It was
World Wide Knit in Public Day!!!!!!!!
Nat and I celebrated by getting on the Train.....

(brownline EL then to the Metra Elhourn to Elmhurst.......

to meet up with a friend for lunch and to go to a knit shop.

Nat has never been on a train and she had a blast!!!!!
This was what she wanted to do and with me going out of town on Sunday for four days I wanted to have a Nat and Mom day!!!!!!
There was the Elmfest going on

and Nat partook in some Rock Climbing.

They grow up SO quickly.
We took the train back home.....
Bye Elmhurst.....

I think alot of them shows me how she viewed the train ride.....
And Nat took pictures....

She had a blast looking out the window, pointing out things that you and I probably take for granted when we are commuting on the train.....

We are already planning more trips on the Metra (and one on the Amtrak to MI to see grammy and grampy). I never got to ride a train as a child.....

I guess you could say I am (once again) living vicariously through my girls!!!

I tried to upload the cool ones.....
She took many

- and they were fascinating to observe from her view of the world.
It was cool out (definitely not summer feeling) but nice. It didn't rain!!!! Praise God!!!!!
Within about 30 short minutes we were back

into Chicago.....
And getting ready to do some downtown shopping and a trip on the brownline home.
We were EXHASUTED when we got home for several
REASONS - but mostly because we had a BLAST together!!!
Thanks Becca for inviting us out!!!!!!

All so Nat could knit in public and have a momma day................. What a GREAT Saturday.
Rowan? Rowan spent the day with Dad after spending two whole days at my work wooing my coworkers.... and woo she did. Everytime I would check on her - she had a new toy, treat or something to play with..... Ahhhhhhh to be young again!