22 June 2005

A date????

We had a date last nite!!!! One of the Mission students at our church offered to be a babysitter - so we took her up on it. It's been so long - that I had to look up the definition....
A date (v)- 1 : to reckon chronologically 2 : ORIGINATE (a friendship dating from college days) 3 : to become dated 4 : to go out on usually romantic dates - dat·able also date·able /'dA-t&-b&l/ adjective- dat·er /'dA-t&r/ noun

We went to the Navy Pier to see Batman Begins on the IMAX! Great movie!! I say this without knowing that Katie Holmes was in it. I actually was unaware until I was reading another person's blog, Unbelievably Random, and they referenced a recent media press release from Steven Spielberg. Frankly - I find the whole thing nauseating. The movie survives with or without Katie Holmes immature acting. Christian Bale totally carries the film. The supporting cast (except Katie Holmes) was equally as impressive. It's a return to Goth Bathman as I remember it from my childhood - and the graphic novels I loved. Imax just took it up a notch - BAM!!
It still amazes me how - we can watch a movie that takes MILLIONS to produce, so many nuances of editing, technical additions, touchups and enhancements - for a few dollars. (Really - $12.00 for a IMAX ticket is not bad, $9.00 for a movie in general - not bad.)
We ended up having a nice dinner we shared - Shrimp and Mahi Mahi. we gorged ourselves on popcorn at the theatre (can't watch a movie without popcorn - butter on the bottom, middle and top - and lotsa salt. YES I know it's not real butter but oil flavored with butter taste....)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed. And Tom Cruise does not make a movie. I plan on going to see War of the Worlds just because just because. HOWEVER, could care less that Tom Cruise is even in the staring role. I think that might even take away from the movie.


11:06 AM  

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