31 July 2005

One Year Anniversary

It's hard to believe that - as of a year ago today we officially moved to Chicago. Yup, I am living proof that there is life after moving!! Last year - I spent two and half almost three weeks being Amtrak's best friend back and forth between Chicago and Michigan - starting my new job and setting up a home here for the rest of my fam. Even now - when I walk by the hotels I bunked in - I get nauseated. But -- it was all worth it.

This weekend was the "Taste of Lincoln Park." Walking around today with my girls and hubby - I realized how quickly the year has gone AND how lucky we were to have moved here. A year ago our life was upside down and inside out (literally) and today we are rooted, grounded and flourishing as a family.

Lincoln Park Festival - Dancing
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
As evidenced here by the girls having a blast at the festival. I think - when I was taking this picture - I realized how blessed we were that God brought us here (be all that it may thru the desert around in a few circles a hundred times or so - but whose fault would that be - OURS.) I just know that today - I give thanks for landing here - and give thanks for the continued growth our family is experiencing - even with the growing pains, bumps and brusing.

Profitable lemonaide

Profitable lemonaide
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Grand Total today - $135.00
I guess Shopping at the Mall of America is on!!!!!! Seriously - it was fun watching them, and fun watching them "earn" the money and learn a lesson on "economics." Rowan really wanted to go to the festival - and wanted daddy to watch the stand. She didn't realize that if Daddy watched the stand he kept the profit. Big eye openning lesson for both girls!!!

The Final Four

Dress up
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I finished these yesterday (the ones I hadn't finished at my Friday Crop Nite) - but with work and the weekend - just got them photographed...

Love my Legos
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Rowan LOVES legos and loves to make huge creations - and have us take pictures of them... I had to do a page on it!

Mom and Nat Pedicure
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Here was last week's mom and daughter day...

Pedicure pg 2
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
At least I am trying to stay current - just all those pics that are waiting from years ago...

Do blogger's have personalities?

Same site as the coffee personality - I couldn't resist taking this quiz as well... You have to go to this site..... cool things to put in your blog. Yes Wildflower - you would love this site!!!! different quizes to take... some are out there... but these two were cute...

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate
You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger.
You have a heart of gold, and are likely to blog for a cause.
You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you!
A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

30 July 2005

Did I smell coffee..............

Love this survey - found it on a blog in the Scrapbook ring - Lighthouse Lassie
Especially since I am at work and really really craving coffee..... Take the quiz - see what kinda coffee you are.....
You Are an Espresso

At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic

At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung

You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping

Your caffeine addiction level: high

Lemonaide Profit margin

Okay - UPDATE! So my husband came by work earlier to bring me some dinner from the festival that we live in the middle of. (Like literally, we walk out of our house and into the festival.) Apparently Nat and Ro's profits from today were a grand total of $113.00 (mind you this was 50 cent cups of lemonaides and 16 oz water bottles). So - they are stocking up for tomorrows round two of the Lemonaide business. The girls are as excited as two mexican jumpin beans. They are hoping to match today's profit so that each will have $100.00 to spend at the Great Mall of America. (They have to pay us back for the lemonaide - not the water. I am not sure who made that business deal up.) More to come tomorrow I am sure.... This just cracks me up....

Lemonaide Stand

I don't know if I should laugh or hide.... my daughters are downstairs at their lemonaide stand (pictures to come). The windows are open and I can hear them telling people they are raising money to go shopping at the mall of america. Natalie proudly and loudly tells the passers by that purchase her delicious lemonaide and bottled water (50 cents) - she is going there for her birthday and she needs money to spend. (LIKE WE AREN'T GIVING MONEY FOR HER BIRTHDAY....) It's rather cute.... wait till you see the pics. Off to work I go.

Crop Night

Fun in the sun with water pg one
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I had the most wonderful evening at my favorite Scrapin place. It was crop night. I was able to finish four complete pages and five incomplete pages - which are in the process of being completed right now - if I don't fall asleep. I have never gone to sleep since work last night - I think I am due.

Fun in the sun with water pg two
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I was able to use some of the paper in my Scraptivity kits - AND of course bought more embellishments...

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I also needed to replenish my ribbon supply since all the mini albums I have made for friends has depleted my stock....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
LUCKY me - they got a new shipment of ribbon in!!!! YIPEEE!!!!! I was like a kid in a candy shop......

