Wasn't she??????????

Okay I am a BIG Law and Order Freak!!! Big time...... I must have seen every season prior to this last season three times (at least).
I sat in bed in my hotel room tonight, watching Law and Order and realized they screwed up.... (again)
Okay - I was willing to let the fact that Jerry Orbach guest appeared on one of the first season shows as a DEFENSE ATTORNEY - go. I realized that they were probably trying him out (but come on it was Jerry Orbach).
THEN - I was willing to let the fact that the Prosecutor that is on Law and Order SVU was in fact at one time - A DEFENDENT - that was actually sucessfully put away for murder.
But tonight - (a repeat obviously of the season I am not too familar with) was a big big big screw up.....
Sitting in the judge's seat was a "judge" that was killed two seasons prior by her husband. HELLO.... what did NBC do - resurrect her from the grave for this one episode????
Law and Order - do you not think your fans WATCH!!!!! How do you think you have been on this long?????
That was a BIG BIG BIG screw up.......
I remember when one woman (dont' know her present character...) showed up in a rerun as like a homeless woman or something!!!! (Maybe that's the same thing you remember!)
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