08 November 2005

Pumpkin time

Man am I behind on posts.

We were able to get to the Apple Orchard outside of Chicago - at the last minute.

pumpkin search, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

The girls had a blast picking out pumpkins, playing games and of course - the cotton candy.

And yes mom gave into the temptation.
There is just something about fresh made cotton candy..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Cotton Candy, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Note - we are in the middle of NO WHERE (which is about a 2 hour drive away from Chicago). Yet - there is still an ATM. Mind you it's in a trailor....
but it's an ATM. Says alot about our society no????

Pumpkin time, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

Afterwards - they decorated their pumpkins....

Speaking of pumpkins.... I just love baking with pumpkins and squash....
LOVE fall.
It has to be my favorite season....

All the colors, all the scents all the tastes. Hands down Fall wins!!!

Pumpkin time, originally uploaded by Freakrn.

I just realized those are my GOOD knives that dad let them use... My really good cooking knives.....

I heard it was just for the pictures - but it makes me wonder if he used them......


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