21 September 2005

Birds and the Bees a few seasons too early

This will make you laugh.....

Natalie (remember - she is EIGHT) came home from school yesterday. We were having a snack and talking "girl talk." A commercial on TV was about BCP (why are these on tv?) She asked me what they were for and I told her they were for "preventing babies." She said - "OH - well mom get on those right away I want you to have another baby." I look at her and say - "Nat- those prevent babies - not help you have one." Then she says - "WELL are there pills that HELP you have babies mom?" I tell her - (after a moment of thought) - "uh sort of but it's complicated."

THEN she shocks the heck out of me by stating matter of factly "COMPLICATED - mom there is nothing complicated about having babies I know." I look at her and say "oh really - do tell." She then tells me that she would rather talk to Bonnie the Nurse than Bonnie the mom.
I go and get my stethescope, put it around my neck and say "Alright - Nurse Bonnie reporting." She tells me precisely how "mommies" get pregnant - BUT ONLY with DADDIES.

(Can I just say - she gets an A+ in biology).
Color me shell shocked pink!

THEN she says - "tell Bonnie the mom - 'that's how' - and she needs to get on that okay!"

All that aside - Bonnie the mom then gave Nat (her daughter) a huge hug and thanked her for feeling comfortable enough to tell her these things.

Apparently a friend at school told everyone how babies are made. I thought I had a few years - GUESS NOT! I am slightly reassured about the ONLY MOMMIES AND DADDIES part.


Blogger amazing grace said...

LOL!! :) That's funny, esp. the "tell Bonnie the Nurse" part instead of "Bonnie the Mom"--cute!

Thanks for making me smile!

4:43 AM  

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