16 April 2006

Easter Baskets are out!!!

I have been up late - (what's new) - finishing their Easter Scarves to go with their dresses for Sunday. I also needed to do their baskets.... There baskets are a Crafters Delight!!!!

There are the LIME GREEN CROCS I got the girls and I! I am so excited about them!!!!

Here is Nat's Basket with a knitting/scrapbook theme. There is also a cute lil purse in the basket that matches her dress - and inside - dress up pearls to go with her dress! Couldn't of worked out better!!!!

Here is Ro's Basket with a Do-a-Dot theme and painting. She loves to do these two things! Of course the same purse and necklace exists along with a bunny in each!

I know they will be up at the crack of dawn!!!!

Now to bed with me!!!!!!! I have to finish my ribbon scarf in the AM before Church!

Luckil Church is at 1400!!!!!


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