A great mail day!!!!
I just got home from work and trying to finish up my packing to go to .....

The Scrapbook Expo!!!!!!
I am so excited. Norm and I are in classes, the girls are going with us and we are making it a family get away weekend! (So needed!!!!)
I got home to this........

in the mail (CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT!!!!)
AND this!!!!

I know it looks like school work.... but this stuff really interests me!
AND I go these in the mail!!!!!

I know it looks like threads inbetween papers.... but go to my phunky site for why I am so excited!!!!
Okay - back to packing!!!!

The Scrapbook Expo!!!!!!
I am so excited. Norm and I are in classes, the girls are going with us and we are making it a family get away weekend! (So needed!!!!)
I got home to this........

in the mail (CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT!!!!)
AND this!!!!

I know it looks like school work.... but this stuff really interests me!
AND I go these in the mail!!!!!

I know it looks like threads inbetween papers.... but go to my phunky site for why I am so excited!!!!
Okay - back to packing!!!!
Wow! Wish I had mail days like that more often! Have fun with all your goodies!
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