I want to..........

What's wrong with this picture???????

Rowan - took her training wheels off her bike this weekend. (Actually DAD took it off.... but she wanted them off.) So that meant she needed help learning to ride the bike. NOT a problem. But then that sparked Natalie to want to ride her bike which is WAY to small for her.... Then Natalie realized that if Rowan got expert at riding the bike without training wheels - she would get Natalie's bike....
SO - that meant it was now time for Natalie to get a bike.....
Living in Chicago - not wanting to drive.... leads one to walk or ride a bike...
HERE we are....

and no I am not NOT riding a bike because I am taking the pictures.....

So off we went (or Dad and the child) to get her a bike..... and home she returns with....

She couldn't wait to get it out and ride it!!!!

After Norm got home he helped her as well.... she really didn't need much coaxing... I just had to keep reminding her that she KNEW how to ride a bike now she had to learn to balance.

The end result...

LOOK MOM NO HANDS!!!! I am doing it myself!!!!

So what does this do with me wanting to ride my bicycle???????
I got a bike today - only they shop had to ORDER it because they didn't have it in stock. I was going to buy a Schwinn Cruiser - LIME GREEN... it was really sharp. THEY Would have HAD to order that as well..... So the owner (of course) suggested the Giant Crusier with 7 speeds. I asked why? I would want 7 speeds and I tried one of the Schwinn 7 speeds. It was nice..... BUT I wanted it today and I wanted a WOMAN's Cruiser so I would be sitting more upright (I am getting too old to lean forward... kills the back you know....)

The end result is this cool lookingt Giant Women's Crusier - I can't wait to get my hands on!!!!!! ONE WEEK.... I am dying here.... I am so much into instant gratification I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH
Dude, that bike rocks!!! I remember tyring to learn to ride a bike. I was pretty bad!! Then, I didn't ride it for years and years until I went to college...and then I had to relearn (this time with a water bottle hanging from the handlebars and a trombone on my back!!) and I again, kind stunk...but I survived and am a bike riding fool today!! Long story...sorry!! Loved the story and all the pics :)
This is one of the best resources I have seen in a long time thankyou so much
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