08 June 2005


MY NEW SHOES were waiting for me as I walked in the door this morning from work at 0330! These are just too cute. Normally I am a flip flop kinda woman - but I need some "cute" and "styling" walking shoes for here and Australia. A colleague (the one that taught me how to wear spaghetti tees) had a pair of these on - hot pink no less - and led me to the www. They are Rocket Dogs and the most comfortable shoes I have worn lately. I can't wait to actually try them out. You have got to check these shoes out. They even have FLIP FLOPS!!! They come in different styles and colors.
Note the Orange contrast to the black. Note the Asian symbols on the side. Note th soles... These are delicious. They look good with my capris, shorts, jeans, khakis and yes - the occasional skirt (If I am walking that is!!!!!) A pleasant end to a not so pleasant night! Praise God!

Now if only my book had come from Amazon....... {{{Big Sigh}}}
 Posted by Hello


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