I was serenaded today. It was SUCH a BEAUTIFUL day out (not to hot not too cool not too windy!!!) - I had the windows open, kicked back on the sofa knitting when I heard this wonderful blues guitar music coming from the street. So - as it continued (thinking it was the neighbors) I went outside to take a gander. At the end of my street there was a small congestion of traffic. I sauntered on down to check it out and found this......

Conan O'Brien at the Blues House on Halsted playing the guitar!!!! Rather well I might add!!!!!!
I just LOVE this city!!!! LOVE IT!!!! Where else would one see this (other than New York and the Rats in New York are bigger - so I would rather stay here!!!)
While I am not a GREAT Conan O Brien fan I do find him funny the few times I watch him (I am usually at work when he is on!) He plays rather well and this was a GREAT treat on this fine sunny Spring afternoon!!!!!
Okay - back to some serious knitting before I have to go on into work!!!!

Conan O'Brien at the Blues House on Halsted playing the guitar!!!! Rather well I might add!!!!!!

Okay - back to some serious knitting before I have to go on into work!!!!
Can you say MARFANS Syndrome!!!! How luck are you!!!!!
Super, super cool! I never watch him, but I'd know in an instant who he was. Fun Celeb encounter!
Wow! Crazy and cool!!!
Wow, that's awesome. Dana
Wow, that is pretty COOL!!
wow how unexpected was that!
what fun!
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