Now for bed - tomorrow - more scrapbooking for ME! Is that wrong to feel selfish and want to scrap book for my books now??????
BTW - what do you guys use to carry around your supplies when you go to crop nights? I am looking at the roll away check bag type carrier - but to me that is like looking at a mini van as opposed to the sporty wrangler jeep. It's hard to conceive I have spawned so many supplies I need to move up into that stage - the roll away check luggage of scrap booking supplies..... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

29 July 2005

Six days of work and one day of rest....

Hmmmmmmmmmm - a day of rest..... I did that yesterday - LITERALLY. I did nothing. Today I feel so refreshed - eventhough I worked last night. I just got back from my best run yet - eventhough I worked last night. I am geeked to do some house work, scrapin and play time with the girls - even though I worked last night. (Did I mention I worked last night?)

I guess God was talking to me at our Bible study Wednesday night. We reviewed Exodus 22 (THE 10 Commandments) and we talked about keeping the Sabbath Holy.... I could go into more - but I hear the girls rustling around. Basically - we need one day of rest. One day of reflection, one day of worshiping God, praising him and thanking him.
I did that very thing yesterday and I feel so refreshed.

I ran 3 miles today - without walking - and felt great doing it. I took a leap of faith and signed up for the Nike "run hit wonder" 5K in Sept. Towards the end of the run I was listening to a new song by "Casting Crowns" Life Song (I love this single of their new album to be.... alot of U2/Cold Play undertones to it.)- and I felt this wonderful whisp of wind pushing at my back as the sun came creeping out of the clouds. It really gave me energy and I felt like God was giving me that last push to get to the end without walking.... Praise God!

Now to housework.......

28 July 2005

Cubs and American Dolls

Cubs Game
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
So today - Nat had a "daddy daughter day" where she got to go to a Cubs game at Wrigley Field. They were one of 5000 girls in the gates and Nat got a cubs uniform for her American Girl doll. I hear she gorged herself on junk food (the kind Mom would NEVER let her have) and had a blast flirting with a 14 year old boy sitting next to her (eeeeeeeeeeek).
I am thankful that he sets time aside for these "daddy daughter days." It's so important to them - especially as they grow into their teen years.

Cubs Game
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
They had GREAT seats - aproximately four feet from a "foul ball" catch. Nat was a little upset Dad didn't leap across the fans and grab it out of the clutches of the person sitting behind them......

Cubs Game
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
was this who she was flirting with?

cubs game
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
hmmmmmmmmm some of the junk food busted on camera...........

cubs game
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I'm thinking that isn't a tofu dog...........

cubs game
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I can't believe she didn't gain five pounds.... the doll looks happy!!!! BTW - the Cubs lost....
And as a side note - Nat is not a "chemo child" be all that it may she looks like one.... I am a fanatic about sunscreen and hats. They bathe in a vat of sun screen before exiting the building daily..... I know I am freak....

cubs game
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Thankfully - the field is within walking distance - or a quick El trip north. I guess the next game is a "Ro and Daddy" game. Ro was quite the pouter today staying home while Nat went. I don't think Rowan realizes how long a baseball game is AND that she has to sit still for it....

On a personal note - I DID NOTHING today and I AM PROUD OF IT! I feel so much better. I didn't clean (well picked up a little after Ro), no scrapbooking, no email, no bloggin (other than this), no reading - NOTHING. I feel very very very refreshed - as compared to yesterday.

Now back to reality......

The Girls and the girls

The Girls and the girls
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
So I am a little sad tonite.... on top of being sleep deprived - tonite was our last cell group with our two wonderful summer mission students from Mississippi. BIG POUT! They had a huge impact on our church, our cell group and our community. They will sorely be missed! The girls especially are going to miss them. Desiree and Katie had a HUGE impact on them!!! One that will grow even deeper over time! We will miss you guys - have a great year at school!

Desiree's book
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
These are the mini photo albums I made for them. I was suppose to give it to them (from the girls) tonite. HOWEVER - I am a little late in finishing them. So - tomorrow the girls and I will be taking a walk. It's all good - one more time to wish them well!!!

Katie's Book
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
These two 'Jesus Freaks' are very focused, driven and mature beyond their age! It was a blessing to have them here - and our lives as well, have been hugely impacted by knowing them. Keep in touch Katie and Desiree!!! You here!!!!

