30 July 2005

Lemonaide Profit margin

Okay - UPDATE! So my husband came by work earlier to bring me some dinner from the festival that we live in the middle of. (Like literally, we walk out of our house and into the festival.) Apparently Nat and Ro's profits from today were a grand total of $113.00 (mind you this was 50 cent cups of lemonaides and 16 oz water bottles). So - they are stocking up for tomorrows round two of the Lemonaide business. The girls are as excited as two mexican jumpin beans. They are hoping to match today's profit so that each will have $100.00 to spend at the Great Mall of America. (They have to pay us back for the lemonaide - not the water. I am not sure who made that business deal up.) More to come tomorrow I am sure.... This just cracks me up....


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