TWENTY YEARS???????????
Can you believe it's been TWENTY YEARS.
As the video to your right proves - they are quite young aren't they???
Sting and Bono crack me up - at how young they look.....
Can you believe it's been TWENTY YEARS.
As the video to your right proves - they are quite young aren't they???
Sting and Bono crack me up - at how young they look.....
I trust everyone's Thanksgiving was grand.
We had a great Thanksgiving - despite me working thru the weekend.
Food, fellowship et al!!
First though - the girls got up bright and early
they went downtown for the Marshall Fields Thanksgiving Day Parade
I understand it was VERY cold this year!!!!
I made the girls wear three layers before they left!!!!
The Last one........
I am thankful that my girls get to see a parade up close and personal - of this size.
The parade I went to in Daytona - growing up - was not like this.
Balloons were small enough for Rowan to drag down the street......
Christmas in the big city doesn't get any better than this......
After the parade the girls hung out at STARBUCKS for a HOT hot chocolate.
They were a lil chilled despite the three layers of clothes.....
After coming home, getting warmed up.... the girls got busy!!!
Alot of the recipies were from Emeril's show this year.
The turkey was brined overnight in the fridge in citrus water, brown sugar and something else - don't remember......
girls then went BACK downtown on Friday to see the tree lighting at Daley plaza.
Rowan called me at work to tell me that they said "3....2.....1..." and there were fireworks and bamm - the tree was lite!!!!
The first snow fall - the first snow angel of the season - City Style!!!
All in all - it was a GREAT holiday weekend.
I now have several days off from work....
I went shopping today and spent WAY to much money at...
Whole Foods
Now ... shocking as it may seem....
I have to get ready for a DATE with my hubby.......
Baby sitter will be here soon!!!!
It's the latest thing....
I got hooked at work.....
I love math and I love manipulating numbers.
I can't put this down now....
Now if I can just get it on my MAC?????????
Self portrait Tuesday
11/15 - tools of the trade.
Note the theme "red."
Nothing defines me as this group of tools for work.
Schew..... just got it in under MN. Just got home from work.....
Isn't it just adorable!!!!
I have come over to the dark side (or the lighter side depending where your PC choices sit).
I am now learning the APPLE system.
I kinda like it.
Can't be opened till Dec 25th!!!!
It's a Gift for the hubby!!!!
I am just so giggly about this gift.......
You are the Head not the tail, Above not below. You were designed well before time began to fulfill God's purpose for you on earth. I PRAISE HIM because YOU are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made my BEAUTIFUL CHILD of GOD.
dear bonnie, i love you. you are the best. you are the head not the thale. you are above not baloe.... and that is why you are specile to me. love Natalie
This month's challenge (now that I have time to do it...) was to journal our roles.
I happen to snap the first pic at the salon last week getting the do done. You know the do that hides those maternal gray roots I know are hiding in there...
My biggest fear is helping Nat with her homework. I can calculate a liafe saving drug in a blink of an eye, run a code and do an across the room assessment but lately her homework has been kicking my butt!!!
My favorite part of being a mom is the snuggling at the end of the day. All three of us ended up on our couch this evening - all were out in moments.....
Who is this little GROWN up girl?
She's my baby!!!!!!
My eight year old baby who looks like she is embarking on her teenage years.
She has style, she has grace, she has sensitivity and she is sold out for GOD.
I just pray she stays that way......
Speaking for girls sold out for God - our Missionary student friend from down south
is going through "times." If you get a chance to stop by her blog - she's a very talented, sold out for God, beautiful, woman. Say hi!
And another fellow blogger (friend) is getting very close to getting her baby from China!!!
Priase God for Leah and Jason!!!
Just reading her blog makes me so happy. I hardly have time to tell her - but I am just so happy for her every time I read her blog updates. The baby girl is BEAUTIFUL!!!
If you get a chance - stop by her blog and say hi as well!!!!!
Afterwards - they decorated their pumpkins....
Speaking of pumpkins.... I just love baking with pumpkins and squash....
LOVE fall.
It has to be my favorite season....
All the colors, all the scents all the tastes. Hands down Fall wins!!!