LSS had a Holiday Open House on Saturday. The theme was to make pages for pre-made albums for the NICU at Children's. The albums will go to the NICU babies that are awaiting adoption. My girls went
(cause work was very busy and I was EXHAUSTED when I got home.) They went in my place. (I know - bad picture)

They each made some pages for the albums AND particpated in the Make and Takes..... They were VERY proud to show off this Gift Card make and take that I think is absolutely adorable.

I sat there and analyzed it today - wondering how I could reproduce it with the gift cards that I have to give. I think I figured it out.....

The girls are all excited because THEY know how - and can't wait to help me with this project. We have a card making date on TUESDAY. But for now it's - off to work I go........
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