Snap Shots of Saturday
Today was a GRAND day at our household

Natalie took a bold step in her faith today and was Water Baptized in Lake Michigan.

I was so proud of her and praise God for her Evangelistic spirit. She had made the decision about a month ago to partake in the Water Baptism on her own. Today was the actualization of her spiritual maturity - Praise God!!!!
So - at the ripe hour of 0900 - and in the heat of July (Summer FINALLY hit!!!!!!) - we met on the Shores of Lake Michigan... in the glorious city of Chiago!!!!!

And how the half - circle was a way for Christians to safely identify each other....

Natalie then completed the circle.....

I thougth it was a very powerful illustration for her!!!!

Then Pastor Jon read the Passage in Acts about the Ethopian that was Water Baptized by Phillip.

Then the baptism...... Norm took a sequence of photos - but this darn blogger is giving me tude'. I have burned a DVD.

This is a BIG day for her in her personal walk with Christ!

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost......

she is dying to her worldly self......

and being reborn in Christ!

Behold a new beautiful creature in Christ!!!!!!!

I swear today she was calmer, more serene.
She even glows to me (That was the heat...
We are just so blessed we were able to find our church here in Chicago and the friendship and relationships that we have developed here. I believe Natalie is heads and tails farther in her walk than I am - and I pray every day she continues and that God continues to put more postive role models in her presence as he has in the past!
Praise God for a Glorious Morning by the Lake!!!!!

Wow, that's wonderful news. I'm sure you are proud right now.
I haven't seen you on 2peas, and was wonderfing about you. Missed your blog, I'll try to do some catching up! Ciao for now~Kristal
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