02 July 2006

Refreshing Sunday

Wow - after a stressful week (and then some) I had a wonderful time at our church today. I love our church and what's even cooler is that our pastor is AWESOME.

He has this incredible knack of turning the scripture into a very relevant message for today. I am always amazed at what he draws from every day use to illustrate a point in his sermon. For example (this really impressed me) his daughter was in a wedding this weekend and they got the centerpiece from the table where they were sitting - a bowl with two gold fish in it. He brought it to church today and used it to illustrate his point of apathetic response (v 12) from the parable of the sower of the seed in Luke's Gospel Chp 8. He also illustrated the abundant response (v 15) with Bill Gates (the Anti-Christ), Warren Buffet (his follower) and Jackie Chan's recent donation of money to fight what ever they consider relevant world issues. (Okay aside from the slam on Bill Gates and Warren Buffet - his point was - that the seed that falls on fertile ground -
"...came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown." (Luke 8:8)

Very relevant, up close, personal and relatable illustrations of God's Word and how it is truly the living word - meaning it was relevant then, now and in the future.

I had to share because church was very therapeutic to me this Sunday and so thankful that it is there for me go to (as well as my faith in Christ!)


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