Amonia, Nitrites, Sulfides and Azides Oh Mi!
Okay - I am a geek. I'll admit it. I am a FREAK and a GEEK.
I spent eight hours today learning about - "toxic substances." I will spend eight more hours tomorrow learning EVEN MORE about "toxic substances."

I really get into this stuff. It's not just terrorism - it's crap (for lack of a better term - remember I have been in class today getting a class slam review of organic chemistry - my mind is sludge right now) we have in our houses and work environments daily. Some of the antidotes are just plain flipping ridiculously EASY - like
Well duh - who would have ever thunk that would have worked..... (lol)
While no productive scrapbooking, card making or anything resembling paper craft was done today I did get some knitting done. I must say.... I think I retained more, learned more and kept interest in the class longer by knitting during the lectures. I was really amazed, during the break out sessions where we actually APPLY what we learned - how much of it came back to me. Usually I lose interest QUICKLY in things where I have to sit and listen. USUALLY - ever 20 seconds or so I block out totally what the speaker just said. I think Knitting is far more therapeutic than RITALIN! (shhhhhhh prance quietly around the Pharm D majors as you jump for joy over this realization..... wouldn't want to upset the flow of major prescription money flowing into their 401K plans now would we........)
Okay - I have to go thru this tome and study some more for the big FINAL EXAM tomorrow.... Biting nails, noticing sweat on the palms, pulling on the hair... I HATE TESTS......
I spent eight hours today learning about - "toxic substances." I will spend eight more hours tomorrow learning EVEN MORE about "toxic substances."

I really get into this stuff. It's not just terrorism - it's crap (for lack of a better term - remember I have been in class today getting a class slam review of organic chemistry - my mind is sludge right now) we have in our houses and work environments daily. Some of the antidotes are just plain flipping ridiculously EASY - like
Well duh - who would have ever thunk that would have worked..... (lol)
While no productive scrapbooking, card making or anything resembling paper craft was done today I did get some knitting done. I must say.... I think I retained more, learned more and kept interest in the class longer by knitting during the lectures. I was really amazed, during the break out sessions where we actually APPLY what we learned - how much of it came back to me. Usually I lose interest QUICKLY in things where I have to sit and listen. USUALLY - ever 20 seconds or so I block out totally what the speaker just said. I think Knitting is far more therapeutic than RITALIN! (shhhhhhh prance quietly around the Pharm D majors as you jump for joy over this realization..... wouldn't want to upset the flow of major prescription money flowing into their 401K plans now would we........)
Okay - I have to go thru this tome and study some more for the big FINAL EXAM tomorrow.... Biting nails, noticing sweat on the palms, pulling on the hair... I HATE TESTS......
Well duh - who would have ever thunk that would have worked..... (lol)"
LMAO!!! No, let's move the person closer to the toxic substance and them we can all hold hands and dance around them. Tra la laa Yeah, I'm a dork.
Good luck on your big test.
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