Anna and the girls
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
One more sad goodbye.... Anna (in the middle) was also attending her last cell group meeting with us. She is leaving for Israel this weekend! Again - another Sold Out to God woman - who has hugely impacted our church, cell group and community. Safe travels to you Anna - STAY IN TOUCH!!!!

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Come to think of it - all this "bon voyage" may be what is bumming me out!!!!

Bye guys!!! We will keep you in our prayers daily!!!

27 July 2005


No - not how much I spent at Ebay, or the Scrapin places I frequent (online and offline)... Not the money spent on groceries or bills....

I AM SPENT.... I just got home from work and I am mentally (and somewhat physically) spent. I can't really put my finger on it - I know I am just annoyed? frustrated? tired? mesmerized? baffled? I don't know. For the first time since moving here - I regret my job decision. I am sure tis fleeting... just this morning it doesn't seem fleeting.

Maybe it was just a freaky night and I need sleep - or a long run, or a good witch session, or a good teary eyed get the anger out session.... I don't know.... hopefully post nap will shape up better than this AM has.

26 July 2005

Self Portrait Tuesday

Mommy Daughter Pedicure
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
My first self portrait Tuesday. In the midst of my ADHD mental breakdown - Nat and I looked at our barefoot ragged summer feet and decided to go get a mother daugther pedicure. Click on the pic to see the whole scenerio. Long story short - this foo foo thing to do has her hooked!!! Now - I break to dawn my running shoes and hide my foo foo toes....

Scrapin block, w/o and organization

What do all these have in common?
Well - I am suffering from severe "Scrapin' Block" and I have two mini albums to make and give by Wednesday.
I am trying to Re-Organize my office/scrapbook nook - and it's driving me crazy that it's not done.
I need to work out - but I have this lil issue of ADHD and the two looming issues of my office and mini albums being incomplete is draining my energy reserve. (That and the fact I have to work tonite...)

All of this has rendered me drain bead and inert. I need a shot of energy in a bad bad way..... Actually - I need a vacation. Not a trip, just a vacation - a mommy/wife vacation where one sits and veg's for (however long it takes) a time. The words "mommy, mom, MOM, MOMMA" and "hey honey, Can you, Did you, Will you, Are we..." aren't heard and deadlines, laundry, need for organization are not looming. Where all snacks are fat free and full of protein, the temperature is a comforable 22 degrees C and room service is a finger snap away.....
Okay enough of the day dreaming, have to go back to work......
(does a vacation like this exist for us????)

24 July 2005

Simple but capturing

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I need to get back into the scrappin mood. I am hoping to get time to do it this week especially since I have a SCRAP nite on Friday!!!!
This is a layout of my girls who were posing for a thank you card. I wanted to capture their individual personalities.

Seventh Bday
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
These were pictures taken our very first weekend in Chicago - at the Navy Pier on Nat's Birthday!

use it
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
This was - use up a free sheet of stickers and slides....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
This is the first page of my album for "Sisters!" Nat looks so young here and I can't believe Ro was ever that little

23 July 2005


Don't know if it's the weather???? the month???? the fact I am post-vacation blah???? Okay - not only did I NOT work out today - (and I had every intention because I was going to a scrapbooking class next to my gym....) I left my scrap book class EARLY - like two hours early!!!! I just felt "punky." No better way to describe it. I am hoping I feel better tomorrow. I came home and didn't even LOOK at scrapbooking.... Now I am at work hoping that the shift goes by very very quickly. Alas - tomorrow is a better day right???

Scrapbooking the wall...

initial wall art
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
This is my very first scrap page for the wall. I like it, but I like my latter better. The design and colors match this picture - but it's just not me....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
This is my latest and I love the colors so much more. I also like the fact that I painted on the canvas more than just put scraps down as a base. I modpodged this on the canvas as well as a few coats over the top. It's on the wall in my bathroom and I thought it would give it better seal from the "elements."

22 July 2005

Goodbye Anna

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Here I am at work bummed.... There is a SURPRISE going away party for my friend Anna at this precise moment that I am at work. (insert big pout - and yes do I pout.... Rowan had to learn it from someone....) She is leaving in less than a week for Israel for good. This would be the person I made the friendship book for. My girls are going to miss her the most I think - at least they got to go to the party!!!! Good bye Anna - we will miss you dearly!!! We will keep you in our prayers as you carry on in Israel. Be Blessed!


