23 September 2005

Praise God for small things

Third Day
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I am just so darn busy.....

I was updating my IPOD today and always get sucked into the Itunes store. It's like the Target Phenomenom - 'I am only going to get a few things and they are all 1.99, 4.99, 9.99....' $150.00 later you walk out the door of Target. Same with Itunes - oh look what just got released 0.99 to download. Five minutes later - you're down $15.00 (okay $14.76)

BUT - with a shriek of GLEEE - Third Day has a new release and album to follow!!!!!!!!!

Chronicles of Narnia Sneak Peak
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
ADDED bonus - Chronicles of Narnia sound track out soon........ So excited - can't wait to take the girls to the movie!!!!!

Praise God for an Oasis in the desert of work!!!!!! Something new to walk to work listening to!!!!!

On another note - I have three friends who were due to have their babies LAST WEEK. We have had two barometric changes and no babies. If you could keep them in their prayers.....


Blogger amazing grace said...

i do the same thing......in regards to $. I won't buy one thing at $49.99--but I will buy 6 or 7 things at 5.99 or 9.99--and end up walking out spending more than $50.00...... i am completely with you on this one.....i think that is why dollar stores are so successful!

6:15 AM  

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