13 April 2006

Things I HEART Thursday!!!!

I feel like I have been out of the blogger ring... I have been so upside down and inside out with the schedule I keep at work (days, eves, nights, days, nights, eves...)
I often forget what day it is!!!!!

I remember - today is THURSDAY!!!!!

So today - I heart - my hubby!

He is the glue that keeps the family together!!!!!

He is the dad all girls should have and doesn't get all itchy when their hormones turn against him.

He makes the house a home and keeps the gears turning on the family schedule.

He is a Stay at Home Dad - but so much more!

In an age where SaHD are not hailed - I praise him for it!
I know that in the future - the girls will look back on their childhood and realize how lucky they truely were for having a SaHD like Norm!

Today I HEART you Norm!


Blogger Bonita Rose said...

so wonderful he's home with your children! Give him a high five for me!

8:28 AM  

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