I made it thru day five - yup, went and worked out AGAIN. I just gotta keep the momentum and discipline..... with God's help..... now on to work....

21 July 2005

Fort Time

fort time
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Soooooooooooooo last night my hubby and I had a Date.... imagine that?.?.?.?
Wonderful Ms. Katie, from the mission's team at our church - baby sat. The girls love her!!! What they did while we were gone was so girly girl. She gave them faux facials, applied make-up, did manicures and pedicures, BAKED COOKIES, watched Princess Diaries II, Natalie dressed up as a princess and play acted Princess Diaries and of course they built a fort... Yup a Fort - in our living room. Rowan was so exhausted she fell asleep in the comfort and security of her fort - before we got home..... Just too cute - I think! Thank you Katie - you are the best!!! Please come back to visit for Spring Break - you can even bunk with us!!!!

walking, just keep walking... just keep walking...

I must have seen Nemo 1000's time because we constantly have it playing at work. There is the one scene where Dori is chanting - "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." I felt like that tonite with my work out walk - "just keep walking, just keep walking..." I had a horrible Migraine all day that I was able to get to a dull roar by evening. Walking was about all I could do to keep up the momentum.

I feel like it was a cop out of a work out - but at least I did something.....

Now to bed.... still with this darn Headache....

Evil Ebay......

Ebay is an evil entity.... just when you think you have the habit of checking your bids and looking for more - it draws you back in with an "outbid" notice or "you might be interested in...."

Ebay the evil entity......

20 July 2005

Girls are prescious..... Sisters are priceless

Okay open to suggestions on taking photos of my pages......

This is a page I did on the "special" times my girls have had - those bonding times......

I did!!! with God's help....

I did it! By the Grace of God day three down. I had 30 minutes to spare so I went running. I wanted to do something even if it was a brisk walk around the block - just to keep up the momentum... I did it - with God's help. I ran the same 2.5 mi from yesterday in 35 minutes as opposed to the 45 it took me yesterday! Praise God!!

At one point I was dying - (literally) but determined not to stop (or walk). On my pod came "How Great is Our God" sung by Chris Tomlin. It slowed down the pace making it bearable (I am hugely competitive even with myself so I always feel like I should be running harder, faster - not setting a comfortable training pace.... kinda like I am in life..... hmmmmmmm what a thought.....) I started mouthing the words to the song - then at one point I was singing out loud (I was in the park area - with only bums around - although no one would look twice at someone walking down the street talking to themselves in Chicago.....) Nevermind the fact that I try to disguise myself while running (hat on, baggy clothes, looking down not directly ahead.... Praying NOONE see's me pathetically attempting to run....)
The splendor of a King clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice all the earth rejoice
He wraps Himself in light and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice and trembles at His voice

How great is our God sing with me
How great is our God all will see
How great, how great is our God

Age to age He stands and time is in His hands
Beginning and the End Beginning and the End
The Godhead Three in One Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb The Lion and the Lamb

Name above all names
You are worthy of all praise
My heart will sing

Towards the end - I was probably very loud palms out stretched as I was running. But hey - I could carry on a conversation AND had momentum to finish....

I will, I will, I will...... with Gods help

I will go work out,
I will go work out...
I will go work out...


Unos, dos, tres, catorce

I finally did the U2 pg from Aprils concert. This was a big deal for me since I have been to every concert tour they have done in the US. Big BIG fan of U2 (as if you didn't know).

This is the song list and the R side (I really need help with photographing (period) my pages) are the lyrics to "Vertigo." I journaled in the red box our thoughts on the concert.

19 July 2005

I did it!!!

Praise God - Day two down!!!! I got home from work (be all that it was early - by 43 minutes) and went on a 2.5 mile run/walk. Yipee!!! Now day three tomorrow...... to bed I must go and back to work in less than 8 hrs. (but I did it......)

Bath time buds

Bath Time
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I did a scrapbook canvas for the wall in our bathroom. Then I realized I did not have a page similar in our scrapbook. This looks nothing like the wall art but uses some of the same pictures. I used a transparency over the collage of pictures.


Ro and I
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
These are some of my first scrap pages from my "monthly kit" from Scraptivity. I love this club. It's based out of Canada - and every month they send you a kit filled with trendy/shabby chic new papers, embellishments, stamps, lay out ideas and inks. Unfortunately - with the trip et al I am a couple months behind catching up.

