26 February 2007

Who is this person?


IS it Bertha Palmer?

Or is it my BABY GIRL dressed up as Bertha Palmer for her PRESENTATION at school today?

Bless Natalie's little heart.......

She had to do a research project on someone famous in Chicago. She picked Bertha Palmer.......

As a part of her presentation she had to BE Bertha Palmer. Her daddy took her to the costume store and this is the end result. I heard her presentation went well. I was barred from coming to it (even though I could now...)

They grow up SO fast!


25 February 2007

Scrapbook baby book

My latest creation! A Baby book for a friend who's shower I was invited to.

Unfortunately I have like
FIVE more to finish.... before (hopefully) their kids are in college.

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Building Bridges

Yesterday my girls got to participate in a most awesome opportunity of their youth. They were asked to be in a "play/focus group." We know some awesome women who are starting their own company with this awesome concept of "building" bridges between cultures with PLAY things such as DOLLS!

Here we arrive, for the AM session, on the 44th floor that had a breathtaking view of Chicago Lake Front! (We really do live in an amazing city!) Set up were these dolls from various countries (Botswana, India, Japan) and dressed in appropriate clothing. THEN out came the dress up clothes just like what the dolls were wearing. There were toys from those countries, some food from India and China as well as stories from "kids" living in those countries.

The company will be called Little Bridges Inc. and their concept is wonderful! Stay tuned for more updates......

Now - this country is in it's infancy stage and not public (obviously) but there are so many opportunities for them as well as growth for our next generation. I walked out of there feeling very good about the morning and the possibilities for these women in this business venture.

Meanwhile back at home.... I have cleaned out and cleaned up my scrap booking nook/office. I have made a few cards (and need to make more) and hope to attend a "scrap booking night" soon. But in the meantime I am immersed in my new job, LOVING IT and all it's possibilities, but overwhelmed. My creative flow is tapped when I get home. So what do I do - sit and KNIT! I can't seem to stay focused on this either - but it's mindless and allows me evenings cuddled with my girls. Rowan has taken up the hobby and is quite good with the two bamboo sticks. She is working on a scarf - and is so good at it I might even wear it (in public).

I had a friend over the other day that wants to scrap book - so look out... layouts to come (and how many times have I been saying that in the last six months?)
