03 June 2005

Can't fall asleep......

I can't fall asleep...... I was hoping journaling would help. So here I sit with my Prayer journal. Nope that doesn't work. I see the computer ever looming in my scrap book room/office. So here I sit so frustrated at my insominac bouts and days of running around in a fog because of it. I am sure it's due to my lack of "exercise", my increase in "caffiene", and my hap-hazard approach to my "nutrition." I am not sure attacking any of the three would help at this point to. As I am sitting here typing this, listening to the bar crowd disperse home- nice springy/summer nite with the windows open here in the windy city..) there is a car contantly beeping his horn down below. If I wasn't suffering from insomnia - I would be ready to destroy this guy. I do fear that my insomnia and foggy day's is totally responsible for my crankiness and lack of patience. Aggggggggggggggggh Sleep is ever so far away it seems. I think I will retire with my prayer journal and hopefully fall blissfully asleep dreaming up page layouts for my ever growing stack of photos of my girls!!!


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