He is Risen Indeed!!!!
For a most AWESOME post on Easter go to
BonnieRose's Blog site! I could not have posted better!
And - BTW - Bonnie - Our Pastor just happened to quote the same passage in the beginning of our service. What a Godcidence!!!!!!

What a lovely Easter we had here - our fam and I!
Church was GREAT, The Day was Great!

This is probably the first Easter I have had OFF in FOREVER! It was so nice to be home with the Fam!!!!! I am diggin working less....
Now - my SBing Habbit and Yarn habbit might interfere with this (LOL).... But I love not working as much and spending more time with the girls!!!!!!

The girls LOVED thier baskets! The weather was most awesome until after church and then it was just a very nice SPRING Rain!!!!
We were able to sneak the Easter Egg hunt in just prior to going to church!!!!!

Our Ham dinner was most delic! I am still sucking in water from all the ham I ate! (LOL)

AND - bababababooom - I actually started to scrapbook tonight. I wasn't majorly into it - but I did get a page or two done.
Nat did have a bit of a hormonal upset today - tears, sobs, cramps, you name it... (she is EIGHT) but after we got to church - all was fine.
Nat and I curled up and knitted while watching "What a Girl Wants." VERY cute movie. Highly recommend it. Very clean, cute, happy ending.... No Lindsey Lohan around to ruin it.... (sorry Lindsey).

Here are the Lime Green Crocs the Easter Bunny left us!!!!! Are they not just DARLING!!!!!!

The girls love them. Natalie didn't take hers off and in fact I think that Nat is wearing hers in bed right now. Rowan - I was a lil worried about - wanted to wear them to church with her dress (LOL)

And here are the REAL shoes that were suppose to be worn today and were indeed worn!!!!!!

Now - not that I am trying to show off my 10 cent Pedicure I did myself - minutes before leaving for church... but I wanted to show off the incredibly matronly looking skirt and shoes (okay maybe not the shoes). My
hubby SWEARS it reminds him of Basic Grey.... I think he has lost it!!!!!

And here are my beautiful girls with their FAVORITE friend - Elizabeth! Wearing their scarves I made for them to go with thier outfits. They picked out the yarn and I knitted the scarves... They also picked out the design.... See my
knitting blog for more on that one!!!! LOL!!!!
Now - while I am typing this - the hubby and I are finishing up Movie weekend as I work on a new Knitting project (
grunge hat to go with my grunge scarf.) We are watching the Interpretor. Maybe I am a lil biased because it was filmed in my favorite all time city and showed some of my most fav places to be in.... AND it has alot of political rallying against the wrong things that go on in Africa.... but it was a really good movie.... Must recommend it.
We are going to head over to the dark side now.... Ringu Too. I am a huge sucker for Asian films. I would rather watch Ringu and Ringu Too than the Ring - so that is what we are watching next!!!!!
I hope everyone had and equally happy Easter!!!!!
Always remember - Christ is Risen - He has Risen InDeEd!