30 September 2007

Goal Accomplished

Today marks a milestone for me........

A little over eight (ok it's been ten now) weeks ago I started a program of running and dieting (gasp not the "d" word). It's not really a diet - it's a changing my lifestyle. For those who are interested - go here.

I had a goal to get back into my clothes that I moved here in AND finish a 5K in good time and finish it feeling GREAT.

Today I ran the Bucktown 5K and finished in good time and not winded, gasping for air or ready to die at the end of the finished line!

By the way - I have increased my water intake to a minimum of 5 Liters a day, try to exercise at least four times a week and eat six mini meals a day. This truly is a healthy lifestyle change.

To test it - I went out of town to a conference all last week and ate out three times a day. I was petrified to weigh in this week but wanted to keep myself honest. Guess what - I LOST 2.8 POUNDS while gone!!!!

I am dancing around doing my best snoopy celebration!!!

Next Goal - Turkey Trot.

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09 September 2007

Feeling Old

While perusing the bloglines I found a post that referred to this link. This book - oddly enough - was one of my favorite books growing up. What a blast from my past. I am not sure this is an accurate description of me - but maybe the issue is that I talk too much about talking rabbits. (Just like the flying monkeys - they do exist!)

You're Watership Down!
by Richard Adams

Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're
actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their
assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they
build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd
be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

By the way - thank you Lorinda - I am apparently 12970 days old. Today my biorhythms are all whacked. According to this link - I should have not gotten out of bed today much less leave my humble safe abode to enter the harsh reality of the world. It's a wonder I was even physically able to get out of bed - according to the physical biorhythms I am giving off. Intellectually I can not even complete a sentence (according to my biorhythms) and I am not in harmony at all. Egad - maybe I better start the day over.......

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03 September 2007

Disaster at the home front


Picture if you will - my red hair standing straight on end and my arms in the air with a huge look of grief on my face.

(why do you have to picture this.... because my GATEWAY died!)

Yes - I got a text message Thursday while I was at my Grant Writing workshop that the computer wasn't "responding." I asked the DH to just walk away till I could get home and investigate - but he couldn't. I am not sure if it would have made a difference....

What we did yesterday was vivsect our computer. The hard drive is out and at a friend's house. Hopefully - (ha ha ha) some things (such as pictures and itunes and a few papers) could be removed from our now - DEAD - hard drive.

But what this leaves us - is looking for a new computer.

I have my MAC which is mine for school and work - and no one else is allowed to touch it.

We are looking at going 100% MAC - or getting another inexpensive PC.

If we go 100%MAC - we will lose the windows portion. I really do not want windows if I go MAC all the way.

So - any pictures from the scrap book expo and beyond will be delayed until we can figure this mess out.....

As if I had a few thousand laying around to figure this out.........

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The finished product

Well - what can I say. We make plans, vow to keep up our blog and then..... LIFE happens. What I promised was pictures of the girls finished room! What I delivered was nothing. The girls came home the day after the scrapbook expo and I haven't seen my computer long enough to send emails much less blog. (LOL)

Without further ado - is the final product. (And I apologize in advance, some of the pictures are blurry)

Yes I know that it is upside down. This past weekend - while everyone was enjoying labor day (or the lack of work) - we were pulling the hard drive out of our computer. Yes - after ten re-formats the hard drive finally took the big dive......... What's on my camera now is stuck on my camera. I currently type on my mac...... But here is the dresser we re-did. We put it in the closet and I tried to make it look GIRLY...... the tulle is what they used as wraps in a wedding they were flower girls in last year...

Socks all in once place and every bag they have claimed as theirs as well - and they are not on the floor!!!!!!!!

The redone desk and new curtains....... They also have a hanging shelf unit from IKEA with each box filled to the rim with toys......

Yes - my girls could literally open their own library or book store - but I would rather that bookshelf be full of books than video games...... Many were books that I started buying when I was pregnant with Natalie and Rowan. Those books are special to them.

This is a picture of the room in the mid afternoon here in the windy city. The room has an orange glow to it that makes it look very retro. When they opened the door to their room they both jumped up and down and screamed shrilly cheers of laughter. What can I say - Rowan benefited from Natalie's big birthday gift - but Natalie didn't even notice.

Then the beds..... New sheets...... new comforter.... new pillows.... a bulletin board I embellished for each girl and lights attached to the bed for them to use when they are reading into the wee hours of the night. (A far cry from me using a flashlight when I was a kid.....) Again - gotta love IKEA.

Norm's major purchase from IKEA..... a stand alone closet (meant for a dorm room I am sure) but perfect for theirs. In it are school uniforms, toys, craft projects and other interesting items that now have a place tucked away......

This would be the red headed curly child that benefited from Natalie's birthday gift - but deserved a new room as well. She is the top bunk and proudly proclaims she needs no ladder to get to her bed. She's my monkey.... she has been climbing since she could crawl....

Fortunately Orthopedics has not been a consult we have had to visit.... facial lac repair yes (but only because I was too tired to repair it myself at home).

There is the birthday girl...... she is the one that inspired the room makeover. Retro warm colors for my first born leader.

She so deserved a girly pre-teen room - and I hope I delivered.

It was so much fun doing..... even the DH admits how fun it was!!!!!

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