11 August 2005

Sassy Hair

Sassy Hair
Originally uploaded by Freakrn.
This picture has nothing to do with the blog entry - EXCEPT for the fact that this was Nat's "Sassy Do" she got at a Family Fun day she went to last week with her Friend she visited in MI. She was so excited that - FINALLY at the age of EIGHT YEARS - she could "color" her hair like mommy does. (I don't recall doing the green and purple streaks - but definitely varying shades of shocking red yes.....)

So - tomorrow AM we head out BRIGHT and early for The Mall of America!! I don't know who is more excited - the girls or me??? The girls have been semi packed for the past three days. I say "semi" cause I keep unpacking them so they can wear the clothes, shoes and et al NOW.
I know I can't wait to get away for a few days. Yesterday I had this horrible migraine that totally took me out for four hours. I know it's gotta be just stress and work.... So - getting away with the fam will be nice.
Three girls - shops galore - a swimming pool and sleeping in???? PRICELESS!!!!

So back to the hair.... you think it's her first overt act of rebellion? I guess if this is the extent of her rebellion - sassy hair - I should be safe yes????


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