope your friends down here are safe. a group of us students here at our baptist student union are gearing up to head down to the coast to help with clean-up and volunteer our aid where needed! but like i said we have refugee camps in oxford where we are collecting items for the people and housing them in church gym's. i know that there isnt much that you guys can do but just pray. please keep MS & LA in your prayers. its so awful. also donate blood! there is SUCH A SHORTAGE, always a shortage, but i know that there are a lot of injured people and if you cant give your time or money, then give life! thank you so much for your prayers & concerns! there is a line to use the computers so i have to leave, but i love you all! send everyone my love and prayers!


I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen,
not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.-C.S. Lewis

Quick Card

Heartfelt thanks
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
While working with the four girls today ( 4,5, and two 8 year olds) on their mini scrapbooks (part of a sleep over project) I threw together this card. It's a thank you card for Cubs tix we got last week - hence the color scheme Blue, Red and White.

I used:
(see getting better with this)
Bazzil paper
Stampin up Heartfelt stamps
Scrapworks twine
KI buttons
Diamond Glaze for shiny flowers

Now back to the girls - they are outside playing with the hose in the backyard - eeks!