26 September 2005

What to do........

Two questions - unrelated!!!!!

First Question -this one is easy! On Thursday we are leaving to go to St. Louis for the Joyce Meyer's Women's conference. I am looking for a Scrapbook store to browse through while I am there. Any ideas?
On the same level - going to Indianapolis in Oct to a Hillsong Conference. Looking for a local scrapbook store there as well!!!!

Second Question - and this one is rather lengthy!!! I am at a cross roads in my life. Should I continue with my Nursing education on into Nurse Practitioner - making more money, having more independence and better marketability?? --- OR --- Do I pursue a degree that sparks interest in me and is a something I have always wanted to do? The second option would not make me more money, would not make me more marketable instantly but would fulfill a desire I have.
Two schools of thought. I am a great nurse. I love nursing. LOVE IT! I want to be a nurse practitioner. HOWEVER - it's another two years in school, paying out lotsa money, taking time away from the family and myself, stress, etc. BUT - I would be more independent, marketable and increase my income almost instantaniously. Currently I am just a little burnt out and feel nauseous when I think of classes for this.
The other degree - would be "fun" and "interesting." It would not provide instant income - but would be cheaper (and I think less stressful - since it's for fun) to pursue.
Inbetween the two - more education is not bad. Education is always good! It always provides avenues that were not available before. I make awesome money now as a nurse. Life is too short to not pursue our hearts desire - but if there is something you are good at...... Why can't you do both - okay five years in school for two different degrees - makes me more nauseated. At what point do you say ???? enough is enough. I will be happy where I am no matter what my heart is telling me?

Have I prayed about this? YES - to no avail. I am still as confused as I started.

Then there is the whole avoidance issue. IF I ignore it long enough - the desire to do either will vanish...... leaving me happy in my current state?

Help - I need advice!!!!!!! Thoughts?


Blogger amazing grace said...

in Indy--i think Luv2Scrapbook has a store...check out there website.

as to your other question...i will keep it in my prayers...

Ok..so FUN that you already bought the Pink Clogs at Target! I LOVE THEM!! I have got to save some $$$ and then go buy a pair. I love that "rose-pink" color!

4:46 AM  

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