Random Blog Challenge
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Challenge: Do you have a special place/places in your home, where you consider it to be your sanctuary?? You know what I mean, that special place FOR YOU, where you feel cuddled, loved, warm and fuzzy, and at peace?

I know that sounds so wrong... but when I am done, spent, over due, stressed, whatever.... my bed. Whether I curl up with a book, magazine, my knitting, my ipod, my Mac or a tv show... my bed is the place to be!!!!
This is also the place that those wonderful secrets between Mother's and Daughters are told as we are curled up reviewing the day!!!
The other place is in the shower. I am not one for a bath because the work it takes to
get the bath ready et al.... and the time it takes away from what lil time it seems I have with my family now. If I were to take a bath I am quite sure I would be sharing it with the girls..... So the shower. I have been known to take very LONG long LONG showers, candles lit, lites off, music playing..... yeah that is relaxation and escape......
the bed works for me too,for relaxing of course. ;) that is when ever I get a chance to sleep
great "just me" spots!
everyone should have 'em!
I take super long showers too when I need some me time. Go girl with the candles, I am just too lazy to bring them in and light them! lol
I am with you on the bed. Oh yeah and a nice hot shower...pure pleasure!
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