Self Portrait Tuesday
Self Portrait Tuesday Introduction!
This is me!

FREAK! That's me.....
How do you spend your weekdays? - well if I am not working I want and LOVE to spend my time with my fam!!!!
Who lives in your house? - My three kids. My hubby Norm, my oldest daughter (And mini-me) Natalie, and my youngest daughter Rowan!
Favorite pastime? hmmmmmm that is a toss up between knitting and scrapbooking. Depending on the moment and the place one or the other.
Worst job? Working at a JoAnn Fabric store. I started out as seasonal help during the Christmas season and offered a part time job while I was in nursing school. I also worked in a hospital as a Nurse Tech. Working with the public in a retail setting is BRUTAL! It is definitely worse than being a ED nurse.
Why are you doing self portraits? I want to improve my photo taking skills, photo taking skills from different perspectives and explore more of "who I am."

FREAK! That's me.....
How do you spend your weekdays? - well if I am not working I want and LOVE to spend my time with my fam!!!!
Who lives in your house? - My three kids. My hubby Norm, my oldest daughter (And mini-me) Natalie, and my youngest daughter Rowan!
Favorite pastime? hmmmmmm that is a toss up between knitting and scrapbooking. Depending on the moment and the place one or the other.
Worst job? Working at a JoAnn Fabric store. I started out as seasonal help during the Christmas season and offered a part time job while I was in nursing school. I also worked in a hospital as a Nurse Tech. Working with the public in a retail setting is BRUTAL! It is definitely worse than being a ED nurse.
Why are you doing self portraits? I want to improve my photo taking skills, photo taking skills from different perspectives and explore more of "who I am."
good for you--- challenging yourself, i hope to get better at photo taking too. cute photo!
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