Nat and I
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
I really should leaving the photo taking to the hubby - but he wasn't available to bug today. The mini paper bags have a tag to go in them detailing our summer time fun....

Everything in these two layouts is from that kit - and there are so many other things to fill other pages. Check it out - Scraptivity.

18 July 2005

Workout - turning over a new leaf.....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Here is the end result.... soaked work out clothes piled in the middle of the floor, three liters of water consumed and, me - feeling exhilerated!

Okay - from the beginning. A long long time ago when I was young, dumb and stupid - I became a life time member of Bally Total Fitness. The problemo - I lived one hour from a gym in Michigan. When I was commuting to Ann Arbor on a daily basis it worked out. Then I was cut back to two or three times a week for a while - and Bally's came a thing of the past. The times that I commuted almost every day before we moved - I was too tired and stressed to work out. Upon moving to Chicago we discovered the Bally gym a mere six blocks from us - a 5 minute brisk walk and 10 minute warm up walk. (Did I mention that I only pay like.... $8.00 a month to keep this membership alive....) I had started a nice routine of working out once I moved here and the hubby even joined. The girls had child care and all was good...... Then something happenedNot sure what happened - but I didn't go anymore.... (life happens????)Upon explaining this story to my friend Melinda while she was here - I was literally shamed in to turning over a new leaf. Actually - all the walking we did - in the middle of the day, sun bright, heat emanating all around us - I was envigorated to get in the mood again. (Telling Melinda was also egging me on....)

So - today - I looked at my gym bag...
I walked by it a few times.....
(I may have even kicked it a few times...)
Remembered my promise to go to the gym today - period -
Now I am even thinking of a walk/run after work in the AM....
All I need is the prayers to keep disciplined....
This seems to be my down fall.....


I am amazed both at the fact we have kept a table setting complete for over a year (a minor feat for our family), and in one tiny weekend in time (Actually a 12 hour period) we managed to knock a eight placed setting to seven. I broke a dinner plate and saucer and Rowan broke a bowl. The good news - we have the colored faux fiesta ware (from target) and each place setting is a different color. The bowl and the plate were the same color. Schew..... I am still amazed that in one day we accomplished a destruction of one setting.....

17 July 2005

Journey thru Psalms - FOUR

A David psalm

1 When I call, give me answers. God, take my side! Once, in a tight place,
you gave me room;
Now I'm in trouble again: grace me! hear me!
2 You rabble--how long do I put up with your scorn?
How long will you lust after lies?
How long will you live crazed by illusion?
3 Look at this: look
Who got picked by GOD!
He listens the split second I call to him.
4 Complain if you must, but don't lash out.
Keep your mouth shut, and let your heart do the talking.
5 Build your case before God and wait for his verdict.
6 Why is everyone hungry for more? "More, more," they say.
"More, more."
I have God's more-than-enough,
7 More joy in one ordinary day
Than they get in all their shopping sprees.
8 At day's end I'm ready for sound sleep,
For you, GOD, have put my life back together.

This Psalm is also quoted in - Eph 4: 26 & 27
... 26 Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry--but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. 27 Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life!

First thing this Psalm spoke to me about was how I get frustrated with "people" and "life." I just cannot let things go.... confrontation, miscommunication, disagreement, whatever... (I am worse than a dog with a bone) I dwell on it 24/7 til I have mentally ripped it to shreds, repieced it together and ripped it apart (repeating this process at least five more times.) GIVE IT ALL TO GOD!!!! Don't try to fix it, do it, control it, manufacture it yourself. Our very breath that we breathe is but for the grace of God's Mercy. Our God is an AWESOME God who desires fellowship with us 24/7. He wants to hear our praises, our thanksgivings, our laments (sorry - still not getting the concept of this word) and our prayers, needs and wants.

Here is a quote from Darlene Zschech -
??? If your prayers were documented on earth, and chronicled as a life portrait for you…an insight into who you are when no one’s looking….what would they reveal about how you view God???

What does this say about my prayer life - I need to pray more, I need to pray with more faith - standing on God's promise that he is the beginning and the end, an all consuming fire... He doesn't hear 75%, 80%, 92% or even 99% of our prayers, cries, praises, laments. HE HEARS THEM ALL - all 100% of them. He is there 24/7 and he is yearning for fellowship with us through prayer.

