26 August 2006

Time out

Not that my life hasn't been filled with many different activities from work to school to home life stuff - keeping me insanely busy - but currently I find myself derailed in Florida. I am spending some quality time with my mom and do not have any time to blog. I wanted to acknowledge all the wonderful emails, text messages and phone calls from my dear friends and collegues. Some of you have heard my frustrations over the legalities of DNR in Florida and have let me vent through blubbers of angry tears. Others of you have called me almost daily to check on me. Some of you have recieved my ranting text messages and returned with a bit of humor to break the stress. I appreciate each and everyone of you and Thank God that you have been there for me and my family. I have been rapped up in my own drama that I forget to thank you guys and sitting here in the wee hours of the night in a WIRELESS Hospital room has given me the opportunity to realize how BLESSED I am to have you all in my lives.

Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!!!


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