We need to make prayer a priority over all worldly activities. We need to put worship and prayer together - not separate it. We need to realize God deserves our respect and our praise - togethe 24/7. We need to praise him during bad times and good. We need to lift EVERYTHING up to him, pray boldly and with faith that God is hearing ALL 100% of our prayers.

David - in this Psalm returns to prayer AGAIN - praying boldly and in faith that God is there, listening, ready to answer him. He realizes that putting his faith in God this way brings him more joy than ANY worldly object, desire, or want could provide. He rests easily knowing GOD IS IN CONTROL. (hello that's what I am saying......)

Recently I have had two prayers - one pretty public "losing wt" and another more public. As I read this psalm I realized how flippantly I was taking these prayers. I was rarely praying these prayers with boldness muchless faith that God was listening or even planning on answering. My thoughts were - "well, if it is meant to be it will happen." Which was my cop out to - it's not going to happen so why set myself up for disappointment.

This psalm has reinvigorated me to pray boldly, with faith, unceasingly - giving all control up to God. I will sit quietly and listen for his reply......

Melinda's Visit

All the girls
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
What an AWESOME weekend we had. (I need to expand my vocab beyond the word - AWESOME - but there is no better description). We had returned from Australia - normally I work EVERY Weekend but this weekend I had off. I recieved an Email (among 100 emails) from Melinda - my friend - who moved to Guatemala a little over two years ago. She had returned to MI this summer for a visit. She needed to come to Chicago to drop her cousin - Olivia - at O'hare Airport for a flight home to WA. She asked if were able to put up a couple of borders for the night so she could come VISIT!!!! Without hesitation - the answer was YES YES YES (literally I think that was what I put in the email). So they bunked at our place. Her daughter Erin also came with. The girls had a blast with Erin and Olivia - Melinda and I had a blast catching up. Norm - had a blast cooking for us and basically waiting on us. What a guy!!!
Prasie GOD - a divinely planned visit!!!! It couldn't have worked out on just about any other weekend - spontaneously.
Melinda and her (Carl and Christian (TWINS), Erin, and her hubby Carlos) moved to Guatemala to be missionaries. We miss them terribly but the are more needed there. I was so excited that she was coming since I have been praying for direction after our week at Hillsong. Plus - it was great to catch up, be "girly" again and just plain HANG OUT! instead of working, laundry, work, homework.... etc. The weather was beautiful - not a cloud in the sky. I required little sleep from my shift prior... (A minor miracle) AND - everything just fell into place! Praise God!!!

Nat Erin and Ro
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
We had Lou Malnati's Pizza for lunch and Thai food for dinner. We all ordered an entree' and then had a bit of everything. Even the girls partook in this feast. My goal was to put two more pounds on Melinda while she was here - unfortunately I think I did it to myself as well..... We were extremely decadent after the Thai food - we walked up to Borders so Olivia could get a book for the flight home AND stopped at Coldstone Creamary for ICE CREAM!!!!!! Hey - we walked ALL day......

The boat
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
On the left Olivia - on the right Melinda....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
We walked all over Chicago.... I think the girls were a wee bit tired.... This was after our visit to the Museum of Science and Industry where we viewd the awesome Body Works Exhibits.....

Mass Transit
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
We had Bus trips....

Erin and Melinda
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
The El experience.....

The Boat 2
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
A boat tour of the river and a lecture on Architecture....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
We saw more of Chicago this weekend than we have for the last year - well probably not - but we had fun showing of the Windy City to our friends.

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Today we went to the zoo.... Of course this is AFTER my hubby got up and made a huge breakfast (that an exhausted me slept thru - as did my mini me girls Nat and Ro), saw Olivia off, and basically all veg'd till Lunch. Norm - the guy that he is - made a huge feast for us. (thank you Normie) Then we headed off to church (we loved showing off our lil church to them..) - and more exploring of Chicago. The zoo - was the final destination of the day.....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
a place in the Children's zoo at Lincoln Park zoo where the girls could escape the heat....

Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
Melinda had to leave just a few short minutes ago and we miss her already. Rowan especially took a liking to her. We had a blast while they were here - all of us. Safe trip home Melinda and Erin - hope to hook up soon with a missions trip to Guatemala!!!! Prayers to you and your family!!!!